M. Paul Hawes
North Carolina – Available for Raleigh/Durham, Greensboro/Winston-Salem, Charlotte
Business Systems Analyst – Data Architect
nformation Systems professional specializing in application and data solutions for business needs. Extensive experience as a Business Systems Analyst, including Data Architect, in major corporations in many types of business applications. Familiar with all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle. Good with expansive concepts as well as the details needed to implement the concepts. Adept at facilitating teamwork and communications among clients, end-users, executives, and developers. Focus, drive for excellence, and drive for closure assure that deliverables are of desired quality and completed within time, resource, and scope constraints.
Business Systems Analysis25 years to 2005 / Conduct Joint Application Requirements (JAR) or individual interviews of business experts to listen for business needs, business rules, business processes, data structures, and data mapping. Write technical specifications including environmental assessment, business requirements, gap assessment, functional requirements, detail design, data models, process models, test plans, test cases, and test scripts. Work with software developers to create optimal solutions that meet users' needs.
Data Architecture
15 years to 2003 / Work with business clients and application systems analysts to provide conceptual data models to meet business data requirements. Create logical and physical data designs for normalized, dimensional (data warehouse and data mart), Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), and Operational Data Store (ODS) databases for Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server database servers.
Write national and international metadata repository standards. Design and implement metadata repositories. Introduce and implement data architecture and data management “Best Practices”. Standardize data elements.
Create an enterprise data architecture and a target data architecture for planning future software applications. Develop a migration plan to the target data architecture.
Business Process Engineering /Process Modeling
15 years to 2000 / Develop models of present and future business processes and identify application modules to support these processes. Link metadata to process models. Develop a migration plan to the target architecture.
Project Management
9 years to 2004 / Manage projects from planning through deployment. Passed the Project Management Institute’s examination to become a Project Management Professional (PMP).
Software Development
11 years to 1997 / Design, code, test, and deploy software applications in FORTRAN, Basic, Focus, FileMaker, and Microsoft Access. Technical lead for Basic, Focus, Cobol, Microsoft Visual Basic, Documentum, SQL, and Java software developers. Operating Systems were VM, AIX, DOS, MacOS, UNIX, SunOS, and Microsoft Windows.
Database Administration
2 years to 2003 / Create and administer databases in a SQL Server development environment. Provide database administrators with SQL scripts for creating and changing production database schemas on Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server DBMS.
Wachovia (Contract)
2005:Lead Data Quality Analyst / ½ year: Payment Cost Metrics Initiative Project, Charlotte, NC
Assured that new applicationsthat extract and transform data from new source systems would supply high-quality data feeds to a system that analyzes profitability by customer.
Specified data quality requirements for production data quality testing.
Planned test cases and wrote test scripts for data quality project test cycles.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows XP, MVS/TSO; DBMS: Oracle; SQL Editor:BenthicGolden; ETL: Ab Initio; Graphics: Visio; PM: MS Project; Defect Tracking Mercury TestDirector
TIAA-CREF (Contract)
2004:Project Manager / ½ year: After Tax Annuities Project – Client Services Interfaces, Charlotte, NC
Identified and coordinated the tasks for creating OLTP Client Services’ system interfaces to a new vender-supplied system for administrating after-tax annuities.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows 2000; DBMS: Oracle; Product administration: NaviSys Home Office; Graphics: Visio; CRM: Siebel; PM: MS Project; Programming: J2EE; Methodology: DTS Process Improvement
Bank of America(Contract)
2003 to 2004:Business Systems Analyst / ¾ year: Decision Support Applications, Charlotte, NC
Designed OLAP applications for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and for analyzing profitability by customer. Both sourced a massive data warehouse.
Designed test cases, wrote test scripts, and participated in integration testing.
Coded transformations of XML into SQL using XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations).
Technology Environment
OS: Windows 2000, AIX; DBMS: NCR Teradata, IBM DB2, MS Access; Report Generation: Brio Insight, Crystal Enterprise; Graphics: Visio; Programming: Java, SQL, XML, XSLT; Defect Tracking: Mantis; Methodology: Six Sigma, CMM, UML (Use Cases)
Wachovia (Contract)
2002 to 2003:Data Architect / ¾ year: Evergreen Investments Data Architecture, Charlotte, NC
Gathered the requirements, modeled, designed, and generated OLAP databases to manage, integrate, and reconcile product, asset, account, portfolio, stakeholder, and security trading information.
Designed a staging hub to collect operational data from legacy systems as a centralized source of data for client applications. Documented and mapped sources, targets, and transformations of data flows.
Created and administered databases in a development environment.
Modeled the enterprise data architecture.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows 2000, XP; DBMS: SQL Server, MS Access; DB Access: SQL Server Enterprise Manager; CASE: ERwin; Asset management: Portia, Trustware; ETL: Mercator; Graphics: Visio; PM: MS Project; Programming: .NET, Java, C#, SQL; Methodology: UML (Use Cases & Class Diagrams)
SciQuest (Direct)
2000 to 2001:Data Architect / ¾ year: Business-to-Business Laboratory Supplies e-Commerce Metadata, Raleigh, NCGathered the requirements and designed e-commerce OLTP databases used for catalog management, shopper browsing, registration, ordering, fulfillment, payment, and customer service as well as for data marts and the data warehouse.
Provided database administrators with SQL code for database schema changes.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows NT, AIX; DBMS: DB2 UDB, Oracle 8i, SQL Server 2000, MS Access; SQL Editor: SQL Server Enterprise Manager, Embarcadero Rapid SQL; CASE: ERwin, Popkin System Architect; e-Commerce: WebSphere Commerce Suite, Yantra, Siebel, Solomon; ETL: Mercator, MQSeries, Informatica; Graphics: Visio; PM: MS Project; Programming: Java, C++, SQL; Methodology: IE, OO Chen
IBM (Contract)
1999 to 2000:Project Data Architect / ¾ year: IBM Personal Computer e-Commerce Project, Raleigh, NCIdentified and documented data required to re-engineer a set of OLTP e-commerce applications used to support catalog management, shopper browsing, registration, ordering, fulfillment, manufacturing, supply chain, and billing business processes.
Specified data requisite for transactions across application interfaces.
Developed a project metadata repository.
Devised methods for linking metadata to a process model.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows NT, VM; DBMS: MS Access; Graphics: Visio; Methodology: IBM’s DesignFlow
AT&T (Contract)
1998 to 1999:Enterprise Data Architect / ¾ year: AT&T Business Services Data Architecture, Bridgewater, NJDeveloped a set of data architecture principles for the department.
Modeled and designed a metadata repository to inventory legacy systems.
Developed a target data architecture for planning future software applications. Mapped data across applications and developed a migration plan to the target architecture.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows NT; CASE: ERwin, Rational Rose; Graphics: Visio, MetaDesign; Methodology: UML (Use Cases & Class Diagrams), IE, OO Chen
Bell Communications Research – now Telcordia Technologies(Direct)
1997 to 1998:Web Site Technical Lead / 1 ½ years: Bellcore.com Web Site Project, Piscataway and Morristown, NJGathered the requirements, modeled, and designed the OLTP Web site Oracle database used for advertising, catalog management, product ordering, and payment.
Gathered the requirements and designed the back-end software to administer the site.
Directed the SQL and Java software developers.
Technology Environment
OS: Windows NT, SunOS; DBMS: Oracle, MS Access; CASE: ERwin, Oracle Designer; Document Control: Documentum; Graphics: Visio, CorelDraw; PM: MS Project; Web Page Editor: MS FrontPage, HotDog; Programming: Java; Methodology: IE, OO Chen
1993 to 1997:Data Standards Representative / 3 ½ years: Shareable Data Standardization and Registration, Piscataway, NJ
Published an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard and an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for a metadata repository. Developed a prototype for a Metadata Repository on a Web server.
Technology Environment
OS: MacOS, Windows NT, UNIX; DBMS: FileMaker; CASE: ERwin, Bachman, Software through Pictures, Rational Rose; Graphics: MacDraw, MetaDesign; PM: MS Project; Methodology: CMM, ISO 9000, OO Chen, IE, IDEF, NIAM/ORM, UML (Use Cases & Class Diagrams)
1990 to 1993:Enterprise Data Architect / 3 ½ years: Data Standardization and Integration, Piscataway, NJ
Standardized a set of data elements used throughout the telecommunications industry and incorporated them into an enterprise data model.
Technology Environment
OS: MacOS; DBMS: FileMaker; CASE: TurboCASE; Graphics: MacDraw, MetaDesign; Methodology: IE, OO Chen
Pacific Bell – now SBC Communications(Direct)
1985 to 1990: Business Area Analyst / 4 years: Enterprise Architecture Project, San Ramon, CADeveloped a model of future business processes and defined application modules to support these processes. Developed a migration plan to the target architecture.
Technology Environment
OS: MacOS; DBMS: FileMaker; CASE: IEW; Graphics: MacDraw, MetaDesign; PM: MacProject; Methodology: IE, IDEF
Prior to 1985:Systems Analyst/ Project Manager/ Technical Lead/ Programmer / 1 ½ years: Corporate Strategic Planning Project, San Francisco, CA
Directed the development of software for economic evaluation of business opportunities.
1 ½ years: Corporate Decision Support Project, San Francisco, CA
Assembled a project team and then directed the project of designing and implementing a corporate decision support application.
2 ½ years: Project Cost Tracking Project, San Francisco, CA
Assembled a project team and then directed the project of designing and implementing a software application to track project costs.
1 ½ years: OfficeSpace Information System Project, Pasadena, CA
Directed the design, coding, testing, and implementation of a software application to plan the utilization of office space.
2 years: Project Alternative Selection Project, San Francisco, CA
Designed, coded, tested, and deployed a software product for economic evaluation of telecommunications project alternatives.
Technology Environment
OS: VM, DOS; DBMS: Focus; Programming: Basic, Cobol, FORTRAN, FMS; PM: TSPM
BS in Physics with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics from California State University Northridge; Post-graduate work in Economic Analysis, Marketing, and Off-shore Sailing
Business Analyst; Business Systems Analyst; Business Systems Planner, Data Administrator; Data Analyst; Data Architect; Data Manager; Data Modeler; Database Administrator; Project Manager; Relationship Manager; Systems Analyst, Developer
Certified as a PMP (Project Management Professional) by the Project Management Institute
PUBLICATIONS (partial list):
American National Standards Institute. Metamodel for the Management of Shareable Data, 1997, American National Standard for Information Technology ANSI X3.285.
Bell Communications Research. Data Element Registration and Standardization Metamodel, September 1993, Bellcore Technical Memorandum TM–STS–023479.
Bell Communications Research. Language Standards Information Repository for Standardized Data Administration, January 1993, Bellcore Special Report SR-STS-0002515.
Bell Communications Research. Shareable Data Registration, June 1994, Bellcore Special Report SR-STS-002880.
Bell Communications Research. Shared Data Definition Principles, December 1993, Bellcore Technical Memorandum TM–STS–023793.
Bell Communications Research. Shared Data Quality Criteria, December 1993, Bellcore Technical Memorandum TM-STS-023792.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standing Committee 14. Framework for the Specification and Standardization of Data Elements, 1999, ISO/IEC 11179, Part 1.
administrative; advertising; asset management; banking; billing; budgeting; building space planning; customer resource management, catalog management; data registration; decision support; e-commerce; financial; fulfillment; manufacturing; ordering; payment; project tracking; registration; securities; shopper browsing; supply chain; telecommunications
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) technical committee on Metadata – Past International Representative
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) technical committee on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards – Past Planning Liaison
Data Management Association (DAMA) International – Past Vice President
Data Management Association (DAMA) New Jersey – Past Vice President
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sub-committee on Metadata – Past “Convener”
Project Management Institute
CASE Tools: Bachman/Cayenne/ ObjectTeam, AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler/ERwin, IEW/ADW, Oracle Designer/2000, Popkin System Architect, Rational Rose, Software through Pictures (StP), TurboCASE
Database Access:Embarcadero Rapid SQL, SQL Server Enterprise Manager, BenthicGolden
Database Design:Normalized, Operational Data Store (ODS), Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), Dimensional
Systems:DB2, FileMaker, Focus, Microsoft Access, NCR Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server
e-Commerce: WebSphere Commerce Suite, Yantra Fulfillment System, SiebelCallCenter, Solomon Financial Series
Graphics:CorelDraw, MacDraw, MetaDesign, Visio
Methodologies and
Modeling Notations:Bachman Object Modeling Technique (OMT), Booch, Entity-Relationship (ER), IDEF1X, Information Engineering (IE), Jacobson, Joint Application Design (JAD), Martin/Odell, Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Roll Modeling (ORM) a.k.a. Natural language Information Analysis Method (NIAM), Rapid Application Design (RAD), Rumbaugh, Shlaer/Mellor, Structured Analysis, Uniform Modeling Language (UML)
Presentation:Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus Freelance Graphics
Management:MacProject, Microsoft Project
Programming:Basic, Cobol, FORTRAN, Java, Microsoft Visual Basic, SQL
Systems:AIX, DOS, MacOS, SunOS, UNIX, VM, TSO, Windows
Spread Sheet:Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, VisiCalc
Standards:Data Registration, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Data Elements
Word Processor:Lotus Word Pro, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect
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