*When you see this sign, please stand as you are able.
*Processional Hymn #516 Come Ye Thankful People Come
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Come, gather together people of God.
We come to sing and shout God’s praise.
The gateways of the morning and the evening shout for joy!
The river of God is full of water.
The pastures of the wilderness overflow with richness.
The hills and valleys are full of God’s blessing.
Together they shout and sing for joy.
Together we shout and sing for joy!
We will not forget the Lord our God, and the earth that
Nourishes us.
We will remember and give thanks.
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Introit: Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place,
I can feel His mighty power and His Grace.
I can feel the brush of angel’s wings
I see the glory on each face,
surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
Opening Prayer (on back cover bulletin cover)
*Hymn # 427 To Show By Touch and Word
Theme Conversation/Prayer with Children
Prayer of Confession
Creator God, we confess that we do not always remember you.
We forget that all we have and are comes from you.
We forget that the earth is our mother – we are made from the earth.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.
We are a part of the earth, and the earth is part of us.
We forget that the rivers are our brothers; they quench our thirst.
We forget that the perfumed flowers are our sisters.
We forget that the air is precious, for all of us share the same breath.
The wind gives our children the spirit of life.
We forget that the earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth.
Worship will meet on Tuesday Oct 11th at 9:15am at the church.
We have received a thank you note from the drop in centre which is on the bulletin board with all the pictures at the side door off Easy St.
CENTERING PRAYER WORKSHOP – Saturday, October 22, 2011
Centering Prayer is a remarkably simple method of meditation that opens us to God’s gift of contemplative prayer. It is an invitation to silence, an experience of God’s presence as the ground in which our being is rooted, the Source from whom our life emerges at every moment. Daily practice leads to a more intimate relationship with God and a more powerful experience of God’s presence and action in our lives. This one-day workshop is based on the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating, a Trappist monk and author of Open Mind, Open Heart.
The workshop is open to the community and will be held at St. Mark’s, Midland, 303 Third Street (corner of Easy)
A donation of $5 - $10 will cover materials, coffee, tea and snacks. Bring a bag lunch. 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. To register call (705) 526-6562 or email .
Go Green - Please consider using the PAR program. Have your givings come out of your bank account automatically each month, no more envelopes, no more having to write a cheque or have cash each week, join the 72 families and individuals in our church who use PAR each month. If have not got envelopes and would like a set, please call the church office for more information on both the PAR program and envelopes.
Volunteer Opportunities: Be a Santa’s helper: The Salvation Army is gearing up for a busy winter and it looking for volunteers: They need drivers, sorters, people to man the kettles, also people to work in the coat drives and to donate coats. Please contact Sandra at 705-526-2751 if you are willing to help!!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Thanksgiving Food Drive!
UCW will meet on Tuesday Oct 11th in the parlour at 12:30. Bring a bag lunch, tea will be supplied.
Annual Lasagna supper put on by the Order of Eastern Star at St. Paul’s on Friday Oct 21st from 5 to 7pm. Adults $12 and children $5. Tickets will be available in the church office or by calling Gary Price 705-528-0570.
Christian Community Breakfast on Wednesday Oct 19, 2011, at the North Simcoe Sports & Rec. Centre. Doors open at 6:30am breakfast 7-9am. Guest speaker Rev. Captain Charles Deogratias, chaplain of the 22nd Royal Regiment. Special 20th Anniversary music by Jamie Weber. The cost is $12.50 and tickets are available in the church office. See insert in bulletin.
10th Annual Senior Information Day on Friday Oct 14th from 9:30am to 2:30pm at the North Simcoe Sports & Rec Centre. Informative exhibits, guest speakers and complimentary lunch and refreshments, door prizes. All seniors welcome! See poster for more information.
We forget that all things are connected, like the blood that unites one family.
We forget that you are the same God whose compassion is equal for all.
We forget that we did not weave the web of life; that we are merely a strand in it.
Forgive, us O Creator, and help us to remember that whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
Forgive us we pray, and accept our thanks for our gift of life.
Assurance of Forgiveness
We Hear the Wisdom of the Word
Prayer for Illumination (said by all)
As food is for the body, as sun is for the leaves, as rain is
for the earth, so your word is for our lives, nourishing,
replenishing, refreshing, and healing. For this we thank you, loving God. Amen
Hebrew Scripture: Exodus 8: 7-18
This is the witness of Israel.
Thanks be to God.
Christian Testament: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Thanks be to God!
Anthem: Come With Glad Thanksgiving Michael Sharp
Gospel Reading: Luke 17: 11-19
This is the Good News.
Praise to Jesus, the Word made flesh.
Sermon: Giving Thanks Every Day
We Respond to God’s Word
Giving of our Good and Gifts: Hymn #291 All Things Bright and Beautiful (please pass your gifts of food down your pew toward the aisles for the children to gather)
*Doxology: #VU 541
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures high and low; give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, One.
*Offertory Prayer
Prayers of the People
We Go Forth to Serve
* Hymn VU #520 We Plough the Fields
* Sung Blessing
Go in love; have no fear.
God will guide you, He is always near.
Go in Love; take His hand.
God will hear you, He will understand.
May His light forever shine upon you.
May His peace be always in your heart.
Go in love; face each day.
God will lead you, He will show the way.
Go in love and live in faith. Amen.
(Reproduced with permission under license #c)
Postlude The congregation is invited to remain seated during
the postlude to allow the choir to recess, thank you
A special welcome to all new friends as we gather to celebrate God’s presence in our lives. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer, please make yourself known to us. If you have any questions, our greeters would be delighted to help you. Please put your name, mailing address and email address in our guest book so we may have a record of your visit. Coffee will be served today in the gym compliments of our The Circle.
Ministers: All the People of God with the Rev. Karen Ptolemy-Stam
Lay Reader: Colin Whiteside
Director of Music: Paul Sloan
Pre-Service Music Rick Taylor
Administrator Judy McConnell
Custodian Mary Ellen Petticrew
308 King St, Midland, ON L4R 3M6
Office hours Mon-Fri 9-12 & 1-4pm
Phone 526-6077, Fax 526-4020
Karen’s email:
Prayer Matters: Please keep the following people in your prayers: Tom Marr at home, Amara Van der Zwan, Pat Walton, Doug Mosley at home, Frank Mustard at home, and Marj Burton, Joan Doolittle and Evelyn Banks in Hillcrest in our prayers and anyone else who may need our support by prayer at this time.
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pat Walton, Pat’s memorial service was held at St. Paul’s on Thursday Oct 6th. Our condolences and prayers go out to Paul and family for their loss. The flowers at the front of the church are in Pat’s memory.
Bible Study is Wednesday mornings at in the parlour, please note that on October 19th Bible study will be starting at 11:30 and running till 1pm. All are welcome!! There will be no bible study next Wednesday Oct 12th but will resume on Oct 19th.
Our Sunday school is looking for volunteers to help in the nursery area on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping with the young children of our church, please contact our Sunday school teachers.
New Members: Interested in joining the church, please contact the church office or speak to Karen. Our next welcoming Sunday is on November 13th.
I would like to thank all the people and committees that sent me cards and those who phoned and came to see me I thank you very much! Bill Heeley
Happy 90th Birthday to Elva Ellison from you family at St. Paul’s on Thursday October 13th congratulations Elva!