Name Vocabulary #25
Word / Part of Speech / Definitionspeculate / verb / To think about something and make guesses about it; to form ideas or theories about something even if there are many things not known about it.
spectator / noun / A person who watches an event, show, game, activity, etc., often as part of an audience.
spectacle / noun / A very impressive show; something that attracts attention because it is very unusual or very shocking.
kaleidoscope / noun / A tube that has mirrors and loose pieces of colored glass or plastic inside at one end so that you see many different patterns when you turn the tube while looking in through the other end.
microscope / adjective / Able to be seen only through a microscope; extremely small
horoscope / noun / Advice and future predictions based on the date of a person’s birth and the positions of the stars and planets.
tangible / adjective / Easily seen or recognized; able to be touched or felt.
contagious / adjective / Having a sickness that can be passed to someone else by touching
contiguous / adjective / Used to describe things that touch each other or are immediately next to each other.
tactile / adjective / Relating to the sense of touch.
meticulous / adjective / Careful; precise; showing great attention to detail
regal / adjective / royal
dialect / noun / A form of language belonging to a certain region
contempt / noun / The act of strongly not liking someone or something
transcribe / verb / To make a copy of
adjourn / verb / To bring or come to a close for a period of time
elude / verb / To avoid or escape by being quick, skillful, or tricky
burden / noun / Something that is hard to take
petrify / verb / To frighten very much
conceal / verb / To hide from sight
Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete 3 of the activities to turn in on Thursday.
- Write a sentence that contains each spelling word. The sentence must demonstrate the meaning of the word and each sentence must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
- Make a flashcard for each word. The front of the flashcards must contain the word and a sentence containing the word. The back of the flashcard must contain the word’s part of speech and its definition.
- Write a story using 15 of your words. The story must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
- Draw a picture to represent the meaning of 10 of your words.
- Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of your words.
- Create a word search using Puzzlemaker on or graph paper that includes all of your vocabulary words. Then, solve your words search by highlighting each spelling word.