Fort Lewis College Meeting 6

Curriculum Committee Minutes October 8, 2008

2008-2009 Academic Year 3:35 – 4:30 pm

Present: Arbeeny, Pam; John Baranski; Barnes, Sherry; Burkhart, Olivia; Chew, Beverly; Crawford, Gerald; Fine-Dare, Kathy; Gadbois, John; Hartsfield, Larry; McGurr, Paul; Moss, Susan, Trujillo, Jennifer

Absent: Kendall, Kathy

Guests: Carol Smith; Giselle Pansze

1.  Larry Hartsfield being late, Paul McGurr brought the meeting to order. The minutes for the October 1st meeting were approved.

2.  Larry Hartsfield arrived and addressed the Mathematics courses and Mathematics Major proposals.

  1. Math 105 - College Mathematics and MATH 110 – College Algebra – were brought forward to add “placement in COMP 125” as a prerequisite. This was brought forward because the Freshman Math program is concerned about poor performance in the Math courses because Freshmen are unable to properly read the textbook. The proposals were tabled.

The Curriculum committee concern was that such a prerequisite would also, logically, be wanted by all Freshmen level courses. Then students in Transitional courses (TRS) would have no other courses to take. Even with the reduced number of TRS level students with the improved index scores, the committee felt this was a matter to be discussed in a wider forum. Larry Hartsfield will contact Amy Getz for further discussion and determination of a next step.

3.  The following individual Math courses were reviewed which were related to the Math major program change

  1. MATH 383- Topics in Mathematics – New course for 3 credit hours (repeatable with different topic to 6 credit hours) – was approved.
  2. MATH 430 – Complex Variables – Change of credits from 3 to 4 hours - was approved (8 in favor; 2 opposed)

4.  The Mathematics Major program proposal was reviewed. The purpose of the change in the math major was to make it more flexible for the student. The number of upper division required courses was being reduced and replaced with math electives. In addition MATH 201 – Elementary Statistics was being removed from the major as it was not felt to be the appropriate level Statistics course for Math majors - was approved.

5.  Carol Smith and Giselle Pansze addressed the COOP Education proposal to change credit hours for COOP 200. The curriculum committee had asked for clarification of (a) the academic nature and faculty oversight of the COOP program and (b) the justification for the allowance of 12 credits of academic credit for the COOP program.

The presentation followed the handout attached to these minutes. Larry Hartsfield suggested the committee consider the points made and the discussion and action on the course was tabled until the next meeting.

6.  The Environmental Studies Major (all options) and the Environmental Policy Minor changes and the three ENVS – Topics courses were discussed. It was pointed out that the changes were contingent on a new position being approved to provide the needed resources. The new position was not approved. Therefore, the proposals were tabled.

7.  The following individual Math courses were reviewed which were related to the Interdisciplinary Studies – Teacher Education option change

  1. Math 215 – Math for Elementary Teachers I – change from 3 hour course (2-2) to a four hour course (all lecture) – was approved (8 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstain)
  2. Math 318 – Math for Elementary Teachers II – change from 3 hour course (2-2) to a three hour course (all lecture) – was approved

8.  Changes in Interdisciplinary Studies – Teacher Education option were reviewed. These changes related to change in Math 215 and correction of inconsistencies in catalog – was approved.

Respectfully submitted

Paul McGurr