The Paleoindian Data Base of the Americans (PIDBA)

Projectile Submittal Form (Typeable)

Personal Information

Name (required)
Email address (required)
Snail mail address (optional)
Phone Number (optional)

I DO / DO NOT want my name used on the PIDBA webpage. (required, check one)

I DO / DO NOT want my name shared with other people. (required, check one)

Projectile Information

Identification/Catalog Number (optional)
Type/Culture (optional)
Whole, base, midsection, or tip (optional)
Lithic material (optional)
Maximum length (optional)
Maximum width (optional)
Maximum thickness (optional)

Find Information

County (required)
State (required)
Longitude (optional)
Latitude (optional)
Date found (optional)
I, / , pledge that I
witnessed the finding of this point. (required, typed signature is OK)

Don’t forget to include a photo (required) with a scale/ruler (optional) in the image.

Email completed form and image to

Or, snail mail to Tony Baker, PO Box 102492, Denver, Co 80250