Grizzly Gazette Staff Scavenger Hunt and Fact Find

DIRECTIONS: You are to complete this task IN YOUR GROUP. You group has been assigned and all members of your group MUST participate and you all must STAY TOGETHER. This piece of paper is your hall pass.

Parts of this activity will require you to travel to different parts of campus. When you reach your destination, take a photo of that general area so I know that you went to each location. Other parts of this activity will test you on your general knowledge. When you answer those questions, please indicate the resource you used to find the answer. You MUST research ALL responses (“My brain” is not an acceptable source).

REMEMBER: While you are out on campus you are representing The Grizzly Gazette. Please conduct yourself in a responsible manner. That means be quiet and respectful and DO NOT DISTURB ANY CLASSES that are in session. If I hear back from other teachers, security officers or administrators that you were ANYTHING less than PERFECT while you were out on campus, you will not receive credit for this assignment.


Go to the staff copy/mail room. PICTURE: ______.

Find a CUSD-owned vehicleon campus. PICTURE: ______.

Identify each of the following journalists and why they are famous.

Bob Woodward______.

William Randolph Hearst______.

Helen Thomas______.

Go to the Grizzly Shack. PICTURE: ______.

Find the Photo teacher.PICTURE: ______.

Visit the Principal’s secretary. What is her name? ______.

Find the choir room and instructor.PICTURE:______.

This personis the head of the English Department. ______.

Who is the athletic director? Find his/her office. PICTURE: ______.

You need this many credits to graduate from Basha. ______.

Arizona has threemajor universities. Which is the 3rd largest? ______.

This is Arizona’s primary agricultural crop. ______.

This is the name of the BHS Yearbook. ______.

Go to Mrs. Agostini’s door. PICTURE: ______.

Name five countries in Africa. ______.

The largest concert hall in Chandler is ______.

Find Mr. Crippen. What does he do? ______PICTURE:______.

Introduce yourselfto one of Crippen’s students. PICTURE ______.

Who are the assistant principals? ______.

Where were the Summer Olympics in 1984? ______.

What day of the week is Election Day? ______Does it change? ______.

This country has finished in the top three of each of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Championships. ______.

This teacher advises the Yearbook ______. PICTURE: ______.

How many words are in the First Amendment? ______.

What motto does The New York Times print in its upper left corner? ______.

How many newspapers does our school library carry? ______.

List five books that have been censored. ______.

Find and copy the news story that won a Pulitzer Prize but was made up.

What is the difference between libel and slander? ______


Find a place where you can get food.PICTURE:______.

Find a classroom teacher who is also a football coach. PICTURE: ______.