ISAB Minutes (Jan 13, 2015)
- Minutes-taker: Ming Li
- Freedom of Speech
- Recent events in Paris and Boston have generated a lot of discussion about what “free speech” means
- 2014 has been a year where we saw expressions surfaced that have been hurtful, some others thoughtful – both in the world and in the University
- Some individuals in the University indicated that they have not been able to feel safe on campus and this called for a response by the University
- Kalven Report: We are interested in freedom of research but the University cannot take a political position
- It is not acceptable to shut down expression
- The Maroon argued that the University has to take a stronger stand against “hate speech”
- Discussion about whether there exists a distinction between “freedom of speech” and “freedom of action”
- University should take a stand if specific individuals or groups are targeted
- Question of safety: How does the University make our students feel safe on campus because of certain expressions instead of distancing the University’s name with regard to this issue?
- Free speech: What do we allow? What do we not allow? The intention to have a more visible continuing conversation is important
- Responsibility & impact of communication
- Types of expression that cross the line of credible threat
- Video Testimonial project: Recruiting friends to provide testimony and opinions about this issue
- Sub-groups meeting
- Health insurance presentation – Is there interest?
- Outreach group:
Timing for tabling: 18 & 19 February 2015, 3 hours each day, volunteer for tabling slots of 30 minutes – Capitalize on the Dollar shake day
Freebies: treats and pens
Jenny will help to design pamphlets
Pins for ISAB members that we could wear during events that would make us more visible and approachable
Funding for tabling: The group will draft up a budget on this and send to ISAB for approval. If ISAB has questions, we will raise those
Will the Board approve a budget of $250? Passed by Board! Hence, the subgroup has this upper limit to spend
- Employment group:
Graduate (Graduate Student Affairs) vs. undergraduate (Career Advancement Office)
2 priorities:
- Expanding opportunities for international students
- Look into a potential email listhost –send out international jobs to international students and possibly sort by geography
Jaime: Volunteered to talk to Career Advancement and cc the subgroup
Susana and Julian will talk to the Graduate Student Affairs
Remember to invite these offices for future meetings and conversations
- Funding group:
Iowa State University AiSO Conference (13-15 March 2015): Who is interested? An email will be sent out by the sub-group to the Board to gauge interest
Changing of the name of the fund from “ISAB Allocation Fund” to “ISAB Grant”
Putting more information about the grant online
Shortening the time needed to approve ideas
Increase visibility of the Grant on digest and Facebook page
Specify that more information can be received at the tabling if interested in the Grant
The subgroup has drafted an application which will be available on the website
Question: Send the application to the whole ISAB group or only Jen and Tamara? Tamara will look up an e-form for this.
- OIA: New visual identity (Logo, letterheads etc)
- Final items:
1) Need ISAB website self-portrait photos and short biographies from the Board
- Important for international students representation
2) Jen will send a follow-up and form about the Free Speech Video Project
- So that the Board can be involved by suggesting international student representations
3) New staff
4) Be aware about scams!