Spanish-Language Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement
Revision history:
May 24, 2013, original document.
November 21, 2013, Revised after review by bilingual CPS field interviewers.Minor changes were made to improve flow throughout. Salient revisions made universally were to change “casa” to “hogar,” “comestibles” to “comida,” and “niños o jóvenes” to “niños/jóvenes” (leaving final wording to interviewer judgment).
This document includes both English and Spanish versions of each question in the Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS), along with specifications for skips and variable fills in English. (Some questions, follow-up questions,and entire sections of the questionnaire are skipped based on response to previous questions or on the age and sex of household members. The exact wording of some questions is variable depending on household composition and responses to previous questions.)The CPS-FSS is conducted using computerized interviewing instruments (CAPI and CATI). Some questions may need to be modified or omitted if the survey is administered by interviewers using paper and pencil questionnaires. The document is based on the December 2013 questionnaire; the questionnaire has changed little in recent years except to update State names for SNAP and the calculation of the “POORCK” variable.
The CPS-FSS questionnaire includes five sections:
- Food Expenditures
- Minimum Spending Needed to Have Enough Food
- Food Program Participation
- Food Sufficiency and Food Security
- Ways of Coping with Not Having Enough Food
Translation and cognitive testing of sections I, II, III, and V were conducted by Mathematica Policy Research under a contract with Economic Research Service, USDA.A report on the translation and cognitive testing is available by email request from Economic Research Service (contact information at Wording of some questions was modified from that recommended by Mathematica Policy Research after consultation with Census Bureau bilingual field interviewers.
Translation of Section IV was based on earlier Spanish translations and cognitive testing, including Harrison et al. (“Development of a Spanish-Language Version of the U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module,” by Gail G. Harrison, Ame Stormer,Dena R. Herman, andDonna M. Winham, Journal of Nutrition 133(4): 1192-1197, April 2003), National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (National Center for Health Statistics), and National Health Interview Survey (National Center for Health Statistics). Adaptation from the source translations and translation of the follow-up questions on frequency of occurrence were carried out by Mark Nord, Economic Research Service, USDA, and Adriana Zorrilla, Chris Kocsis, and Maria Riegger, Food and Nutrition Service, USDA. Reviews were provided by Winna T. Rivera Soto, University of Puerto Rico, and by bilingual Census Bureau field interviewers.
English and Spanish versions of the core food security module—the questions used to assess the food security of households—are available at:
<SNAPNAME1> and <SNAPNAME2> are State-specific names for the SNAP/Food Stamp Program. These are updated each year if States change the name they use for this program. If a State uses a name other than “Food Stamp” or “SNAP,” then <SNAPNAME1> and <SNAPNAME2> include both the State’s name for the program and “SNAP.”
POORCK identifies households with income that may be below 185 percent of the Federal poverty line (POORCK=1). It is based on the number of individuals in the household and income range (HUFAMINC) and is updated each year for inflation.
[LEAD for one-person households] This month we are asking some questions about food used in your household and the ways you are managing to meet your food needs.
Este mes estamos haciendo algunas preguntas sobre lacomida usada en su hogar y lo que está haciendo para satisfacer sus necesidades de comida.
[Lead for two or more person households] This month we are asking some questions about food used in your household and the ways you are managing to meet your food needs.(/The best person to answer would be the adult most knowledgeableabout food shopping and meal preparation. Would that be you orsomeone else?)
Este mes estamos haciendo algunas preguntas sobre la comida usada en su hogar y lo que (está/están) haciendo para satisfacer sus necesidades de comida. ( /La mejor persona para contestar sería el adulto con mayor conocimiento acerca de las compras de comida y preparación de comida. ¿Esa persona sería usted o alguna otra persona?
[Change respondent if needed and available, otherwise continue with current respondent]
[If group quarters, go to S9]
S1AIf more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
These first questions are about all the places at which you bought food LAST
WEEK. By LAST WEEK, I mean from Sunday through Saturday.
First, did (you/anyone in your household) shop for food at a supermarket or grocery store LAST WEEK?
Blind <D> or <R>
Las primeras preguntas son acerca de todos los lugares donde (compró/compraron) comida LA SEMANA PASADA. Cuando digo LA SEMANA PASADA, quiero decir de domingo a sábado.
Primero, ¿compró (usted/su hogar) comida en un supermercado, bodega o tienda de comida LA SEMANA PASADA?
SCOMPLIf onpath entry, D or R in S1A then set SCOMPL=1 otherwise set SCOMPL=0
S1BIf more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
Think about other places where people buy food, such as meat markets, produce stands, bakeries, warehouse clubs, and convenience stores. Did (you/anyone in your household) buy food from any stores such as these
Blind <D> or <R>
Piense en otros lugares donde la gente compra comida, tal como carnicerías, verdulerías, panaderías, clubes de almacenes, y tiendas de conveniencia. ¿Compró (usted/su hogar) comida de alguna de estas tiendas LA SEMANA PASADA?
S1CIf more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 6 fill with second option else fill with first option else fill with first option in first parenthetical.
If one or more HHMEM=1 with AGE between 6 and 18 then fill second parenthetical else fill blank.
LAST WEEK, did (you/anyone in your household) buy food at a restaurant, fast food place, cafeteria, or vending machine? (Include any children who may have bought food at the school cafeteria).
Blind <D> or <R>
LA SEMANA PASADA, ¿compró (usted/su hogar) comida en un restaurante, lugar de comida rápida, cafetería, o de una máquina expendedora? ( /Incluya a cualquier niño que pueda haber comprado comida en la cafetería de la escuela.)
S1DIf more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with
second option else fill with first option.
Did (you/anyone in your household) buy food from any other kind of place LAST WEEK?
Blind <D> or <R>
¿LA SEMANA PASADA, (compró/compraron) comidaen cualquier otro tipo de lugar?
SCKAIf onpath entry of <2>, <D> or <R> in S1A, S1B, S1C and S1D then skip to S8
else go to SLEAD.
SLEADNow I'm going to ask you about the ACTUAL amount you spent on food
LAST WEEK in all the places where you bought food. Then, since LAST
WEEK may have been unusual for you, I will ask about the amount you
USUALLY spend.
Ahora le voy a preguntar sobre la cantidad EXACTA que gastó en comida LA SEMANA PASADA en todos los lugares donde compró comida. Tal vez LA SEMANA PASADA puede haber sido inusual para usted;después, le preguntaré acerca de la cantidad que gasta USUALMENTE.
<P> Proceed
SCKBIf onpath entry of <1> in S1A then ask S2 else skip to SCKC.
S2If more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
If POOR=1 then fill second parenthetical else fill blank.
How much did (you/anyone in your household) ACTUALLY spend at supermarkets and grocery stores LAST WEEK (including any purchases made with <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits)?
¿Cuánto gastó (usted/su hogar) en supermercados bodegao tiendas de comida en LA SEMANA PASADA ( /incluyendo compras hechas con beneficios de <STATE NAME FOR SNAP> o de cupones para alimentos)?
$_ _ _.00
S2CKIf entry of <0> in S2 goto S2CK1A else store entry in S2O. If S2O is between $1.00 and $450.00 goto S3A else if S2O is equal to D or R go to SCKC otherwise go to S2RC.
S2CK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT *******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S2O
<1-999> GOTO S2CK1B
S2CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S2O
<1-999> GOTO S2RG
S2RGAdd the entries in S2CK1A and S2CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S2O. If S2O is between $1.00 and $450.00 go to S3A otherwise go to S2RC.
S2RC*****************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT*******************
Amount spent recorded as: (entry in S2O) Is this entry correct?
<1>YES (GO TO S3A)
S2COR***************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT****************
Incorrect entry was recorded as:(entry in S2O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S2O)
S3AHow much of the (fill with S2O) was for non-food items, such as pet food, paper products, alcohol, detergents, or cleaning supplies?
De estos (fill with S2O), ¿qué cantidad fue para artículos no comida, tal como comida para mascotas, productos de papel, alcohol, detergentes, o productos de limpieza?
Enter <1> for whole dollar amount (GOTO S3)
Enter <2> if respondent can only give range (GOTO S3CK2A)
$_ _ _.00
Blind <D> or <R> (GOTO SCKC)
S3Enter whole dollar amount
$_ _ _.00
Store amount in S3O
<1-100> GOTO SCKC
<0, ge 101> GOTO S3RC
S3CK2A ******************DO NOT READ TO ESPONDENT*******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S3O
<1-999> GOTO S3CK2B
S3CK2B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S3O
<1-999> GOTO S3RG
S3RGAdd the entries in S3CK2A and S3CK2B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S3O. Do not allow entry in S3O to be greater than entry in S2O. If S3O is between $1.00 and $100.00 go to SCKC otherwise go to S3RC.
S3RC*************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT**********************
Amount spent recorded as: (entry in S3O)
Is this entry correct?
S3COR***************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT******************
Incorrect entry was recorded as:(entry in S3O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S3O)
Do not allow entry in S3O to be greater than entry in S2O.
SCKCIf onpath entry of <1> in S1B then ask S4 else skip to SCKD.
S4If more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
If POOR=1 then fill second parenthetical with first option else fill with blank.
How much did (you/your household) spend at stores such as meat markets, produce stands, bakeries, warehouse clubs, and convenience stores LAST WEEK (including any purchases made with <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits)?
¿Cuánto gastó (usted/su hogar) en tiendas como carnicerías, verdulerías, panaderías, clubes de almacenes, y tiendas de conveniencia LA SEMANA PASADA ( /incluyendo compras hechas con beneficios de SNAPNAME1> o de cupones para alimentos)?
Enter whole dollar amount
Enter <0> if respondent can only give range
$_ _ _.00
Blind <D> or <R> (GO TO SCKD)
S4CKIf entry of <0> in S4 go to S4CK1A else store entry in S4O. If S4O is between $1.00 and $300.00 go to S5 else if S4O is D or R go to SCKD otherwise go to S4RC.
S4CK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT*******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S4O
<1-999> GOTO S4CK1B
S4CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S4O
<1-999> GOTO S4RG
S4RGAdd the entries in S4CK1A and S4CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S4O. If S4O is between $1.00 and $300.00 go to S5A otherwise go to S4RC.
S4RC*****************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT******************
Amount spent recorded as: (entry in S4O)
Is this entry correct?
<1> Yes (GO TO S5A)
<2> No (GO TO S4COR)
S4COR***************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT********************
Incorrect entry was recorded as: (entry in S4O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S4O)
S5AHow much of the $(fill with S4O) was for non-food items, such as pet food,
paper products, alcohol, detergents, or cleaning supplies?
De estos $(fill with S4O), ¿qué cantidad fue para artículos no comida, como comida para mascotas, productos de papel, alcohol, detergentes, o productos de limpieza?
Enter <1> for whole dollar amount (GOTO S5)
Enter <2> if respondent can only give range (GOTO S5CK1A)
$_ _ _.00
Blind <D> or <R> (GOTO SCKD)
S5Enter whole dollar amount
$_ _ _.00
Store amount in S5O
<1-100> GOTO SCKD
<D, R, 0, ge 101> GOTO S5RC
S5CK1A ******************DO NOT READ TO ESPONDENT*******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S5O
<1-999> GOTO S5CK1B
S5CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S5O
<1-999> GOTO S5RG
S5RGAdd the entries in S5CK1A and S5CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S5O. Do not allow entry in S5O to be greater than entry in S4O. If S5O is between $1.00 and 100.00 go to SCKD else go to S5RC.
S5RC***************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT***************
Amount spent recorded as : (entry in S5O)
Is this entry correct?
<1>Yes (GO TO SCKD)
<2>No (GO TO S5COR)
S5COR***************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT*******************
Incorrect entry was recorded as:(entry in S5O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S5O)
Do not allow entry in S5O to be greater than entry in S4O.
SCKDIf entry of <1> in S1C then ask S6 else skip to SCKE
S6If more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
How much did (you/your household) spend for food at restaurants, fast food places, cafeterias, and vending machines LAST WEEK, not including alcohol purchases?
¿Cuánto gastó (usted/su hogar) en comida en restaurantes, lugares de comida rápida, cafeterías, o máquinas expendedoras LA SEMANA PASADA, sin incluir compras de bebidas alcohólicas?
Enter whole dollar amount
Enter <0> if respondent can only give range
$_ _ _.00
Blind <D> or <R>
If entry is 1-999, D, or R store in S6O
<1-200, D, R> GOTO SCKE
ge 201> GOTO S6RC
S6CK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT *******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S6O
<1-999> GOTO S6CK1B
S6CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S6O
<1-999> GOTO S6RG
S6RGAdd the entries in S6CK1A and S6CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S6O. If S6O is between $1.00 and $200.00 go to SCKE else go to S6RC.
S6RC***************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT*****************
Amount spent recorded as : (entry in S6O)
Is this entry correct?
<1>Yes (GO TO SCKE)
<2>No (GO TO S6COR)
S6COR**************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT********************
Incorrect entry was recorded as:(entry in S6O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S6O)
SCKEIf entry of <1> in S1D then ask S7 else skip to SCKF.
S7If more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill with second option else fill with first option.
How much did (you/your household) spend for food at any other kind of
place LAST WEEK?
¿Cuánto (gastó/gastaron) en comida en cualquier otro tipo de lugar LA SEMANA PASADA?
Enter whole dollar amount
Enter <0> if respondent can only give range
$_ _ _.00
Blind <D> or <R>
If entry is 1-999, D, or R store in S7O
<1-150> GOTO SCKF
ge 151> GOTO S7RC
S7CK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT *******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S7O
<1-999> GOTO S7CK1B
S7CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S7O
<1-999> GOTO S7RG
S7RGAdd the entries in S7CK1A and S7CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S7O. If S7O is between $1.00 and $150.00 go to SCKF otherwise go to S7RC.
S7RC*************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT**********************
Amount spent recorded as: (entry in S7O)
Is this entry correct?
S7COR**************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT*******************
Incorrect entry was recorded as:(entry in S7O)
Correct entry is:
$_ _ _.00 (store entry in S7O)
SCKFIf any amounts 0 or over in S2O, S4O, S6O or S7O then add together and store in SFDAMT. If any amounts 0 or over in S3O or S5O, then add these together and store in SNFAMT. Subtract SNFAMT from SFDAMT and store the result in S8O.
S8AIf (entry of D or R in S2, S4, S6, and S7) or (S8O equals 0) or (onpath entry of <2>, <D>, or <R> in S1A, S1B, S1C and S1D) then fill first parenthetical with first option else fill with second option.
If more than one HHMEM=1 has an AGE equal to or greater than 10 fill remaining parentheticals with second option else fill with first.
If POOR= 1 fill last parenthetical with first option else fill with blank.
(Let's see, it seems that (you/your household) did not buy any food LAST WEEK. / Let's see, (you/your household) spent about (fill with S8O) on food LAST WEEK.) Now think about how much (you/anyone in your household) USUALLY (spend/spends). How much (do you/does your household) USUALLY spend on food at all the different places we've been talking about IN A WEEK? (Please include any purchases made with <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits). Do not include non-food items such as pet food, paper products, detergent or cleaning supplies.
(Veamos, parece que (usted/su hogar) no compró ningún comestible LA SEMANA PASADA. /Veamos, (usted/su hogar) gastó unos (fill with S8O) en comida LA SEMANA PASADA.) Ahora piense en cuánto gasta (usted/su hogar) USUALMENTE. ¿Cuánto gasta (usted/su hogar) USUALMENTE en comida en todos los lugares diferentes que hemos mencionado EN UNA SEMANA? (Por favor incluya cualquier compra hecha con su beneficios de <STATE NAME FOR SNAP> o de cupones para alimentos). No incluya productos no comida tal como comida para mascotas, productos de papel, detergentes o productos de limpieza.
Enter <1> for whole dollar amount
Enter <2> if respondent can only give range
Blind <D> or <R>
If entry is D or R store in S8OU
<1> GOTO S8
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8Enter whole dollar amount
$_ _ _.00
Store amount in S8OU
<1-450> GOTO S8B
ge 451> GOTO S8RC
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8CK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT *******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S8OU
<1-999> GOTO S8CK1B
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8CK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S8OU
<1-999> GOTO S8RG
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8RGAdd the entries in S8CK1A and S8CK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S8OU. If S8OU is between $1.00 and $450.00 go to S8B otherwise go to S8RC.
S8ZAIf that is because you shop for food infrequently, how much would the weekly average be over several weeks?
Si eso se debe a que usted hace compras de comidainfrecuentamente, ¿cuánto sería el promedio semanal durante varias semanas?
Enter <1> for whole dollar amount or if the amount really is zero
Enter <2> if respondent can only give range
Blind <D> or <R>
If entry is D or R store in S8OU
<1> GOTO S8Z
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8ZEnter whole dollar amount
$_ _ _.00
Store amount in S8OU
<1-450> GOTO S8B
ge 451> GOTO S8RC
S8ZCK1A**************DO NOT READ TO RESPONDENT *******************
Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S8OU
<1-999> GOTO S8ZCK1B
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8ZCK1B Enter range reported by respondent
_ _ _.00
If entry is D or R, store in S8OU
<1-999> GOTO S8ZRG
<D, R> GOTO S9
S8ZRGAdd the entries in S8ZCK1A and S8ZCK1B and divide by 2. Store the answer in S8OU. If S8OU is between $1.00 and $450.00 go to S8B otherwise go to S8RC.
S8RC*************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT********************
Amount spent recorded as: (entry in S8OU)
Is this entry correct?
<1>Yes (GO TO S8B)
<2>No (GO TO S8COR)
S8COR*************DO NOT ASK THE RESPONDENT********************
Incorrect entry was recorded as: (entry in S8OU)
Correct entry is:
$ _ _ _ _.00
S8BIf NUMHOU = 1 then fill parenthetical with first option else fill with second
In order to buy just enough food to meet (your needs/the needs of your
household), would you need to spend more than you do now, or could you
spend less?
************************DO NOT READ************************
<1>More (GO TO S8C)
<2>Less (GO TO S8D)