The International School at Thornton Middle
Choir Syllabus 2014-2015
Ms. Jennifer Gooch
(720) 972-8882
Parents and Students,
I want to welcome everyone back and express my excitement for the year to come! We have a lot of exciting changes and events already in the works and I am looking forward to the opportunity of working alongside the students. This syllabus will include information that will help you understand what is expected of you as an active member of TIS choral program.
Ms. Gooch
Course Description:
Choir is a hands-on, performance-based class designed to introduce students to the basics of choral singing and musical literacy through the study of diverse repertoire, sight-singing, music theory, and music history. Students will be responsible for their own individual performance as well as contributing to the ensemble as a whole.
Supplies Needed:1 ” ½” binder
Loose-leaf paper
Dividers or folders
Sharpened pencils
Concert Attire:Collared black shirt with nice blue jeans. All school rules regarding appropriate attire will be in effect for all concerts. Administration will be present at each event and the dress code will be enforced.
--If for any reason students are unable to obtain proper clothing for the concerts please contact Ms. Gooch.
Classroom Expectations:
/- Be respectful –To your teachers, other students, and school property.
- Be positive –A little good humor goes a long way to make this class a great experience.
- Be on time –Warm-ups are part of rehearsal and they begin as soon as the bell rings.
- Keep personal items put away –Make up, cell phones, other electronic devices, etc.
- Always try your best!
Concert Schedule:
Students will have the opportunity to perform in each of the semester concerts. Each concert will be mandatory for students to attend and will be a percentage of the students grade. If students are unable to participate in a concert for any reason, notice must be given two weeks prior to the date of the concert and approved by Ms. Gooch.
The International School at Thornton Middle
Choir Syllabus 2014-2015
Ms. Jennifer Gooch
(720) 972-8882
Winter Concert:
Tuesday, December 9th
End of the Year Concert:
Tuesday, May 12th
The International School at Thornton Middle
Choir Syllabus 2014-2015
Ms. Jennifer Gooch
(720) 972-8882
Discipline Procedure:
The music department at TIS has moved to a system of discipline and classroom management that focuses on student accountability. In this system, students will have several opportunities to reflect upon and change their behavior. Their progression through these various levels/steps will be documented. Major offenses will result in immediate office referral.
2Hall Conference with Teacher
3Contact Home
*If a student has more than one hall conference in five days there will be a call home.
Tardy Arrival to Class:
If a student has three or more unexcused tardy arrivals to class there will be a supplemental assignment assigned by Ms. Gooch to make up for the time they have missed. If a student arrives to class with a pass, the tardy will not count against them.
A final MYP mark for performing arts will be based in demonstration of skills in the following 4 criteria.
MYP Criteria: Performing Arts
Criteria A:Knowing and Understanding
This criterion focuses on building knowledge and understanding of both the art form and the process. Examples of assessment in this area include but are not limited to written theory assessments, music specific vocabulary and symbols assessment.
Criteria B: Developing Skills
This objective focuses on the practical application of the student’s skills to the creation of music. This criterion will include assessments of the student’s ability to develop and carry out performances, skill and technique demonstrations, and the ability to experiment with practice and rehearsal routines.
Criteria C: Thinking Creatively
This objective focuses on encouraging students to explore the unfamiliar and experiment in innovative ways to develop their personal artistic identity. Assessment examples include but are not limited to composition projects and improvisation demonstrations.
Criteria D: Responding
Students will have the opportunity to respond to their world, to their own art, and to the art of others. Examples of assessment in the criteria include, but are not limited to, listening logs, performance self-assessments, group performance assessments, and concert reflections.
Major Units and Projects: Major themes of choral study include: pitch production, musical literacy, sight-singing, performance skills, and the mastery of diverse repertoire. Throughout the year we will visit and revisit each theme in order to develop and build upon students’ vocal skills.
There will be bi-weekly assessments given on Wednesdays in a variety of forms. Assessments could either be written or aural.
Written Assessments: Written assessments may cover topics such as music theory, vocabulary, rhythmic dictation, cultural concepts, etc…
Aural Assessments: Aural assessments may cover topics such as scales, sight reading, aural recall, rhythmic recall, etc…
Missing Assignments/Assessments:
Missing assignments for a student that has not completed any work, has not turned in a project, or has not attempted an assessment, will become part of the overall demonstration of knowledge that will be considered for MYP final marks. Every student has the right to take a summative assessment once. However, re-takes will not be permitted until all classwork has been completed and a study session attended. Exceptions will be evaluated on a case to case basis. Students who complete 95% of the classwork will be allowed to re-take assessments provided that the student attends a study session with the teacher. The study session requirements will be an agreement between the teacher and the student. Re-takes of assessments must be completed by the end of the next unit. In addition, all make-up work must be completed by the end of the next unit. Students will always receive the highest grade they achieve on a test.
Concert Attendance:
The performance experience is a key element to the music program, allowing us to share all that we learn and to experience the thrill and energy of a concert. It is essential that all ensemble members be at each concert to facilitate a successful and balanced program. Therefore, attendance is required at all performances. An assessment grade for concert attendance will be assigned to Criteria B: Developing Skills. Absences are the student’s responsibility to make up. The student will need to meet Ms. Gooch to plan appropriate measures to make up the missed work.
I am looking forward to a very fun and rewarding experience this year in choir and I am excited to work with your students.
-Ms. Gooch
Please read this syllabus with your parent or guardian. Please return this sheet.
“I have read and understand the information and policies presented in Ms. Gooch’s Choir Syllabus and I have discussed them with my child.”
Parent or Guardian Signature (Date)Student Signature(Date)
Parent or Guardian Name (Print) Student Name (Print)
Parent or Guardian Daytime Contact Phone NumberStudent Class Period
Parent or Guardian Email address