HCS Parent Association
Date: Friday, September 12,2014
Time: 11:45am
Location: Heritage Christian School
Attendance: Mr. Le, Amanda Larson, Krissy Wescott, Janet Carlson, Margo Kelly, Lindsay Funches, Melanie Sawaya, Jeanne Ehlers, Sheri Nevlin, Patty Mykland, Jessica Eugenio, Kate Wendland, Maria Plunket
Welcome and Prayer: VP, Janet Carlson welcomed and prayed at 11:55am
Minutes: Approved last month minutes
Treasurer Report:Melanie explains the treasurers report:
Beginning Balance – August 1-31st=$15,341.34 (1 check $73.06-Dry erase board for PA, Credit-$.22, Statement-$3.00) = $15,265.50
Petty Cash=$47.59 + Uniform Sales = $184.00 = $15,450.09
Principal's Report:Mr. Le says his thank you’s to everyone for the parent orientation. It was the most fun and the highest attendance he has seen. Picture Day-Monday the 22nd for Class pictures, Wednesday the 24th for Individual pictures. Potluck will be on the 26th. October 8th will be a parent day-Chapel is 8:45-9:15am with Pastor Zetterberg, then parents may join their children in the classrooms from 9:15-10am. 5-8th grade-Missions faith in Seattle on Friday October 10th.
Old Business
August Serve Success
Orientation Success
Upcoming Events
International Potluck: Friday, September 26, 6-8pm; Janet mentioned that Anneke suggested to have notecards available to exchange recipes and write what is in the dish to place in front of food. Lexi said she will bring paper for the recipes cards, and Patty will make the cards. Lexi says she will also donate 2 costco cakes for dessert. Jeanne suggests that we have something to encourage families to come with a raffle and a gift of some sort. Nothing final was decided on a raffle or gift. Melanie suggested that we have the heritage car decals available for families that have not received one yet. Melanie also suggests, for amount of food, to bring what works for your family plus a little extra. The PA will provide plates, silverware, drinks (lemonade/water), cups, napkins. PA will be sending out a flier with all the info to the parents next week to bring an international dish to the potluck. Jeanne suggested to have the room parents in charge of decorating a table how they would like for any particular country for families to eat at to get them involved. Amanda said that she would take care of contacting the teachers to get their room parents email addresses for decorating the tables. With it being a family potluck, there will not be any childcare to watch over the kids. We will have tables to eat at and 4 tables for the food, and a table for the dessert. The tables will be in the middle of the gym, the 4 tables will be in the 4 corners of the gym representing the four corners of the world (NESW). On the invites, Margo suggested to have a compass to represent the world. Lindsey suggested to have a table cloth on the floor for kids to sit on if there isn’t enough seating for everyone at the tables. Melanie and Margo will take care of the Lemonade, Jeanne and Margo suggested to have 8th graders watch over the cake table and rotate through the night so the little kids won’t get their hands in it. Jeanne offered to pick up the table cloths.
Hot Lunch: Will be held on October 10, 2014. Same day as the next PA meeting. One of the parents suggested in asking a neighbor, that owns their own food business, if she could get a quote from them about what $3.50 per kids would get us; Just so we have other options that might make it easier. 150 kids is the typical average that choose hot lunch. In the past hot lunch has supplied- A veggie, chips, pizza, burgers, hot dogs, tacos.
Other Info:
PA meetings were suggested to have two or have them in the evenings so more parents were able to attend. Lexi suggested that we stick with our core group, simply because in the many years she has seen the PA, it is typically the same people that attend, whether it is in the morning or at a later time.
Parents in Prayer will be held on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Krissy says that Sheri Shock will put a flier together to send to the parents.
School Board- It was asked what happens at the school board meetings. Bill Sawaya said it is usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. If you want to address anything to school board, anyone is welcome to attend. There is a Regular session that everyone may attend and Executive session that is closed to the public. Most meetings can last 1-4 hours.
New Business:
Teacher Funding Requests:Mrs. Le brings Point Defiance into the school to teach the kids about animals. The school has already paid, but would like the PA to pay the school back. Janet motions for PA to pay $128 for Creatures of the Night and $46 for Owl Pellets. Motion passes. There are 3 teachers that are requesting the help of the PA for books and an electric pencil sharpener. The PA decides they need more information such as, type and cost, before they can approve this purchase.
Photography and Yearbook:Rachel Arbogast is requesting the help of the PA for cameras for a photo class to have help with the yearbook. PA decides that they need more clarification such as, type and cost, before they can approve this purchase.
Closing and Prayer:Krissy closes in prayer
Meeting Adjourned:1:12pm
Next Meeting: October 10th @ 8:45am