Business Owner Survey
- What is your opinion of ______as a place for doing business? Circle one choice: Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- What is your hope for the future here?
- In your opinion, what are the best things about______?
- What are the worst things about this place?
- What things could the government build here that would help your business and tourism?
- In your opinion, what would improve business and tourism here in ______?
- Why did you decide on______as your place for locating your business?
- Did you consider other places?
- How are the services of the government in this place? Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- Do you have constant electricity?
- Do you have consistent water supply?
- Does the sewage system work?
- What is your opinion of the telephone, cable and internet situation here?
- What is your opinion of the cooking fuel situation here?
- What is your opinion of the streets, pavement, and street lighting here?Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- What is your opinion of the mail delivery service here?
- What is your opinion of the situation with the public bathrooms here? Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- What is your opinion of the situation with the public access ways from the road to the sand/beach area.
- What is your opinion of the security and police service here? Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- What is your opinion of the level of beauty of the public areas here? Poor, Ok, Average, Good, Excelent
- Are the natural areas beautiful? Are they clean?
- How can the government improve the public areas?
- What do your clients say about the natural areas here?
- What do they say about the public areas here?
- Where do you clients come from? List the three most common.
- Do you advertise your business regularly?
- Have you ever advertized?
- How did you/do you advertize?
- Do you have a formal business plan?
- Do you have a formal marketing plan?
- Do you have access to financing and funds to grow your business?
- Do you use professional accountants to keep track of your expenses and income?
- Do you have the necessary access to accountants and legal advise?
- Do you train your employees in a formal way?
- What additional help do you need to improve your business?
- Cual es su opinion de ______para un lugar para negocios?
- Cual es su esperanza para el futuro?
- Cual es son los mejores cosas de ______?
- Cual es la peor cosas de______?
- Que cosas peude al gobierno construir aqui en ______para audar su negocios y turismo?
- Que otro cosas mejoraran su negocios en ______?
- En su opinion que cosas mejoraria todos los negocios y turismo?
- Porque decidio este lugar para su negocio?
- Considera otros lugares?
- Como son los servicios del gobierno en este lugar?
- Tiene electricidad constantemente?
- Tiene agua constatntemente?
- Funciona el drenaje?
- Cual es su opinion de lo sutuacion de telefono, cable y internet?
- Gas pare cocinar?
- Calles y alumbrado publico?
- Servicios de correos?
- Banos publicos?
- accesso a la playa?
- Seguridad y policia?
- Son bonitas las areas publicas?
- Son limpia las areas publicas?
- Como peude el gobierno mejorar los las areas publicas?
- Son las areas de naturaleza bonitas aqui?
- Son las areas de naturaleza limpias aqui?
- Que dicen su clientes sobre la natualeza?
- De donde son sus clientes? Lista tres.
- Usa advetisias publico como anuncia su negocio?
- Tiene acceso finaciero y dinero para hacer crecer su negocio?
- Tiene un plan de negocios?
- Tiene un plan de marcado?
- Tiene un contador?
- Tiene accesso a una contedor y abogado?
- Necesitas apoyo para entrenar / capacitar a su empleados?
- Cual apoyo necesitas para mejorar su negocio?