Wesclin Board of Education
Minutes of the Special Board Meeting
May 6, 2013
I.General Business
A.Roll Call
The Board of Education of Wesclin Community School District # 3, Clinton and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, met in special session on Monday, the 6th day of May, 2013, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., at the Wesclin Junior-Senior High School in said district.
At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:
Members PresentMembers Absent
Dr. John Fridley, President:______x______
Sandy Padak, Vice-Pres.:______x______
Steve Buzzard, Secretary:______x______
Kent Jeanneret:______x______
Randy Schorfheide:______x______
Jerry Hatt:______x______
Karen LaCaze:______x______
A quorum of the Board members being present, the president called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Administrators present:
Superintendent David Daum:______x______
John Isenhower:______
Angela Woll:______
Roger Freeze:______
James Rahm:______
Business Manager
Paul Tockstein:______x______
B.Reviewed April 9, 2013 Board Election Results.
C.Accept Election Results/Declare Winners
Motion by Ms. Padak, seconded by Mrs. Lacaze to accept elections results as presented and declare Jerry Hatt, Steve Buzzard and Patrick Hempen elected Wesclin Board of Education Members.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Ms. Padak-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Dr. Fridley-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
D.Oath of Office administered to New Board Member –Vice President Sandy Padak administered the oath of office to new board member Patrick Hempen.
E.Move to adjourn sine die.
Motion by Mr. Jeanneret, seconded by Mr. Buzzard to adjourn sine die at 6:02 p.m.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Ms. Padak-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Dr. Fridley-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
I.General Business
A.Roll Call
At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:
Members PresentMembers Absent
Sandy Padak:______x______
Steve Buzzard:______x______
Randy Schorfheide:______x______
Kent Jeanneret:______x______
Jerry Hatt:______x______
Karen LaCaze:______x______
Patrick Hempen:______x______
Board member Sandy Padak acted as President Pro Tem. A quorum of the Board members being present, the president pro tem called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Administrators present:
SuperintendentDavid Daum:______x______
John Isenhower:______
Angela Woll:______
Roger Freeze:______
James Rahm:______
Business Manager
Paul Tockstein:______x______
A.Election of New Officers.
Sandy Padakwas nominated for the office of President of the Board of Education for a two-year term, by Mr. Buzzard.
Member Padak called for additional nominations, no other nominations were presented.
Motion by Mr. Buzzard, seconded by Mr. Schorfheide to close nominations and elect Sandy Padak as President of the Board of Education for a two-year term by acclimation.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
Steve Buzzardwas nominated for the office of Vice President of the Board of Education for a two-year term, by Mr. Schorfheide.
President Padak called for additional nominations, no other nominations were presented.
Motion by Mr. Schorfheide, seconded by Mr. Jeanneret to close nominations and elect Steve Buzzard as Vice President of the Board of Education for a two-year term by acclimation.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
Randy Schorfheidewas nominated for the office of Secretary of the Board of Education for a two-year term, by Mr. Hatt.
President Padak called for additional nominations, no other nominations were presented.
Motion by Mr. Hatt, seconded by Mr. Jeanneret to close nominations and elect Randy Schorfheide as Secretary of the Board of Education for a two-year term by acclimation.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
B.Appoint Treasurer
Motion by Mr. Hatt, seconded by Mr. Jeanneret to appoint Paul Tockstein as District Treasurer for the remaining of the 2012-2013 school year and the 2013-2014 school year.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
C.Establishment of Meeting times and places for 2013-2015.
Motion by Mr. Schorheide, seconded by Mr. Buzzard to establish the meeting times and locations as presented.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0
It was moved by Mr. Buzzard, seconded by Mr. Jeanneret that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Hempen –aye, Mr. Jeanneret-aye, Mrs. LaCaze-aye, Mr. Schorfheide-aye, Ms. Padak-aye.
Motion passes 7-0