P.O. BOX 932
May 20, 2010
Attendance:Board Members Present: Bernice Marinucci, Joan Berschler, Carol Cohen,Carole Witt
Unable to Attend: Ray Funkhouser
Management: Bob Felte and Katie Doyle
Visitor: Kevin Walsh, K&K Landscaping
Call to Order:Bernice Marinucci,President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Board discussed several areas of concern with Kevin Walsh from K&K.
- The Board thanked Kevin for making the entrance so colorful.
- Upgrades for planters in Jefferson and Adams – Kevin submitted pictures and quotes last fall. He will go over them again and work with Katie. Kevin added that it is best to upgrade the planters in the fall.
- Corner of Grant Mews and Honey Run – some trimming was done previously to correct the blocked view when coming out of Grant Mews. This work is on private property but the association has been working with the owner. Unfortunately, the problem still exists. Katie will work with K&Kand the homeowner to improve the corner.
- The Board thanked Kevin for the extra work he did in cleaning out the parking pads. He will continue as long as cars are not parked there.
- The planter in the back of Harrison needs attention. The board asked Kevin to trim and shape it.
Homeowner’s Forum:
There were no homeowners present.
A motion was made by Carole Witt and seconded by Joan Berschler to approve the April minutes. The motion was carried unanimously.
Set Agenda:
There were no additions to the agenda.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ray Funkhouser distributed the Treasurer's Report via email prior to the meeting.
Follow Up Report:
The Board went over the follow ups:
- Basin Area Clean-up/flooding – Bob Felte to talk to Tom Monaghan and Township.
- Seal coating/paving – contractors agreed that it is best to do this work in the fall. We are still awaiting prices from contractors. Bernice asked about filling the cracks. Bob said that should be no problem in the summer.
- Survey of basin area – It was determined that there have been many questions as to what is common area and what belongs to the homeowners. Bob will get some quotes from survey companies.
- Adams parking pad – it was determined that this parking pad was overlooked when the railroad ties were replaced. Katie will check with Tom Monaghan.
- Records Retention – Nancy has several boxes of old files. Bernice asked Bob his opinion on what should be kept and what we can toss. Bob said we should keep most of the files 5-7 years. Most of the files older than 10 years can be tossed. However, he said there are no rules and it should be done with discretion.
- Katie was asked to see that the light on the TW sign at entrance is replaced.
Katie distributed her Management Report. She and Bob did a walk-through of the community with some Board members to get familiar with the community and the layout.
They recommend that the dog path be included in the paving project.
They also contacted a Tyler Court homeowner who has a deck roof falling. Katie will follow up.
Bob and Katie plan to do the Spring Inspection shortly.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
Block Party – A date has been set for Wednesday, July 21 for the yearly Block Party. Details to follow.
Annual Meeting
- Nancy brought sample pamphlets. She said she would like to distribute them as soon as possible.
- Proxies – they will be included with the pamphlets. However, it should be stressed that it is very important that these proxies be signed and sent back for any homeowner not attending the meeting. Nothing can be voted on unless we have a quorum. If we do not receive the proxies, board members will be contacting the homeowner. The schedule is as follows:
Carol Cohen – Grant Mews and 2000 & 2400 Honey Run
Carole Witt/Joan Berschler – Harrison & Tyler
Bernice Marinucci – Monroe
Ray Funkhouser –Adams
Nancy Bunch – Van Buren & Jefferson
Remainder of Honey Run will be split up
- Board members – Three of our present board members are running for another term. In addition, there are two vacancies. All board members were asked to do their best in checking with homeowners to see if they can get “volunteers”.
Exterior Modifications
Carol Cohen presented the following EMFs:
- A homeowner on Harrison is requesting a replacement roof. Once permit is received, it will be approved.
- A homeowner from Honey Run is working with Carol to complete an EMF for new steps and railing.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30p.m. Our next meeting is the annual meeting and is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17. All homeowners are welcome.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bunch Carol L. Cohen
Nancy Bunch Carol L. Cohen
Recording Secretary Secretary
Tannerie Wood Homeowners AssociationTreasurer's Report May 20, 2010
Account Type / Monthly / YTD / EOM / EOY
Interest / Interest / Account
Paid / Paid / Balance
Wachovia checking * / (4/30/10) / $ - / $ - / $ 0.81
Wachovia Money Market / (4/30/10) / $ 15.50 / $ 69.33 / $ 72,837.51
Vanguard Prime Money
Market Fund (Reserve / (4/30/10) / $ 0.42 / $ 0.66 / $ 39,911.86
Vanguard - Reserve CDs / (4/30/10) / $ 4.25 / $ 45.47 / $ 50,000.00
TOTAL / $ 20.17 / $ 115.46 / $162,750.18
(previous month / $167,507.18)
(Income deposited to Money Market since 4/30 = $150)
(Checks written/not cleared as of 4/30 = $100)
(Anticipated income from unpaid dues, etc = $9185)
Checks Cleared during April, 2010 / Amount
Adobe mgt co. / $ 1,250.00
Nancy Bunch / $ 1,459.03
PECO (4 checks) / $ 122.35
Carole Witt / $ 10.99
K & K Landscaping / $ 1,935.00
TOTAL / $ 4,777.37
Deposits to Wachovia Checking / $ 4,539.00 / (from Money Market acct)
Deposits/Credits to Money Market / $ -
* (funds transferred to top the checking account up -- no fees charged)
Current situation of certificates of Deposit (CDs) -- 5/11/2010
Current MM rate = 0.03%
3 month CD rate at 5/11/2010 quoted (none available at this time)
6 month CD rate at 5/11/2010 quoted 0.35%
12 month CD rate at 5/11/2010 quoted 0.80%
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.4% / Bank of Baroda, New York, NY
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.25% / Ally Bank, Midvale UT
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.35% / State Bank India New York
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.35% / Banco Popular, Puerto Rico
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.70% / Western Bank of Puerto Rico
$10,000 / 6 mo. @ 0.35% / Bank of Baroda, New York NY
(NOTE: these are "laddered" to mature at one-month intervals)
- Remember that board members are not your employees or servants.
- Show your appreciation for the volunteer work performed by board members.
- If you think things are operated so poorly – run for the board.
- To owners who are happy with their association – say thank you.
- The manager of the association takes direction from the board, not you.
- For those board members who are constantly looking to find violations – get a life.
- If you do not like to follow rules, than do not live in an association.
- Rules are not meant to be broken
- Before running to a lawyer – try working it out…it’s cheaper.
- Mediating a problem is cheaper and less stressful than litigating. Try it.
- A nice violation letter goes a long way versus a letter from an attorney.
- To the one owner who always disrupts the meeting – give it a rest.
- To the dog owner who doesn’t mind loud barking early or late – your neighbor’s do.
- To the owner who always thinks everyone wants to hear your opinion – NOT.
- To the one owner who knows he/she is causing stress to everyone – please move.
- Remember the president needs the proper authority to take action.
- To the board that never wants to hear what its owners think – you need to be replaced.
- To the owner who thinks he/she can do what they want – consider moving.
- To the owner who likes the TV or music load – shut your window.
- Ask yourself – would you tolerate the abuse you are giving to someone else?
- If your manager does a good job – try saying thank you.
- If you are “thin skinned” you should not be a board member.
- If you do not care about your fellow neighbor/owner – can you pretend to?
- If you do not like your neighbor’s dog pooping or peeing on your lawn, don’t do it to them.
Tannerie Wood Minutes – May 2010Page 1