1. Students should dress appropriately for the predicted weather.
2. Students should wear an Olympic Day shirt or colored shirt that corresponds with their team color: RED, GREEN, or BLUE.
3. Please have students wear sneakers. NO CLEATS ARE ALLOWED.
4. Students should cover up to avoid sunburn and apply sun block (SPF 30 or higher). NOTE: Staff members are not permitted to apply sun block for students. Only Health Suite staff may assist if needed.
5. Morning and afternoon Kindergarten students will arrive at their regular times. The morning class will participate in the morning relay activities, and the afternoon class will participate in the afternoon relay activities.
6. Parents/Guardians will not have access to the building during Olympic Day, with the exception of using the restroom. Access to restrooms will be limited through door # 9. Restrooms are located next to the gymnasium.
7. Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria with their class. Grades Five and Six will eat in the courtyard during their designated time. The lunch schedule is as follows:
11:40 to 12:10 Grades Two, Four and Six
12:15 to 12:45 Grades One, Three and Five
8. Lunches are available for $2.80. The lunch menu will be Wedge Pizza or Wow Butter & Jelly. Lunches include chips, carrots, celery sticks, peach cups and milk. Extra slices of pizza are available for $2.20
NOTE: Lunches will only be served to A. M. Kulp students.
9. All students will be inside the building at 11:25AM with their classroom teachers for our Lunch Break. Parents/Guardians will not have access to the building for any reason from 11:25AM until 12:55PM.
10. Water bottles have been donated by our wonderful Home & School Association. Each student will receive one at the beginning of the day. Water coolers will be available for your student to refill this bottle during the day. Water bottles must be used responsibly or they will be taken away.
11. Parents/Guardians expecting to pick up their student(s) from school after Olympic Day MUST complete a Student Pick-Up Form and submit it by May 20, 2016.
12. All students are reminded that cheering and supporting their team, as well as other teams, are part of good sportsmanship and the philosophy of our Olympic Day.