OCR-style exam questions
Questions 4a, b and c require you to use sources. In these questions, you will need to use your knowledge of the topic to interpret and evaluate the sources.
Start by studying Sources B-D.
Weimar Problems, 1920-23
Source BA notice in a doctor’s waiting room in Germany in 1923. The poster reads: ‘due to the coal emergency, patients are asked to bring a lump of coal each visit to heat the waiting room’.
Source C
This poster was published by the German government in 1923. It shows two French soldiers and a German worker who defies them: ‘No! You won’t force me!’
Source D
The German middle-class are anti-democratic through and through, and that is the cause of all our troubles…
We face a Germany full of unrivalled corruption, full of profiteers and liars, full of 300,000 devils each of whom is just trying to save himself from the revolution.
Kurt Tucholsky, ‘We Say No’, in Die Weltbühne (1919), a left-wing German weekly magazine. Tucholsky, its co-editor, was a German-Jewish journalist who believed in democracy.
Answer the questions by typing your answers into the red boxes.
4a Study Source B. Why was this notice displayed in the doctor’s waiting room in 1923? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]
4b Study Source C. What is the message of this poster? Use the poster and your knowledge to explain your answer. [6]
4c Study Source D. How far does this source prove that the Weimar Republic was ‘doomed to failure’? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]
5a Describe the events of the Munich Putsch of 8–9 November 1923. [6]
5b Explain why Germany suffered hyperinflation in 1923. [6]
5c ‘In the years 1920-23, the Weimar republic had much more to fear from left-wing rebellion than from the right-wing nationalists and fascists.’
How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [10]