New Licensing Arrangements for motorhomes/motorcaravans
From 1st August 2013 a change was introduced for the licensing of all vehicles type approved within the M1SP category and this includes motorhomes/motorcaravans.
It is important to note that when licensing newly registered vehicles in this category for the first time, DVLA representatives should only be considering the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) for the final stage vehicle. Although, all other CoCs (ie first stage, second stage CoCs) relating to the vehicle must also be provided to the DVLA.
Where original first or second stage base vehicles are converted by manufacturers to a motorhome, the conversion process will affect the original emissions figure stated by the first stage base vehicle manufacturer.
Therefore, most motorhome/motorcaravan manufacturers/converters do not quote a CO2 emissions figure on the final stage CoC. Accordingly, the CO2 emissions field on the final stage CoC will normally be left blank when registering the vehicle via Automatic First Registration & Licensing AFRL or with a V55/4 form.
Where no CO2 emissions are present on the final stage CoC for the finished vehicle it must be licensed in the Private Light Goods or Private Heavy Goods Vehicle taxation class, depending on weight.
If however the motorhome/motorcaravan manufacturer/converter has stated a CO2 emissions figure on the final stage CoC for the finished vehicle then the motorhome/motorcaravan should be licensed in a vehicle taxation class based on its CO2 emissions. Where the CO2 figure is provided on the final stage CoC this will be captured and recorded on the vehicle record.
If you are unsure as to which CoC covers the final stage approval for the finished vehicle it is the one which has the same type approval number as that stated on the V55/4 Registration form.
Gary Baker John Lally
Vehicle Registration and Licensing Policy Director General
Corporate Affairs Directorate Catherine House
D16 Victoria Road
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Aldershot
Swansea GU11 1SS