Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarship Programme
Application Form 2010/2011
Please complete this application form in accordance with the ‘terms and conditions’ of the Programme and ensure that the following supporting material is included:
- Proof of academic record: a non-returnable transcript of academic record, appropriately stamped or endorsed by the relevant third-level institution and/or copies of degree certificates;
- A letter of acceptance or provisional acceptance to the degree from the Head of Department or his/her deputy at the relevant third-level institution;
- Appropriately sealed and signed references from two referees. (The research supervisor for each applicant must act as a referee. Where this is not the case, an explanatory note from the research supervisor should accompany the application);
- Description of the project for which the scholarship is being sought (NO MORE THAN 2,500 words) to include:
- The working title of the project
- Location of the proposed project within the current literature (NO MORE THAN 1,000 words);
- Methodology, to include aims and objectives, methodological approach, methods, data analysis, ethical other issues and progress to date. If ethical approval for the project has been granted, please submit proof of same (NO MORE THAN 1,000 words); and
- Significance of the contribution, which the project will make, to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy (NO MORE THAN 500 words). This section should make explicit reference to the way in which the research will assist in the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy.
- Completed checklist of documentation required.
- Each page must be numbered
Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned.
Please return the completed application form and supporting documentation by 12 noon, Friday, 16th April 2010, to:
Research Division
Department of Health and Children
Hawkins House
Hawkins Street
Dublin 2
Tel: 01-6743213
Applications sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
1.Applicant’s details:
Applicant’s detailsApplicant’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Contact Address:
- Undergraduate Career:
Institution attended / Years registered / Title of qualifications /
/ Awarding institution / Level/class/grade / Date conferred
- Post-Graduate Career:
Institution attended / Years registered / Title of qualifications1 / Subjects / Awarding institution / Level/class/
grade2 / Date conferred
1In the case of masters award, please indicate whether the programme was assessed by examination or by major thesis.
2If you have not yet graduated, please state when your examination results will be available.
- Masters or Doctoral Degree by Research:
Type / Masters / Doctorate
Subject Area
Registered/Awarding Institution
Department where research is being/will be carried out
Month/Year in which research degree began/will begin
Proposed/actual finishing month/year
No. of years registered in programme
If a new student, have you:
(a) already applied to the programme
(b) been accepted
(c) been recommended
(d) identified a supervisor / Yes
□ / No
□ / Yes
□ / No
Name of Research Director/Supervisor
Have your studies been interrupted?
(If so, please give details. Use additional page if necessary) / Yes
□ / No
□ / Yes
□ / No
- Working Title and Overview of proposed research project
(NO MORE THAN 200 words):
- Papers Published/Accepted for Publication:
Title / Where Published/Submitted / Year
- Conference Presentations:
Title / Conference / Year
- Other Relevant Academic/Professional Details:
- Details of other grants, awards, scholarships or fellowships:
Description of grant, award, scholarship or fellowship / Source of grant, award, scholarship or fellowship / Period held / Amount
- Academic References (to include research supervisor):
Academic references
Name of Referee 1: / Name of Referee 2:
Position: / Position:
Address: / Address:
Tel/E-mail: / Tel/E-mail:
I declare that the above particulars are correct and understand that the circulated ‘terms and conditions’ of this Programme apply. I accept that failure to abide by the ‘terms and conditions’ may disqualify me from this Programme.
Signature of applicant:______
Endorsement by College Authorities
I hereby endorse this application to the Office of the Minster for Children and Youth Affairs for a Research Scholarship according to the ‘terms and conditions’ of the Programme. I confirm that the applicant is pursuing the degree stated in paragraph 4 above.
Signature of Research Director/Supervisor:______
Signature of Department Head/his or her nominee:______
Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
Research Scholarship Programme
Record of Application:
Scholarship topicScholarship type
Scholarship duration
Third level institute
Has the research commenced?
Checklist of Items Enclosed in Application. Please ensure word count is adhered to:
Completed Application Form / □Proof of academic record / □
Letter of acceptance / □
Reference 1 (Signed and sealed) / □
Reference 2 (Signed and sealed) / □
Working Title and Description of project / □
Location of project / □
Significance of contribution / □
Methodology / □
Where did you hear about the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarship Programme?
Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarship Programme
Referee’s Report (Referee 1)
Part 1 (to be completed by applicant)
Applicant’s detailsName of applicant:
Address of applicant:
Title of project:
Part 2 (to be completed by referee)
I have known the applicant from ______to ______as his/her professor/lecturer/tutor/employer/research adviser/other capacity (please delete as appropriate).
How would you rank the applicant in comparison with other students whom you have supervised/assessed over the past five years?
Top 2% □Top 5% □Top 10% □Top 20%Other □
How would you rank the applicant in comparison with other students whom you have supervised/assessed in your professional career?
Top 2% □Top 5% □Top 10% □Top 20%Other □
Please comment on your rankings
Referee’s detailsName of referee:
Name of Institution:
Referee’s Comments:
Please comment on the description of the project for which the scholarship is being sought including the location of the proposed project within the current literature; the methodology, the significance of the contribution, which the project will make, to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy; and the academic development and professional distinction of the applicant.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Note: Please return the completed form directly to the applicant in a sealed envelope with your signature on the back of the envelope.
Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
Research Scholarship Programme
Referee’s Report (Referee 2)
Part 1 (to be completed by applicant)
Applicant’s detailsName of applicant:
Address of applicant:
Title of project:
Part 2 (to be completed by referee)
I have known the applicant from ______to ______as his/her professor/lecturer/tutor/employer/research adviser/other capacity (please delete as appropriate).
How would you rank the applicant in comparison with other students whom you have supervised/assessed over the past five years?
Top 2% □Top 5% □Top 10% □Top 20%Other □
How would you rank the applicant in comparison with other students whom you have supervised/assessed in your professional career?
Top 2% □Top 5% □Top 10% □Top 20%Other □
Please comment on your rankings
Referee’s detailsName of referee:
Name of Institution:
Referee’s Comments:
Please comment on the description of the project for which the scholarship is being sought including the location of the proposed project within the current literature; the methodology, the significance of the contribution, which the project will make, to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy; and the academic development and professional distinction of the applicant.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Note: Please return the completed form directly to the applicant in a sealed envelope with your signature on the back of the envelope.
Terms and Conditions
- The purpose of this Programme is to promote the research capacity in relation to children’s issues within the Republic of Ireland. This Programme will provide funding to pursue one of the following post-graduate degrees at a recognised third-level institution in the Republic of Ireland:
- A masters degree by research;
- A doctoral degree by research.
Applications to pursue one-year taught degrees, or degrees where a thesis constitutes the minor part of the programme, are not eligible.
- This Programme supports research, which is directly related to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy and which might not normally be considered for funding by mainstream sources.
- A recognised third-level institution must be within the meaning of Section One of the Higher Education Act, 1971 and/or be in receipt of public funding and be approved by the Minister for Education and Science for the purposes of the Free Fees Initiative.
- Candidates from any country may apply. However, successful applicants must:
- Maintain their principal residence in the Republic of Ireland during the term of the scholarship.
- If not a national of a member country of the European Union, must satisfy the State’s regulations on immigration and have the support of his/her host institution with respect to these regulations and requirements. Arrangements with respect to immigration will be a matter for settlement between the proposed awardee and his/her host institution in Ireland.
- Candidates must have the qualifications to register for, and complete, a post-graduate degree by major thesis.
- Those who already hold a doctoral degree, or who hope to attain a doctoral degree for a project other than one which is being presented under this Programme, are not eligible.
- Applicants must be registered for one of the degrees listed in paragraph 1 or, if they are not registered, must have been provisionally accepted by a Head of Department/School. The award of the scholarship will be contingent on the applicant being formally accepted by the relevant department/school.
- The applicant’s Head of Department or his/her deputy must endorse the application form and confirm the type of degree that the candidate will pursue/is pursuing. A letter of acceptance or provisional acceptance to the degree from the Head of Department or his/her deputy must be included with the application form.
- These scholarships will be called the ‘Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarships’.
- Applicants should complete and return the application form and include the supporting materials (see paragraph 11), which should be unbound to facilitate photocopying for the Evaluation Group. Incomplete applications will not be processed. The word count must be adhered to.
- Applicants should submit the following supporting material with their application form:
- Proof of academic record: a non-returnable transcript of academic record, appropriately stamped or endorsed by the relevant third-level institution and/or copies of degree certificates;
- A letter of acceptance or provisional acceptance to the degree from the Head of Department or his/her deputy at the relevant third-level institution;
- Appropriately sealed and signed references from two referees. (The research supervisor for each applicant must act as a referee. Where this is not the case, an explanatory note from the research supervisor should accompany the application); and
- Description of the project for which the scholarship is being sought (NO MORE THAN 2,500 words) to include:
- The working title of the project
- Location of the proposed project within the current literature (NO MORE THAN 1,000 words);
- Methodology, to include aims and objectives, methodological approach, methods, data analysis, ethical and other issues and progress to date. If ethical approval for the project has been granted, please submit proof of same (NO MORE THAN 1,000 words). If ethical approval has not yet been granted, proof of ethical approval will be required when it becomes available at the interim review date if appropriate;
- Significance of the contribution, which the project will make, to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy (NO MORE THAN 500 words).
- Applications, which may be short listed, will be assessed and the scholarships awarded by the members of the Evaluation Group, which was established under the National Children’s Strategy. The applications will be placed in an order of merit based on an assessment under the following headings:
- Location of the proposed project within the current literature: 20%
- Methodology, to include aims and objectives, methodological approach, methods, data analysis, ethical other issues and progress to date: 35%
- Significance of the contribution, which the project will make, to progressing the implementation of the National Children’s Strategy: 15%
- The academic development and professional distinction of the applicant: 30%
The minimum standard required is 50% of the total marks in each of the categories of the marking scheme outlined above.
The Evaluation Group decision on the award of these scholarships will be final.
- The scholarship is valued at €16,000 per annum, which will cover maintenance and support for fieldwork/archival research. The payments will be made through the third-level institution to the scholar in two equal instalments in November and March. University/college fees will also be paid for the successful applicants. Applicants must inform the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if they are in receipt of other grants, awards, scholarships or fellowships and the source and amount of funding being received.
Those in receipt of other grants, awards, scholarships or fellowships in excess of €10,000 are not eligible.
14.Scholarships may not be held or continued at an institution other than that specified in the application form or held to provide funding for a project other than what has been presented in the application form, except with the prior agreement of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.
- Scholarships will be awarded only to those who are full-time students and who will engage full-time in research during the period of the scholarship. Scholars may be allowed to engage in a limited number of teaching hours per week in the institution where the degree is being pursued, subject to the prior agreement of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and the scholar’s supervisor.
- Scholarships will be awarded for periods of one, two or three years at the discretion of the Evaluation Group.
- Scholars who are pursuing masters’ degrees by research may be funded (depending on the date of their first registration for such degrees) for one or two years, provided that they have been registered for such a degree for no longer that one year prior to October 2010.
- Scholars who are pursuing doctoral degrees may be given one, two or three years funding (depending on the date of their first registration for such degrees) provided that they have been registered for this degree for no longer than three years prior to October 2010.
Allowances may be made in the above conditions for those who have taken leave from their degree programmes; however, details of these circumstances must be included with the application form for the scholarships.
- Scholars are expected to maintain an actual presence within their respective departments/schools during the academic year and to have regular contact with their supervisors. Scholars may be permitted with the prior approval of their supervisor and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, to spend some period away from the institution to pursue a course relevant to their research or to engage in fieldwork/archival research.
- Scholars will be required to submit a written progress report to the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs by Monday 1st March 2010 and Monday, 1st November 2010 and where applicable at agreed dates in March and November for the second and third year of the scholarship. These reports should be accompanied by an evaluation from the scholar’s supervisor on the progress of the research. The submission of these reports by the scholar and the supervisor are a condition of holding and renewing continuing the scholarship. If an unsatisfactory report on the scholar’s progress is received, the scholarship will be terminated and the scholar may be asked to refund monies that have been paid to him/her.
- If the scholar ceases the approved research before the expiry of the award, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs must be informed immediately. In this situation, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs reserves the right to revoke or suspend the scholarship and demand the refund of any money paid to the scholar for a period subsequent to the termination date. However, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs will take into account any extenuating circumstances before making this decision.
- Scholarships may not be deferred, other than in exceptional circumstances and the prior agreement of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs must be obtained.
- A hard bound copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs at the end of the scholarship period.
- The scholar will be required to give a presentation on her/his research at the end of the scholarship period. This presentation will be organised in conjunction with the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.
- Any public lectures and/or publications, which arise from the research work carried out during the period of the scholarship, should contain an acknowledgement of the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarship Programme.
- The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Research Scholarships are held subject to these listed ‘terms and conditions’. Scholars will be required to sign a contract in accordance with the ‘terms and conditions’ of the Programme, in order to receive the scholarship. If any of these ‘terms and conditions’ are breached, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs may suspend or terminate the scholarship and/or may require the scholar to reimburse the Office for payments already made.
- The assessment of applications forms for participation in this Programme will not be concluded before the end of June 2010. Interviews may be held.
- Application forms and supporting documentation should be returned by 12 noon, Friday, 16th April 2010, to:
Research Division