Elmhurst College
Department of Education
The Teacher as a Knowledgeable and Caring Creator and Director of Learning Experiences
Secondary Science Student Teaching Candidate Evaluation
By Cooperating Teacher and College Science Mentor/Supervisor
STANDARD 1 - Content Knowledge
/ Unsatisfactory= 0 / Basic = 1 / Proficient = 2 / Distinguished = 3The teacher understands the central concepts, methods of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make the content meaningful to all students. / Demonstrates lack of content knowledge and makes content errors or does not correct student content errors. / Demonstrates basic content knowledge and basic knowledge of the major concepts of the disciplines. / Demonstrates core knowledge of the major content concepts of the disciplines. / Demonstrates core knowledge of the major content concepts and seeks further development.
STANDARD 1 - Content Knowledge / Un / Bas / Pro / Di
NSTA 1a. The teacher understands the central concepts, methods of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make the content meaningful to all students.
NSTA 6ab. Bases science instruction on state and national standards.
NSTA 1b. Understands and conveys major concepts and principles using unifying concepts and themes.
NSTA 1c. Understands and conveys technological applications of science.
NSTA 1d. and e Understands and conveys how to design and explain investigations and foster the effective analysis of data.
NSTA 2b. Engages students in the study of the nature and tenets of science as a philosophy, activity, and profession.
NSTA 3b. Engages students in effective science inquiry and investigation.
NSTA 4b. Relates science to technology, its applications, culture and human values.
NSTA 7b. Involve students successfully in activities that relates science in the community.
NSTA 9a. Safety: Understand the legal and ethical responsibilities of science teachers for the welfare of their students. Maintains safety, establishes safety rules as warranted for laboratory experiments and activities. Demonstrates safe practices in dealing with science materials.
Student Name______Date:______Evaluator’s Signature______
Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
STANDARD 4 - Planning for Instruction
/ Un / Bas / Pro / DiThe teacher understands instructional planning and designs instruction based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, the community, and curriculum goals.
Creates multiple learning activities that allow for variation in student learning styles and facilitates active inquiry and collaboration.
NSTA 6ab. Bases science instruction on state and national standards.
STANDARD 5 - Learning Environment
/ Un / Bas / Pro / DiThe teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
STANDARD 6 - Instructional Delivery
/ Un / Bas / Pro / DiNSTA 5a. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
NSTA 5b. Monitors and adjusts strategies in response to learner feedback.
NSTA 5c. Uses collaborative and other group learning strategies
NSTA 5d.. Uses a wide range of instructional technologies to enhance student learning
NSTA 5.e. Understand and build effectively upon the prior beliefs, knowledge, experiences, and interests of students.
STANDARD 7 – Communication / Un / Bas / Pro / Di
The teacher uses knowledge of effective written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.