238 Mini-API / Cheat Sheet
- select based on a selector: $(selectorIdentifier)
- select based on an ID: $('#idIdentifier')
- select based on a class name: $('.classIdentifier')
Selecting with an attribute Selector:
- ^abcselects items that begin with ‘abc’
Example: $('img[src^="ball"]') will select images with an src that begins with the letters ‘ball’
- *abcselects items that contain ‘abc’
Example: $('img[src*="ball"]') will select images with an src that contains with the letters ‘ball’
- $abcselects items that end with ‘abc’
Example: $('img[src$="ball"]') will select images with an src that ends with the letters ‘ball’
- Logical AND uses ‘&’ e.g. if (name==’Bob’ & color==’blue’)
- Logical OR uses ‘||’e.g. if (name==’Bob’ || name==’Lisa’)
Mini-API of jQuery (not JavaScript functions):
- html() – Returns the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements.
- html( htmlString ) - Replaces any prior content of the selected element with ‘htmlString’
- fadeIn(duration) / fadeOut(duration) – Fades the selection in our out over a period of 'duration' milliseconds.
- text() – Returns the text ignoring any HTML tags.
- text( string ) – Replaces any prior content of the selected element with 'string'as plain text only.
- append( content ) - Inserts content, specified by the argument, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements.
- prepend( content ) - Inserts content, specified by the argument, to the beginning of each element in the set of matched elements.
- show() - Display all selected elements
- hide() - Hide all selected elements
- remove() - Removes all selected elements
- replaceWith( content ) - Replaces the content of selected items with ‘content’
- addClass(className) – Adds the class ‘className’ to the selector
- removeClass(className) – Removes the class ‘className’ from the selector
- css(propertyName) / css(propertyName, value) - See images below
- toggleClass( class name ) – Adds/Removes ‘className’ from the selector depending on whether or not it is currently applied
- Math.round(Number)– Returns ‘Number’ rounded to the nearest numeric value
- attr( attributeName ) – Returns the current value of ‘attributeName’
- attr( attributeName, value ) - Sets the attribute ‘attributeName’ to ‘value’
- removeAttr( attributeName ) – Removes attribute ‘attributeName’
- each( named or anonymousFunction ) – When applied to a selector, the function will be applied to every selected item
- focus(named or anonymousFunction) - Function is executed when selected element gains focus
- blur(named or anonymousFunction) - Function is executed when selected element loses focus
- click( named or anonymousFunction ) – Function is executed when selected element is clicked
- val() – Retrieves the value of the selected element
- prop("checked") - Returns ‘true’ if the selected element has been checked
- event.preventDefault(evt) - Default action of the event will not be triggered
Example of each() function that makes use of an anonymous function and the ‘this’ construct:
$('img').each( function() {
var currentImageName = $(this).attr('src');
Mini-API of JavaScript (not jQuery functions):
Reminder: A jQuery function must begin with ‘$’ whle a JavaScript function must not.
- push(String) - Add an element to the end of an array. For example, someArray.push(25); will add the number 25 to the end of the array ‘someArray’.
- How to declare an array: var arrayName = [element1, element2, … elementN). To declare an empty array: var arrayName = [];
- string.length – returns the length of the string
- indexOf(string) – will return the index of the first time ‘string’ occurs. So "hello".indexOf('llo') will return 2. If the string is not found, then indexOf() will return -1
- parseInt(string) – converts the string to its integer form. The string must “resemble” an integer. e.g. parseInt("231") will return the integer 231
- parseFloat(string) – does the same as parseInt() but returns a double. E.g. parseFloat("231.44") returns the number 231.44
- someString.search(string) - Returns the index at which the argument was found. If the argument is not found, returns -1. Can be used with regular expressions. For example: "Hello".search(/o/); will return 4.
- string.split(character to split on) - Breaks up a string into substrings and returns an array. For example: "hello goodbye okay".split(""); will split the string on space characters, and return an array of size 3 with the values ["hello","goodbye","okay"]
Example of a for-loop:
for (var counter=0; counter<10; counter+=1)
//body of loop goes here
Some CSS Items
<style type="text/css">
selector { property:value; property:value;}
.className { property:value; etc }
#id_name { property:value; etc }
- Change a font type:font-family:value;
Some font types/values: serif, sans-serif, cursive, monospace, Arial, etc
- Change a font size:text-size:200%; 200% means double its usual size
- Change a foreground color:color:value;
- Change a background color:background-color:value;
- Place a border:border:solid
- Adjusts width:width:200px To mdify original size: width:75%
For use with certain questions:
Some Regular Expression Patterns