North Carolina K-3 Assessment System

mCLASS: Reading 3D Implementation Plan for School-Based Administrators

§ 115C-83.1A. The goal of the State is to ensure that every student read at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.

The NC Department of Public Instruction and Wake County Public School System will:

·  Provide training for your school’s mClass Leaders, including:

o  mCLASS: Reading 3D Assessments - DIBELS Next (Universal Screenings) and Text Reading Comprehension (Running Records and Retelling), Running Reports, Data Analysis, Progress Monitoring, and Intervention Strategies.

o  Use of the mCLASS: Reading 3D assessments on the iPad.

·  Provide training expenses for mClass Leaders (substitutes) and training materials.

·  Provide assessment materials for K-3 classroom teachers (assessment kit and iPad) based on allotment given by DPI.

·  Monitor implementation and provide ongoing assistance to your school through mClass Leaders.

As an Administrator, I agree to:

·  Select two mClass Leaders from my school

o  Professionals who are knowledgeable in the following: universal screening measures, running records, use of literacy data to make instructional decisions, working with adult learners, and the use of an iPad.

o  Professionals who have a flexible schedule that allows them to train and support building-level teachers in the administration of the assessments and use of assessment data in instruction.

·  Attend all 2013-2014 training sessions conducted for school-based administrators.

·  Be responsible for the successful implementation of the North Carolina K-3 assessment initiative in my school.

·  Assume leadership for my staff’s participation in the K-3 reading assessment as designed including implementation as a part of the teachers’ Professional Development Plans.

·  Support teachers in my school in the learning process of the new assessment system by:

o  Selecting two outstanding staff in the role as mClass Leaders to train and support everyone supporting K-3 instruction (early February).

o  Providing release time for mClass Leaders to attend initial training in March and follow-up training throughout the year (March and support sessions quarterly).

o  Ensuring that iPads are entered into Destiny and included on school inventory (late February).

o  Setting a schedule for distribution of iPads and setup (Spring: to be signed in and out from Media Center and returned before end of year).

o  Providing opportunities for K-3 classroom teachers and those supporting K-3 instruction to practice the use of iPads (Spring).

o  Setting a schedule with the mClass Leaders to train the K-3 classroom teachers and those supporting K-3 instruction on the mCLASS: Reading 3D assessments (week prior to school starting).

o  Assisting teachers in scheduling time for the administration of mCLASS: Reading 3D assessments three times a year (each Benchmarking period).

o  Ensuring that teachers are progress monitoring students as needed.

o  Supporting mClass Leaders as they check fidelity of administration of assessments as needed.

o  Assuming leadership for my staff’s data analysis and implementation of intervention strategies based on the data (after each Benchmarking period).

·  Monitor school progress as research-based strategies are implemented in the classrooms.