The Properties Master/Mistress
Brief Description: The Prop. Master/Mistress is responsible for obtaining and/or preparing all hand props, stage props, and set dressing for a production.
General Responsibilities
§ A prop master is responsible for working with the scenic designer/TD and director to provide properties as called for by the production. ______
§ The props master will be responsible for acquiring properties by any acceptable means necessary and available to them. (pull, borrow, build, rent, or buy)
§ The prop master must have a working knowledge of materials and construction techniques, as well as a grasp of the appropriate methods for borrowing and buying props. ______
§ Attend all Production meetings ______
Pre-Production Responsibilities
§ Read and become familiar with the script (as soon as available) ______
§ Create a spreadsheet detailing the following information about props/dressing which can be gleaned from the script: page #, prop name, number needed, description/use (prior to auditions) ______
§ Meet with the director and go through your proposed list, making additions and deletions as necessary (before 1st rehearsal) ______
§ Meet with the set designer to get details on props that the director may not have had, especially furniture and set dressing. Study the set designer’s plans to become thoroughly familiar with the design and scheme of the production (before 1st rehearsal) ______
Rehearsal Period Responsibilities
§ Create another spreadsheet where you will continuously keep up with the following information as you gather props for the show: Prop name, Number needed, Number attained, Origin, Special instructions, Date returned (during 1st week of rehearsals) ______
§ Meet with SM to decide which rehearsal props will be needed and when. Assist the SM in gathering these temporary props. (during 1st week of rehearsal) ______
§ Designate an area where show props can be kept secured during the rehearsal/gathering process. This can be a table or shelf in the prop room or any other approved, secure location. (during 1st week of rehearsal) ______
§ Begin to acquire final show props. If show props can be used for rehearsals, make them available to the SM and give instructions as to proper care and storage. ______
§ Arrange with TD for trips to pick up and/or search for props. Any prop borrowed from an outside source must be pre-approved by the TD and pick-up must be arranged (before tech week) ______
§ Borrowed props must be treated with the UTMOST care. They must be returned in BETTER condition than they arrived, if at all possible. Give any program acknowledgements regarding the loan or donation of props or services to the TD (before tech week) ______
§ Consult with the TD, if need be, on any props needing to be bought. Turn in all receipts for reimbursement (before tech. week) ______
§ Stay in close communication with the director and designers (set, costume, lights) to ensure that all props obtained fit the concept of the production and its technical needs ______
§ Read all rehearsal reports nightly to look for updates in prop needs ______
§ All final hand props should be ready for use ONE WEEK PRIOR TO OPENING ______
§ All final set props/furniture should be ready for use by the 1ST TECH REHEARSAL ______
§ All set dressing should be completed by the 1ST TECH REHEARSAL ______
§ On stage prop storage areas and tables should be set up and taped/marked out (before the 1st tech rehearsal) ______
§ Create a final prop checklist (and schematic, if necessary) to thoroughly document the placement and timing of all props used in the show. You may organize this however you like, but the documentation MUST be thorough and clear enough that anyone else could pick it up and run props for the show, if necessary (before the 1st tech rehearsal) ______
§ Walk through prop setup with Actors, the SM and ASMs (before the 1st tech rehearsal) ______
Performance Responsibilities
§ Arrive in full blacks at least 10 minutes prior to crew call for each performance, unless an ASM has been designated to run props for the performances. In that case, the ASM should be made aware of this and the following “Performance Responsibilities” ______
§ Complete pre-show set up, including any preparation of perishables. Go through your checklist multiple times to ensure that everything is properly set up and prepared for the opening. This must be completed before house opens each night/day ______
§ Remain in the backstage area, keeping props organized and helping as pre-arranged with any scene changes and prop setups throughout the show. Also, be prepared to make any quick repairs to props which may break or malfunction during the run. Always keep spare batteries for battery-operated props and any other necessary repair tools backstage (hot glue, tape, pins, etc.) ______
§ Inventory all props at the end of each show and ensure that everything is accounted for ______
§ Perform any necessary cleanup relating to props (food, snow, glitter etc.) ______
§ Store any props that need to be locked up or that are out and in danger of being tampered with before the next performance ______
Post-Performance Responsibilities
§ After the final performance, immediately secure any props which are: fragile, perishable, borrowed or expensive ______
§ Attend strike and clear all props from the stage area, storing any tables used solely for props.
§ Work with the Props Manager to clean and return all stock props to the prop room. New props should be stored in the appropriate location, as designated by the Props Manager. ______
§ Return all borrowed and rented props WITHIN TWO DAYS OF CLOSING ______