According to Articles 28.4 (report), 28.5 (review process) and 29 (assessment & evaluation) of the 2015-2019 Collective Agreement between Queens University and Queens University Faculty Association, performance of teaching and additional duties for Term Adjuncts should submit an Appointment Report by May 30th or the date of receipt of the USAT scores for the Winter Term if the they taught in the Winter Term, whichever is later. For complete details, please refer to:
By April 30th in each year, Unit Heads shall notify each Term Adjunct who taught in the Unit in the previous twelve months that s/he is required to submit an Appointment Report by May 30th
Purpose of the Assessment:
Reviews are carried out to assessachievements, identify areas of development in teaching, and to determine suitability for future reappointment.Specific Right of Reappointment for Term Adjuncts (Article 32.2) requires that at least three evaluations have been completed.
Assessment Form:
The “Term Adjunct Appointment Report (Assessment)”form can be found on the web at: The Term Adjunct completes the form and returns it to the Head with any relevant materials they view as appropriate. The Head then completes their assessment on the Heads Assessment Form and attaches it to the evaluation form. Heads Assessment forms can be found at:
Assessments are based on:
- USAT forms
- Term Adjunct Appointment Report (Assessment) (use of this form is mandatory)
- Relevant teaching materials, other assigned or additional duties, materials placed in the Members Official File
- Teaching Dossier (if provided by the Member)
- Course survey(s) conducted by the Member as per Article 29.4
- Any other materials the Member views as relevant to the assessment and chooses to submit
The process in detail is as follows (Article 28.4.1 - 28.5.7):
- By April 30th Unit Heads shall notify Term Adjuncts that they must submit an Appointment Report by May 30thThe Term Adjunct will return the form including relevant materials if they choose
- Head reviews sections 1 & 2, along with USAT reports and relevant materials submitted
- Head then completes their assessment using the Heads Assessment Form and attaches it to the Term Adjunct form
- A copy of the Term Adjunct form, along with the Heads assessment, is provided to the Term Adjunct
- The Term Adjunct shall have the opportunity to meet with the Head to discuss the assessment (if requested by the Term Adjunct)
- The Term Adjunct may add written comments to the assessment prior to signing
- Once both parties are happy with the final assessment, signatures are added (Head should sign Heads Assessment form)
- Copies are then distributed accordingly (Term Adjunct; Unit file; Dean's Office)
Commuting Adjuncts (off-campus assessments):
It may be difficult for Units to assess Term Adjuncts who are not located on campus. In these cases, off-campus assessments are acceptable. Heads can forward the assessment form to the Adjunct by email for return in the same manner. At the end of the process, a statement from the Adjunct stating that they have seen the completed assessment, and are pleased with the final version, can be accepted by email in lieu of a signature and attached to the form.
Once complete, assessments can be sent directly to Heather Duguayin Dunning Hall Main Floor. Please note that the Dean’s Office does not require the USAT forms or supplementary teaching materials. Only the Term Adjunct Report Assessment Form and Heads Assessment Form are required.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this process, please feel free to contact us.
Heather Duguay, Staffing Administrative Assistant
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts & Science
Tel: 613.533.6000 Ext. 77168; Fax: 613.533.2067
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