Explanation of research courses in Biology:
Biology students interested in research may do so at a variety of levels based on their preparation.
Biology 2082 is designed for students who have completed one of the introductory Biology major courses and want to begin research. The research may be with a researcherin the Biology department or with an approved outside researcher.As it is an exploratory level research course, it is not repeatable.
Biology 3082 is designed for students who have completed both of the introductory Biology major courses and have begun taking at least one of the 3 advanced Biology core courses. The research may be with a researcherin the Biology department or with an approved outside researcher.This course is repeatable.
Biology 4291 and 4391 are designed for seniors majoring in Biology who have completed 2 of the 3 advanced Biology core courses, and are registered for the third if thethird course is offered during the term in which they are doing research. Both courses may be used to meet part of the requirements for Distinction in Biology. Up to 6s.h. may be taken for standard grades.
Biology 4291: The research is under the direction of an approved outside researcher.
Biology 4391: The research is under the direction of a researcherin the Biology department.Students who complete a minimum of 6 s.h. of Bio 4391 may petition for it to count for one Biology elective course.
Biology 4591 is designed for seniors majoring in Neuroscience—Cellular & Molecular majors who have completed 2 of the 3 advanced Biology core courses, and are registered for the third if thethird course is offered during the term in which they are doing research. This course may be used to meet part of the requirements for Distinction in Neuroscience—Cellular & Molecular.
The Gory Details:
Credits for all of the research courses can be applied towards the total of credits required for graduation, but only three courses can be applied towards the calculation of the science GPA. Additional courses can be taken on a credit/no-credit basis.
BIOL 2082-IndependentResearchI
This course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.
Research under the direction of a faculty member in the Department of Biology or under joint supervision of an approved outside preceptor and a member of the Biology department.TheTempleBiologyfaculty member oversees their work andacts as a liaison between an outside institution and the Biology Honors Committee. All students must obtain the approval of the Biology Undergraduate Committee.Students must have completed Biology 1111 ORBiology2112.NOTE: Not available for major credit.This course is not repeatable.
Credit Hours:1.00-4.00
BIOL 3082 -IndependentResearchII
Research under the direction of a faculty member in the Department of Biology or under joint supervision of an approved outside preceptor and a member of the Biology department. The Temple Biology faculty member oversees their work and acts as a liaison between an outside institution and the Biology Honors Committee. The course includes a discussion of research problems and methods as applied to laboratory research. All students must obtain the approval of the Biology Undergraduate Committee. Students must have completed Biology 1111 and Biology 2112 and be enrolled in or have completed one of Biology 2227, 2296 or 3096. Students should obtain a faculty sponsor before applying. NOTE: Not available for major credit. This course is repeatable, but students wishing to complete additional credits of Biology 3082 beyond 3 s.h. may do so if they elect the CR/NC option..
Credit Hours:1.000 TO4.000
BIOL 3681 - Cooperative Studies
This course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.
Students obtain a job through the Cooperative Placement Office. Course grade based entirely on a research paper,related in subject matter to the job, and prepared under the supervision of a Biology Department faculty member.NOTE: The student is responsible for finding a departmental supervisor. For students enrolled in a CooperativeProgram; not available for Biology elective credit.This course is not repeatable.
Credit Hours:2.000 TO 4.000
BIOL4291- ExtradepartmentalResearch
This course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.
Prerequisite: Senior standing and a GPA of 3.2 or better with recommendation of a faculty sponsor and approval ofthe Biology Honors Committee.Students must be Biology majors who have completed Biology 1111,2112, and at least two of the other department core courses (Biology 2227, 2296 and 3096) with enrollment in the third in the Fall or Spring semester when offered. Students must obtain a sponsor on the Biology Department faculty to oversee their work andact as a liaison between the outside institution and the Biology Honors Committee. A student is eligible to apply for"Distinction in Biology" upon: 1) successful completion of two semesters (6 s.h.) of Biology 4291; 2) submission of awritten report on the student's research to the faculty sponsor and the Biology Honors Committee; and 3) aposter presentation on the student's research during the Biology Department's annual poster exhibition. Note: Notavailable for Biology major credit.This course is repeatable.Students wishing to complete additional credits of Biology 4291 beyond 6 s.h.may do so if they elect the CR/NC option.
Credit Hours:1.000 TO 4.000
Schedule Types:Research
BIOL 4391 - Accelerated Research in Biology
This course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and a GPA of 3.2 or better with recommendation of a faculty sponsor and approval of the Biology Honors Committee. Research under the supervision of a faculty member in the Biology Department. Students must be Biology majors who have completed Biology 1111, 2112, and at least two of the other department core courses (Biology 2227, 2296 and 3096) with enrollment in the third in the Fall or Spring semester when offered. Astudent is eligible to apply for "Distinction in Biology" upon: 1) successful completion of two semesters (6 s.h.) of Biology 4391; 2) submission of a written report on thestudent's research to the faculty sponsor and the Biology Honors Committee; and 3) a poster presentation on the student's research during the Biology Department's annualposter exhibition. Students completing a minimum of 6s.h. of Biology 4391 over two semesters may petition the Biology Honors Committee to have the two semesters countfor one Biology elective course.This course is repeatable.Students wishing to complete additional credits of Biology 4391 beyond 6 s.h.may do so if they elect the CR/NC option.
Credit Hours:1.000 TO 4.000
BIOL 4591 - Research inNeuroscience
This course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and a GPA of 3.2 or better with recommendation of a faculty sponsor and approval of the Neuroscience Honors Committee. Research under the supervision of a faculty member in theNeuroscienceDepartment. Students must beNeurosciencemajors who have completed Biology 1111, 2112, 2296, and 3096. A written presentation of the student's research is required during the second semester.Astudent is eligible to apply for "Distinction in Neuroscience" upon: 1) successful completion of two semesters (6 s.h.) of Biology 4591; 2) submission of a written report on thestudent's research to the faculty sponsor and the Biology Honors Committee; and 3) a poster presentation on the student's research during the Biology Department's annualposter exhibition.Not available for Biology major credit.This course is repeatable.Students wishing to complete additional credits of Biology 4591 beyond 6 s.h.may do so if they elect the CR/NC option.
Credit Hours:1.000 TO 4.000