It is essential that all names given are the individual’s legal first name and surname as these will appear on your certificates. If you have changed your name by deed poll, please enter the details of your previous name in the appropriate box below.
Title(Please circle the appropriate title) / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Date of Birth / Day / Month / Year
Legal First Name
Other Names
(Middle name)
Legal Surname
Previous Surnames
NI Number
(National Insurance Number) / ______/ Tel/Mobile
(Contact Number)
Email Address
(House number/street)
County / Postcode
Please state how many years/months you have lived at this address:
How did you hear about Aston Recruitment and Training?
To assist us in monitoring our equal opportunities policy, please describe your ethnic origin by entering a tick in the appropriate box. The following sections contain codes to support the completion of the ILR.
Ethnicity-Please circle/delete as appropriate
White British / Irish / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
White & Asian / Indian / Gypsy or Irish Traveller / Chinese
Caribbean / African / White & Black Caribbean / White & Black African
Have you lived/ been resident in one or more of the countries/ territories listed below for the last three years:
United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Balearic Islands, Canaries, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Greenland.
Please circle Yes or No
(If you circle No, please specify where you have been resident, your country of origin and nationality) / Yes / No:
Country of Origin: / Nationality:
If you are not of British nationality please state the details in the box provided: / Issuing Office:
Passport Number:
Additional Support(Please tick whichever of these boxes apply)
Answering the questions below will not influence your eligibility for work and will aid us in ensuring you receive any necessary support. (All information provided will be treated in the strictest of confidence as per our Data Protection policy).
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or learning difficulty?
(Please circle yes or no) / Yes / No
If you have circled Yes please circle your disability/learning disability in the box below.
Visual Impairment / Emotional/Behavioural Difficulties / Multiple Disabilities / Profound Complex Disabilities / Hearing Impairment / Multiple Learning Difficulties / Disability affecting Mobility
Asperger’s Syndrome / Medical Condition (Epilepsy,asthma,
diabetes) / Social and emotional difficulties / Learning difficulty (severe) / Learning difficulty
(moderate) / Dyscalculia / Dyslexia
Other specific learning difficulty (Dyspraxia) / Temporary disability after illness or accident / Otherphysical disability / Autism spectrum disorder / Mental Health difficulties / Other learning difficulty / Other
(See Below)
If you have circled other, please specify your disability or learning difficulty in the box provided:
If you have more than onedisability/learning difficulty please specify which is your primary disability (The difficulty that affects you most):
If you have ticked any of the above boxes, please specify in the box provided if you have any requirements that will assist you throughout your programme. (For example; coloured paper, bigger font)
If you have ticked Dyslexia or Dyscalculia, please circle whether you have been issued with a statement or test results. (This information will help Aston support you throughout your apprenticeship.) / Yes / No
Household Situation (please as applicable)
Please bear in mind if you are employed, the above situations that state ‘No household member is in employment’ will not be applicable to you. /
No household member is in employment and the household includes one or more dependent children
No household member is in employment and the household does not include any dependent children
Learner lives in a single adult household with dependent children
Learner has withheld this information
None of HHS1, HHS2 or HHS3 applies
Name of School Attended:
Please circle your educational status as appropriate below
Still attending school. / Left school up to 3 months ago. / Left school 3-12 months ago. / Left school over 12 months ago.
Name of College Attended:
(If applicable)
Please circle your educational status as appropriate below
Still attending school. / Left school up to 3 months ago. / Left school 3-6 months ago. / Left school over 12 months ago.
Previous Qualifications:
Please note that Aston will need a copy of certificates for any prior qualifications, including previous hairdressing courses/qualifications. Failure to produce certificates will result in the candidate completing functional skills in Maths and English language.
Subject / Level (GCSE/NVQ/A Level) / Grade / Date Achieved
Employment History (Including work experience)
Employer Name:
Time at this employer:
(Please include the date you started and the date you left your employer, if you can) / Date Started:
Date Left:
How many months/years were you working for:
Reason for Leaving:
(Not applicable for work experience)
Description of duties within your job role:
What are your strengths?
What are your areas of development?
What are your future career aspirations/future goals?
Contact Details Following Successful application
If your application is successful, Aston will be contacting you with your induction details via email.Please confirm your email address in the box below;
If you do not have access to an email, your induction information will be sent by post, please confirm whether you would like this to be sent to your home address or your work address in the box below;
SUPPORTING STATEMENTYour supporting statement forms an important part and is your opportunity to ensure you make the most of your application.
Prompting Questions
Why is an apprenticeship right for you?
Why is it that you have chosen to begin a career in hairdressing?
Level 2 & 3 entitlement:
I confirm my qualification information completed by me on this form is correct. I understand that if I declared false information, action may be taken to reclaim the tuition fees and any support cost provided.
Your data may be used for recruitment purposes, marketing or statistical analysis. Please sign below to confirm you agree to us using your data and that you have completed the application yourself
Candidate Signature:
Privacy Notice How We Use Your Personal Information
The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding (“the Agency”) and, when needed, the Department for Education, including the Education Funding Agency to meet legal responsibilities under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and for the Agency’s Learning Records Service (LRS) to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). The information you provide may be shared with other organisations for education, training and employment–related purposes, including for research. Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available at:
Below fields for Aston Interviewer Use only
(Please do not complete this section)
Provider Use Only / L35 Prior Attainment For Use On ILR / 01Level 1 / 03
Level 3 / 05
Level 5 or more / 09
Entry Level / 98
Not known
Level 2 / 04
Level 4 / 07
Below L1 / 97
Level unknown / 99
No Quals
Provider use only: A14 Recommended funding (including A14 code for ILR)
22 / First Level 2 / 32 / Level 2/3 Co-Funded (inc. second L2)
28 / Fully funded Second Level 2* / 24 / Level 4 Jumper (19-24 prior attainment at or below L2)
22 / Level 3 Jumper / 32 / Level 4 Jumper (25+)
24 / Level 3 19-25 / 09 / Skills for Life
Identity Check
(Please circle the form of ID you will be able to provide) / Passport / Driving License / National Insurance Letter / Birth Certificate / Other
Evidence seen by Aston representative: / Aston representative name:
Aston representative signature:
Confirmation of details (For example passport number or driving license number)
Induction Letters to be sent via; (Please circle)
By Email / By PostS:\RECRUITMENT DOCUMENTS - Updated May 09\Email pack\Revised Application Form 291116v2.docx