Randy Record, Chairman
Board of Directors, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
700 N. Alameda, Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
RE: SUPPORT – California WaterFix
Dear Mr. Record:
[INSERT INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS NAME] supports upgrading and protecting of one of California’s most vital water sources through the California WaterFix.
Modernizing and improving California’s water system is essential for the reliable delivery of water supplies to much of the state. About 30 percent of the water that flows out of taps in Southern California homes and businesses comes from Northern California watersheds and flows through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Southern California businesses and residents have already invested billions in the construction and maintenance of the State Water Project system that delivers water from Northern California. Approving this plan protects this investment and ensures a more efficient water supply. Ultimately, this modern infrastructure will protect our water supply distribution from failure aging levees due to sea-level rise, earthquakes, and flood events.
The water delivered through the Delta is a critical piece of the state’s overall water supply security. Sierra snowmelt and storm water from northern California help meet water needs in southern California, the Bay Area, and the Central Valley. The Delta’s declining ecosystem and 1,100 miles of levees are increasingly vulnerable to earthquakes, flooding, saltwater intrusion, climate change and further environmental degradation.
WaterFix would upgrade California’s water delivery system through the construction of three new water intakes at the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta that would screen out fish and would be linked through newly-constructed twin tunnels to the existing system.
Together with California WaterFix, locally driven water conservation, groundwater, recycling and storage projects create a smarter, more sustainable water system for the 21st century. The California WaterFix is a prudent, realistic, and science-driven water delivery system that will help protect our economy, public health and safety, and California’s native fisheries.
[INSERT INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS NAME]urges you to approve the California WaterFix, as the risk of doing nothing only further jeopardizes our state’s water supply security.