How to Enter Your Courses into MyEdPlan

Counseling 20 Assignment

Once you have finished your Education Plan Assignment completely, your next step is to enter the courses you selected for your next two terms directly into MyEdPlan—the SMC online student educational planner.

Entering courses into MyEdPlan is fairly simple.

First, log into your Corsair Connect. ( then click Corsair Connect on the top yellow bar.

Then, click on MyEdPlan on the left and log in.

Now, follow these steps:


  1. Click on “New Ed Plan”in the blue left column. Read the Agreement, enter your last name, and then click “I Agree”(only if you do, of course!).
  1. Read the brief Welcome, then click “Next.”
  1. Answer the next several questions related to your educational goals. Be sure to answer these questions based on the education goal you selected for your Counseling 20 assignment (Ex.: Transfer to a 4-year college/University with an Associate Degree).
  • NOTE: “For Your Information” messages on the right side of the screen will give you additional insight into your choices. We hope you find it informative.
  1. Click “Next” after each screen, which is located at the top of the screen.
  1. Select the first term you want to plan (Ex.: “Spring 2016” or “Summer 2016”). This should be the current term. Click “Next.”
  1. Respond to the questions on the Weekly and Daily Activities survey. Click “Calculate” in order to move on the next step. (Be sure to read the comments about your Time summary. As you know, time management is critical for your student success!)
  1. Respond to the next few questions related to prior coursework and AP tests. Click “Next” after each screen. (The “For Your Information” messages MAY direct you to see a counselor—great advice if you haven’t done so already.)
  1. Name your Ed Plan (Ex.: “UCLA- Economics Major”). You can be as creative as you like, but remember you’ll be using this name to distinguish this ed plan from others that you may create in the future. Click “Next.”


After completing the above, you are ready to enter your 3-semester course plan that you created for your Ed Plan Assignment. If you would like to view a short video on how to do this, click on the “Tutorial”link on the left side menu.

NOTE: If you need to stop before you’re done, or you want to make corrections, no problem--see below under “MAKING CHANGES.”

  1. Scroll down and take a quick look at the MyEdPlan by Term at the bottom of the screen. This is the plan that you’ll be filling out. The courses that you are taking now should already be entered.
  1. IMPORTANT: Check to see if the next two terms that you’ll be entering already say, “Add Class to plan.” If either term says “Activate semester,” simply click “Activate semester” to activate the semester.
  1. Scroll up, and start entering your courses for your next two terms by clicking the “Course Search/Elective” tab located under My Degree Audit in the middle of the screen.
  1. Select the subject and then the specific class. Use the results provided on the right-hand side of the screen. Then, simply click on the “Add to Plan” button for the desired class. Be sure you select the correct term in which you want the course.
  • IMPORTANT: If the semester that you want is missing, exit the screens by clicking “Cancel,” and “Back to Education Plan.” Then, scroll down and click on “Activate semester” for the term that is missing, e.g., Summer 2016.
  1. Repeat these steps until you are done entering your courses.
  1. If required by your instructor, print your ed plan by clicking the“Print Plan”button located above your created ed plan. The “Simple” option is fine. Then, attach the printout to your Counseling 20 Educational Plan Assignment and turn it in to your instructor.
  1. There! You’re done! Good work.

NOTE: There is a new online counselor review process for student-created educational plans! You can now click on “Request Review of MyEdPlan,” located under the orange MyEdPlan by Term header.An SMC counselor will review your plan and provide you with feedback. Note that it may take up to seven days to receive a response online.

  • IMPORTANT! This review does NOT replace the appointment with a counselor that may be required to review your paper Ed Plan Assignment.


  • Make amistake? Delete a course by using the minus sign in the red circle under the appropriate term.
  • Stop and Restart? If you exit the website before you finish, click on the menu (looks like three lines or bars) and select either “My Primary Ed Plan” or “My Other Ed Plans” to find your ed plan.


  • We recommend that you do this for every new ed plan that you create!
  • You may continue to use MyEdPlan anytime you want using the URL above or directly through Corsair Connect. (
  • You can edit your plan anytime, or you may create a new plan—there are no limits. (If a counselor has approved an educational plan, then you cannot modify it without counselor assistance. However, you can simply start a new plan.)
  • We strongly urge you to meet with a counselor to discuss any revisions you make, as well as to discuss major and transfer requirements.