VMWare Site Recovery Manager 5.1

Windows Production Support Team


Updated:Tuesday, February 12, 2019

VMWare Site Recovery Manager 5.1

VMWare Site Recovery Manager 5.1

“Site Recovery Management End to End”

SRM initial Steps

Setting Up the Storage

Move server to SRM protect to new storage

Setting Up SRM

Setting Up Recovery plan

Setting Up IP customization

SRM Testing

Clean Up after Testing

SRM Actual Failover

“Site Recovery Management End to End”

SRM initial Steps

  1. Make sure that you have all IP information for Protected Site and Recover site. Primary IP and Backup IP.
  2. Always perform a Recovery Test before and actual recovery
  3. Have proper name of Storage LUN allocated to your server. You will need it.

Setting Up the Storage

  1. Click on the “Host and Clusters” view
  2. Goto the primary Cluster group and click on the first entry
  3. Click on the “Configuration” tab
  4. Under “Hardware” click on “Storage”
  5. Check the naming convention of other “SRM” Luns, write it down or copy it so that you can paste it later
  6. Click on “Add storage”
  7. Click “Next”
  8. Wait for Storage to populate
  9. Find the storage that’s been allocated to you
  10. Click “Next”
  11. Choose “VMFS-5”
  12. Click “Next”
  13. Make sure that you see the message in the middle of the screen that says “The hard disk is blank” this means that you are not inadvertently overwriting someone else’s data. (***Very important***)
  14. Click “Next”
  15. Put in the Naming convention used (copied or written down from before) with the number of the storage lun allocated to your machine.
  16. Click “Next”
  17. Click “Next”
  18. Click “Finish”
  19. Watch progress in the “Recent Tasks” console at the bottom. You will see a rescan all of the storage occurring.
  20. Change your VMWare VSphere view to “Datastores and DataStore Clusters”
  21. Drag and Drop your lun that you just named to the “BG1-SRM” folder if in NY or “HAXIV51_Dell_BG1_SRM folder if in HAU.

Move server to SRM protect to new storage

  1. Change your VMware VSphere view to “VM and Templates”
  2. Right click on your server and choose “Migrate”
  3. Click on “Change Datastore”
  4. Click “Next”
  5. Choose your LUN
  6. Click “Finish”

Setting Up SRM

  1. Change VMWare VSphere view to Site Recovery
  2. Log in
  3. Wait for connection
  4. Go to “Protection Groups”at the bottom left
  5. On the top leftright click “All Protection Groups” and choose “Create Protection Groups”
  6. Choose the area where your LUN is located
  7. Click “Next”
  8. Choose your “Datastore Group”, you should see your server in the lower console.
  9. Click “Next”
  10. Input the name, typically the name of the server being protected
  11. Click “Next”
  12. Click“Finish”
  13. Watch for completion in the “Recent Task” console
  1. Click “Next”
  2. Click Finish
  3. Watch the progress in the Recent Task screen at the bottom
  4. Look for completion

Setting Up Recovery plan

  1. Click on Recovery Plan in the lower left hand of the console
  2. Right click the “Windows” folder and choose “Create Recovery Plan
  3. Choose HA if your server is located in NY and vise versa.
  4. Click “Next”
  5. Choose your “Protection Group”
  6. Click “Next”
  7. Take the default for the “Test Network”screen
  8. Click “Next”
  9. Input Recovery Plan name typically it’s the name of the server being protected.
  10. Click “Next
  11. Click “Finish”

Setting Up IP customization

  1. Click on Recovery Plans
  2. Scroll down and look for your Recovery Plan and click on it
  3. Choose the “Virtual Machines” tab
  4. Click on “Configure Recovery”
  5. Check on “Customize IP settings during recovery”
  6. Click on “Configure Protection”
  7. Put in the IP address of the protected server/site
  8. Click on the DNS tab
  9. Put in the DNS information
  10. Hit ok
  11. Click on “Configure Recovery”
  12. Put in the IP address of the Recovery server/site
  13. Click on the DNS Tab
  14. If setting up for a UNIX machine put “” in the space for DNSsuffixes
  15. Hit OK
  16. Hit OK again
  17. At this point SRM is setup and now we need to contact the Storage (*IT Storage Services (HBO) ) team to replicate the DATA so that the two recovery sites (LUNS) are in sync.


-----Original Message-----
From: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS)
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 1:53 PM
To: Grant, Andrew (HBO); Kim, Sung (HBO)
Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO); *IT Storage Services (HBO)
Subject: RE: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup (completed)

Sure andrew. Will trigger it now

Thanks & Regards

Vijayananth Baluchamy

(HBO)Storage Services

Desk No : (212)-512-7358 or (212)-512-3358 Mobile : +91-9916087111

-----Original Message-----

From: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 1:53 PM

To: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS); Kim, Sung (HBO)

Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO); *IT Storage Services (HBO)

Subject: RE: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup (completed)

Good Day Vijay

We can go ahead and replicate the data. For this SRM setup. (W8NYECEN01P -

Andrew O. grant

-----Original Message-----

From: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS)

Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 6:00 PM

To: Grant, Andrew (HBO); Kim, Sung (HBO)

Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO); *IT Storage Services (HBO)

Subject: RE: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup (completed)

Hello andrew,

Below request has been completed.

Please copy the data to the source disk and let us know to replicate the data


Please provide a new 500GB replicated target for the server W8NYECEN01P. The source and target location are listed below.

Source: New York VMWare 5.1 cluster group 1:





Target: Hauppauge VMWare 5.1 cluster group 1:





Questions or concerns please let me know.

Thank you,

Andrew O. Grant

Ext. 55565

cluster : nyvm4

host : w8nyecen01p

storage : nyxivg

size : 1 * 500 gb

lun id : 54


cluster : havm7

host : w8nyecen01p

storage : haxivf

size : 1 * 500 gb

lun id : 50

Please let us know on the visbility of the luns and 6 paths to it

Thanks & Regards

Vijayananth Baluchamy

(HBO)Storage Services

Desk No : (212)-512-7358 or (212)-512-3358 Mobile : +91-9916087111

-----Original Message-----

From: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 1:17 PM

To: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS)

Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO)

Subject: RE: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup

If you're the guy, then thank you. Please let me know when it's complete and I will configure

-----Original Message-----

From: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS)

Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 1:16 PM

To: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO)

Subject: RE: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup

Andrew ,

I shall work on it today

Thanks & Regards

Vijayananth Baluchamy

(HBO)Storage Services

Desk No : (212)-512-7358 or (212)-512-3358 Mobile : +91-9916087111

-----Original Message-----

From: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 1:15 PM

To: Baluchamy, Vijayananth (HBO-NS)

Cc: *IT Windows Production Support Team (HBO)

Subject: FW: Service Call # 00825298 SRM setup

Good Day Vijay

Would you be able to let me know who is working on this ticket??? The client is patiently waiting to perform a DR test.


Andrew O. Grant

-----Original Message-----

From: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 1:11 PM

To: Grant, Andrew (HBO)

Subject: Service Call # 00825298

------Original Service Call # 00825298 ------Please provide a new 500GB replicated target for the server W8NYECEN01P. The source and target location are listed below.

Source: New York VMWare 5.1 cluster group 1:





Target: Hauppauge VMWare 5.1 cluster group 1:





Questions or concerns please let me know.

Thank you,

Andrew O. Grant

Ext. 55565

If you have any questions about this Service Call please contact the Help Desk referencing the Service Call number.

Help Desk NY x5329

Help Desk LA x3333



SRM Testing

  1. Click on Summary Tab
  2. Click on “Test”
  3. Take the default and click “Next”
  4. Click on the “Start” button
  5. Click on the Recovery Steps tab
  6. Watch recovery
  7. Click on History to check for successes and errors
  8. Go to the recovery VMWare VSPhere client and you can check the server’s IP and login to check your server. (Remember, the server is on a test network it is not officially “Online”)

Clean Up after Testing

  1. Click on “Summary” Tab
  1. Click on the “Cleanup” button
  2. Click next
  3. Check for completion
  4. Click on “Recovery Steps” tab to track progress
  5. Click on History tab to see successes or errors
  6. During a real failover, insteadof Cleanup you would click the“Reprotect” button

SRM Actual Failover

  1. Log into the VCENTER 5.1 environment
  2. Click on the “Home” view
  3. Then click on the “Site Recovery” button in the “Solutions and Applications” area
  4. Login to the “Remote vCenter Server
  5. Click on the “Recovery Plans” area
  6. Choose your “Recovery Plan”
  7. Click on Summary Tab
  8. Click on the “Recovery” Button
  9. A “Recovery Confirmation” screen will pop up
  10. Check the box “I understand…….” And choose the “Disaster Recovery” radio button
  11. Click “Next”
  12. Click “Start”
  13. Click on the “Recovery Steps” tab to follow the progress
  14. Wait for the “Recovery Complete” screen
  15. Click on the “Reprotect” button
  16. Check the box for”I understand…….”
  17. Click “Next
  18. Click “Start”
  19. Click on the “Recovery Steps” button to watch the progress
  20. You can also check the “History”tab for successes or errors
  21. Look for the “Recovery Complete” screen

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