Seasonal Volunteer Application Form

This information is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998

It is important that the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Group is aware of information relevant to your volunteering activities with us at the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre.

Please type or write legibly using black ink and select boxes where appropriate.

Section A – Personal Details

Name (First name & Surname):
Full postal address (including postcode)
Date of birth: / Welsh speaker? Yes ☐ No ☐ / Male ☐ Female☐
Telephone (including STD codes): / Mobile Phone number: / Email address:
Emergency Contact Name: / Relationship to you: / Mobile phone number:
Contact telephone number: / Contact address:
Additional emergency contact information:
Have you had an up to date Tetanus Injection within the last ten years? Yes ☐ No☐
Do you have any physical or medical conditions, or any medication that we may need to be aware of?
Have you any relevantqualifications that may be beneficial for your volunteer role (e.g. up to date First Aid certificate)?
If English is not your native language, how well do you speak & write it?
Basic ☐ Competent ☐ Fluent ☐
Do you own a car? Yes☐ No ☐
Do you hold a valid full driving licence? Yes☐ No ☐
Can you swim 50 metres? Yes☐ No ☐
Do you have experience working on boats? Yes☐ No ☐
Do you have experience dealing with the public? Yes☐ No ☐

Section B –Position

Please indicate which position (Research Assistant, Shorefin, SeaSeal or Education)you are applying for. You may apply for more than one position, state your order of preference.

Section C – Skills & Interests

Educational qualifications (please list):
Current employment status (e.g. employed or student – please give details):
Why are you interested in volunteering at the CBMWC?
Please provide details of your skills and experience (if any) in the following areas. You may include examples from paid and voluntary work, educational experiences, community activities, leisure pursuits or personal experiences.
Wildlife Photography/Photo Identification:
Handling data e.g data entry:
Dealing with the general public:
Working for small organisations:
Working in a team:
Working unsupervised:
Communication skills:
Educational work:
Please use this section to outline any other skills or experience you have and that you feel are relevant to the volunteer role.
Have you applied or taken part in this or similar voluntary schemes before? If yes, please give details.
Do you wish to pursue a career in marine biology, conservation, the environment, education or any other related fields?
How/where did you find out about volunteering at the CBMWC?

Section D – Equal Opportunities

CBMWC and WTSWW are committed to achieving equality of opportunity and continually

monitors the effectiveness of their policy. We would like you to complete this form in order to

help us understand who we are reaching. The information will be used to provide us with an

overall profile analysis of our volunteering base and help us to make sure that CBMWC

welcomes volunteers from all areas of society.

Disability, impairment, mental or physical health condition

Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, mental or physical health condition

that affects your daily life and work?

Yes☐ No☐ Prefer Not To Say☐

How would you describe your ethnic origin? (as defined 2011 census)

White - British☐ Welsh ☐ English ☐ Scottish ☐ Irish ☐

Any other White background ☐

Black – African ☐ Caribbean ☐ Any other Black background ☐

Asian – Bangladeshi ☐ Indian ☐ Pakistani ☐ Chinese ☐ Any other Asian background

Mixed/Multiple ethnic group – White & Asian ☐ White & Black African ☐

White & Black Caribbean ☐

Any other mixed/multliple background ☐

Prefer not to say - ☐

Section E – References

Please provide details of two referees who can comment on your experience and suitability for this role (these must not be friends or relatives).
Name: Name:
Occupation: Occupation:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
Address: Address:

Section F – Declaration

Declaration: I understand work will be allocated to me by staff at the CBMWC according to my abilities. I am responsible for my own accommodation, travel expenses, any other expenses incurred during my volunteering period and for providing and cooking my own food during my stay. Any observations made during my visit may only be used or published with prior permission from the CBMWC. Insurance for travel, medical treatment and personal affects is my responsibility.
Signed: …………………………………………………………... Date: ……………………………………..
If sending electronically you will be asked to sign this upon arrival.
If under 18 when volunteering starts approval of a parent or legal guardian is needed for your participation in all aspects of the scheme.
Signed: …………………………………………………………... Date: ……………………………………..
If sending electronically please also send a letter of approval from your parent/guardian.
For office use only:
Date received: ______Induction Date ______Finish Date ______