February 2016



Hart Memorial Primary School

Charles Street



BT62 4BD

Tel: 028 3833 2817

Fax:028 3833 2817


Principal:Miss Julie Shipley

Chairperson of the Board of Governors: Mr K Giffin


Hart Memorial Primary School opened its doors to pupils for the first time on 1 October 1935, being named after Sir Robert Hart who was born in the locality and achieved fame and renown for his work in China in the latter half of the 19th Century. The Hart is a large school situated in a residential area to the west of Portadown. Built around a quadrangle, it is set in mature well kept grounds with four playgrounds, a grass football field and a multiuse games area. In our school, the pupils always come first; each individual child’s achievements and attainments are valued and celebrated.

The main school building provides a stimulating learning environment incorporating classrooms, library, Computer Zone and Surestart room. Work stations around the school enable individual and small group support whilst one of the outside buildings has been converted to house two Learning Support rooms and our museum.

The detached infant block includes our

excellent Nursery with its own safe and

secure outdoor play area. The Nursery

has 52 full time places available. One of

the Primary 1 classrooms is also in

this block, again with large indoor

and outdoor play areas.

Outside, we are fortunate to have 4 playgrounds, enabling children to have plenty of space to play and enjoy each other’s company. Each area has stimulating ‘creative playground’ markings which encourage children to use their imaginations and engage in safe, enjoyable games. This is helped along by the Playground Friends – Primary 6 and 7 boys and girls who have applied for the ‘job’, and who encourage the children to play games, use sports and playground equipment and generally ensure that everyone is included.

In addition to our beautifully landscaped and mature grounds, there is a full size grass playing field – used for a wide range of sporting and competitive activities – and the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA). This all-weather facility is used by the school and the community to ensure as many children and young people as possible benefit from the facility. We also have a wildlife area to encourage minibeasts and plants to become established and to develop children’s interest, knowledge and observation skills. We currently have green flag status as an Eco School.

We have a separate dining hall with a wide selection of healthy meals cooked each day on site. As part of our healthy schools programme, the children may also purchase a healthy break which includes a selection of fruit, yoghurts, toast, homemade scones and oatmeal biscuits. This is enormously popular with all children. We promote active travel for all pupils – walking, cycling, scooting or skateboarding to and from school – and have achieved the Sustrans Active Travel bronze award.

Hart Memorial Primary School prides itself on the range and choice of extra curricular activities that it offers. We consider that these add a very valuable dimension to each child’s education.

Various activities and clubs are available at different times of the year.

Boys’ soccer
  • Athletics
  • Young Harts

  • Girls’ soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Choir

  • Rugby
  • Dance
  • Cookery club

  • Boys’ hockey
  • Learning Rocks!
  • Cross country running
  • Art club
  • French club

  • Girls’ hockey
  • Gardening club
  • iPad club

  • Basketball
  • Drama club
  • Fitness clubs

  • Cycling proficiency
  • Music tuition
  • Early Birds

Teachers organise educational visits to support the learning of the pupils; such visits help to enthuse and motivate pupils and consolidate learning that has taken place. Every class is involved in day trips linked to the topics covered by their year group.

The Primary 6 pupils have a three day residential trip during Term 3. This trip is built around outdoor pursuit activities and is enjoyed by all. The Primary 7 pupils have a four day residential trip to a location in Britain. The P7 residential is without doubt a most memorable

part of each child’s primary school experience.

For further information on our award-winning school please visit our website and view the prospectus, ‘From the Hart’ newsletters and wealth of other information at

The Board of Governors of Hart Memorial Primary School invites applications for the position of Vice Principal.

If you are an outstanding primary teacher with proven leadership potential and/or proven leadership experience and enthusiasm then we would invite you to make an application for the post of Vice Principal.

Posts involving work with children and young people in educational establishments are subject to the provisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007. The successful candidate will require an enhanced disclosure check which at present costs £33.

/ Download a job pack which includes an application form & personnel specification from:

Alternatively you can send an A4 envelope with a large 1st class stamp for each application to:
Equal Opportunities Unit, Education Authority, Southern Region, 3 Charlemont Place, The Mall, Armagh, BT61 9AX.
Always quote the Job Reference & Details, Your Name and your Address in your request
Applications must be returned not later than 2:00 pm on Tuesday 23rd February 2016.


shortlisting criteria

Applicants must, at the closing date for the receipt of applications:

1. Qualifications
Essential Criteria:
  • Hold a teaching qualification which meets the requirements for recognition to teach in a grant-aided school in Northern Ireland;
  • Possess a degree
Desirable Criterion: Preference may be given to those applicants who:
  • Have successfully completed a professional qualification for headship or a similar post-graduate qualification in the area of educational leadership

2. Experience
Essential Criteria
  • Have a minimum of 5 years’*full-time equivalent teaching experience in a paid capacity in primary education and/or equivalent experience in an affiliated educational body within the past 10 years*
  • Have a minimum of 2 years’*experience of co-ordinating a curricular or school improvement area.
  • Demonstrate evidence of successfully leading and managing an aspect of whole school improvement
  • Demonstrate evidence of strategic planning.
Desirable Criterion: Preference may be given to those applicants who:
  • Have experience of being a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Where a number of years’ experience is required, this means full school years (September to August).
The symbol * indicates a minimum requirement.
The Governors reserve the right to enhance the criteria (detailed in 1-2 above) to facilitate a manageable shortlist of candidates for interview.
NB: Shortlisted applicant(s) will be required to make a short presentation to the interview panel.




  1. The person appointed must have such qualifications as may be approved by the Department of Education and must comply with all other legal conditions applicable to the post. An applicant must establish that he/she possesses the appropriate qualifications required for the post before submitting an application. Only application forms from persons who meet the terms of the post will be considered. Applicants should ensure that their application forms are completed in full and that all necessary information is included thereon to enable their eligibility for the post to be assessed. A separate Curriculum Vitae will not be considered and must not be submitted with the application form. No additional pages should be submitted with the application form.
  1. The appointment is subject to the approval of the Department of Education and such terms and conditions as it may attach.
  1. The appointment is also subject to the person offered the post signing an agreement in the form approved by the Department of Education.
  2. The salary for the post will be in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education. As a Group 3 school (unit total2751) the salary will be in the range L5– L9(£42,174- £46,554per annum).
  1. The general functions and professional duties attached to this post are set out in the attached job description which will form part of the successful candidate’s contract.

From 1 April 2015, the Education Authority (EA) has taken over all functions of the Southern Education and Library Board.All appointments will be effected by the EA as the employing authority.Teaching posts will continue to be offered on the basis of current terms and conditions of employment for teachers, as advertised.

  1. Applications will be considered by the Board of Governorsand short-listed candidates will be invited for interview by the Board of Governors ona date to bearranged in March 2016.It should be noted that the levels of qualifications and experience advertised represent only the minimum requirements. The Board of Governors may short-list only those candidates who are deemed to have enhanced levels of qualifications and experience.
  1. In connection with interviews it should be noted that interviewees shall pay their own travelling expenses.

8. Completed application forms in an envelope marked in the top left hand corner “Application” must be lodged with the Equal Opportunities Unit, Education Authority, Southern Region, 3 Charlemont Place, The Mall, Armagh BT61 9AX by 2.00 pm on Tuesday 23rd February 2016.

9.Applicants must not submit Inspectors’ Reports or extracts from them.

10.An application will not be considered unless signed by the applicant.

11.Canvassing will disqualify.

Canvassing is defined as:

‘Any approach direct or indirect by the candidate or with the knowledge or approval of the candidate to any member of the Board of Governors or The Education Authority or the Teaching Appointments Committee thereof, provided that a candidate requesting a member of the Board of Governors or the Board to act as a referee is not deemed to be an approach within the meaning of this definition of canvassing.”

A personal or written request to the Principal or The Education Authority for information regarding the post will not be regarded as canvassing. The Board of Governors expects that applicants will be interested in visiting the school and acquainting themselves fully of its situation and circumstances.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to visit the school ona date prior to their interview.

  1. Applicants should NOT furnish testimonials but should supply names and addresses of two referees. To avoid embarrassment applicants should state on their application form that they have obtained the prior consent of the persons named as referees.
  1. If a member of The Education Authority is requested to act as a referee:

13.1he/she shall be free to do so if he/she is not a member of the Board of Governors

13.2if he/she is a member of the Board of Governors, he/she shall be free to act as a referee but, if he/she does, he/she should withdraw from that part of each meeting at which the appointment is under consideration.



Primary Vice Principal


Applicants must at the closing date for applications:


Essential Criteria

  • Hold a teaching qualification which meets the requirements for recognition to teach in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland;
  • Possess a degree.

Desirable Criteria

Preference may be given to those applicants who:

  • Have successfully completed a professional qualification for headship or a similar post-graduate qualification in the area of educational leadership.


Essential Criteria

  • Have a minimum of 5years’ teaching experience in a paid capacity in primary education and/or equivalent experience in an affiliated educational body, within the last 10 years, as at the closing date for receipt of completed applications.
  • Have a minimum of2years’ experience co-ordinating a curricular or school improvement area.
  • Demonstrate evidence of successfully leading and managing an aspect of whole school improvement.
  • Demonstrate evidence of strategic planning.

Desirable Criteria

Preference may be given to those applicants who:

  • Have experience of being a member of a Senior Leadership Team.


The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate extensive knowledge of:

  • The NI Curriculum;
  • Current educational developments and the ability to evaluate and respond to new educational challenges and manage change effectively;
  • Effective classroom pedagogy and how to ensure high standards of teaching, learning and achievement throughout the school;
  • Effective data management;
  • Effective organisational management including the appropriate deployment of resources.


The successful candidate must demonstrate highly developed skills in order to:

  • Lead, motivate, manage, challenge and enthuse others;
  • Create an ethos and articulate a vision for the future of the school;
  • Develop good relationships at all levels and promote a collaborative and team approach among staff, pupils, parents and governors;
  • Lead strategically and develop self and others in order to achieve outcomes;
  • Promote, achieve, monitor and evaluate high standards of teaching, learning and achievement throughout the school;
  • Develop effective partnerships between the school and the local community;
  • Communicate effectively orally and in writing;
  • Organise and prioritise workload effectively.

5Personal Qualities

The successful candidate must demonstrate:

  • Vision;
  • A sound value system;
  • Enthusiasm and motivation;
  • Assertiveness and confidence;
  • A caring child-centred approach;
  • Integrity;
  • Advocacy and empathy;
  • Sensitivity and discretion;
  • An ability to cope under pressure;
  • Tact and diplomacy;
  • Decisiveness;
  • Adaptability.

The Board of Governors reserves the right to enhance the essential criteria if necessary in order to facilitate a manageable shortlist.

Applicants must be registered with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) upon taking up employment.

Please note the onus is on candidates to provide sufficient detailed information on their application forms in order to demonstrate how they meet each of the criteria. Failure to do so may result in a candidate not being shortlisted since Selection Panels cannot make assumptions in the absence of essential information.




  1. The education and welfare of a class of pupils(in accordance with the requirements of the Teachers’ (Terms and Conditions of Employment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1987, having due regard to the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum, the school’s aims, objectives and schemes of work, and any policies of the Board of Governors.
  1. To share in the corporate responsibility for the well being and discipline of all the pupils.
  1. Additional duties included in Schedule 2 of the Teachers (Terms and Conditions of Employment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1987. The following duties are identified but are subject to change as the need arises;

a)To assist the Principal in the day to day running of the school.

b)To deputise for or represent the Principal when required.

c)To assist the Principal with the development, implementation and monitoring of the Management Plan and School Development Plan.

d)As a member of the Senior Management Team contribute to the discussion and decisions taken on the management of the school and development of the curriculum within the school.

e)Assist with the implementation of the PRSD Scheme in school.

f)To co-ordinate a Key Stage if required.

g)To liaise with teachers and support the development and management ofthe Northern Ireland Curriculum across Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

h)To take responsibility for school fund accounts.

i)To act as assessment co-ordinator leading and developing assessment practices throughout the school including co-ordinating of Key Stage Assessments, the administration of computerised tests, the development of the Pupil Report and the use of assessment for learning within the classroom.

j)Support co-ordinators when necessary to ensure the appropriate development of relevant policies and offer advice to co-ordinators supporting the delivery of the curriculum throughout the school.

k)To co-ordinate an area of learning or cross curricular skill.

l)Assist the Principal to ensure that teachers are involved in objective self evaluation, have opportunities to discuss their needs and receive praise for their work.

m)Provide information, when necessary, on all aspects of the curriculumfor which the successful candidate is responsible to all staff, parents, governors and others.

n)Be innovative and bring forward new ideas on management issues and teaching and learning to the Principal.

o)To act as a designated teacher for child protection.

p)To support the school’s Pastoral Care Programme.

q)To organise and lead residential visits.

r)To support school assemblies, events and functions including meetings outside school hours.

s)To actively support the school’s extra curricular programme.

t)Any other duties the Principal may from time to time determine.