Worcestershire Libraries and Learning 2015-16
ACL Supply-Chain (fees and charges) Policy
Reasoning for subcontracting
Libraries and Learning are committed to growing and diversifying the range of courses it delivers to widen participation of adults 19+ years of age with its learning provision. In particular subcontracted arrangements are used to target and deliver to niche markets, engage in new and emerging markets and meet the regional and local economic development agendas. In order to achieve this, the Libraries and Learning service has taken the strategic decision to subcontract part of its provision to partner organisations who can demonstrate delivering high quality learning provision. Being a small training provider with a Skills Funding Agency Contract value of 700k Libraries and Learning have developed a small like-minded supply-chain who complements our existing provision. This is to assist with reaching hard to reach target groups and devolving learning funds to support the most vulnerable within our community. Our subcontracted provision offers access to quality driven learning and support services that engage and progress individual learning aspirations.
Libraries and Learning commitment to improving the quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Libraries and Learning is committed to a policy of continual improvement to the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. This is demonstrated through the Supply Chain Policy by ensuring that all supply chain partners are:
· Selected through a process that requires demonstrable evidence that they can deliver high quality teaching and learning.
· Managed through a process of regular performance monitoring and review including teaching and learning observations.
Management Fees
The standard Libraries and Learning management fee is between 10-15% of all funding drawn down against the provision to be delivered. This management fee is deducted from the SFA rate based on the funding income received by Libraries and Learning and contributes towards staffing costs to manage our learning programmes.
This figure represents the total cost that the Libraries and Learning incurs in effectively identifying, selecting and managing all sub-contracted provision. This includes the standard amount of Quality Assurance activity that the Libraries and Learning would provide for a typical low risk sub-contractor.
Further charges to cover additional costs may be added to the base management fee to cover the cost of any additional support that the Libraries and Learning deems necessary with regard to the quality of teaching and learning and success rates, or any additional services provided to the sub contracted provision. This would be negotiated on an individual provider basis should they need additional quality assurance support.
Additional Support for Sub-contractors
The precise additional support given to each sub-contractor will be negotiated with that sub-contractor, but will be based on a ‘risk assessment’ approach and may include:
· Additional site visits
· Additional lesson observation
· Additional tutor support
· More rigorous verification
Additional Services for the Sub-contractors
The Libraries and Learning service may also retain funding to cover the cost of any funded activity that it might undertake on behalf of the sub-contractor such as:
· Awarding Organisation fees and charges
· Hiring of facilities/equipment
· Marketing
· Internal Verification
· Recruitment
· Use of Libraries and Learning resources
What support does Libraries and Learning offer to its supply chain?
The Supply Chain relationship has a joint responsibility to deliver high quality provision to all learners. Therefore subcontractors working with Libraries and Learning receive access to a high level of support, guidance and Libraries and Learning systems, including:-
· Designated Contact.
· Regular performance updates against clear measures of success.
· Regular performance and quality visits.
· MIS returns completed
· Monthly funding reports
· Access to learner support
· Quality management systems
· Management Information Services and data control advice
· Audit of management systems and delivery and observation of teaching, learning and assessment
· Safeguarding of Young People and Vulnerable Adults procedures
· Teaching, Learning and Assessment coaching
· CPD Opportunities and planned training and development
· Support with Funding Rules compliance
· Regular national updates regarding funding and policy guidance
How and when do Libraries and Learning make payments to the supply chain?
The Libraries and Learning service operate an invoice based payment process with invoices due by the 28th of each month. Payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice and payments are made by BACS.
Payments are made on a monthly basis at the end of the following month in which the activity is successfully processed and uploaded to the SFA by Libraries and Learning.
Details of any rights by Libraries and Learning to withdraw, reduce or withhold funding are published in the contract and relate to the protection of SFA funds and not to the benefit of Libraries and Learning.
Libraries and Learning expects Supply Chain members to fully engage in assessing the accuracy of payments and have a responsibility to review their monthly financial reconciliations to identify any inaccuracies.
Libraries and Learning supply chain Opportunities
Current sub-contractors have the opportunity to discuss the policy with their designated contact.
Training Providers who wish to become a Libraries and Learning Supply Chain partner can discuss this policy with the Libraries and Learning Community Learning managers or directly with the Adult Learning Manager using
How often does Libraries and Learning review the Supply Chain Policy?
The policy will be reviewed in each summer term as part of its annual quality cycle processes, or when significant changes in the Funding Rules occur.
Potential sub-contractors will be directed to the policy as the starting point in any relationship.
Where does Libraries and Learning publish the policy?
The Policy is available in hard copy format on request from any of the Libraries and Learning service libraries. The Policy will be discussed with all current and future subcontractors during contract negotiation meetings. Supply Chain Policy is promoted on the Website.
Table of Subcontracted Provision for 2015/16
List of Training Providers 2014/15 / Directors or Trustee names / UKPRN / Provision / SFA Funding Allocated to Partners / SFA Funding Retained for Management of Provision / Start / End DateInspire Community Training and Development C.I.C / Karen Martin / 10043067 / Classroom Based 19+ / £22,500 / £3,375 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
ASHA / Sarah Eardley / 10008076 / Classroom Based 19+ / £3,940 / £591 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
Lifestyles / Sharon Wilkins / 10019955 / Classroom Based 19+ / £7,272 / £1,091 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
VESTIA Community Trust / Vicki Greenfield / 10033987 / Classroom Based 19+ / £22,450 / £3,368 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
WEA / Jan Hall / 10007364 / Classroom Based 19+ / £19,143 / £2,871 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
4 Children Worcestershire / Phillipa Mary O'Bryne / 10038036 / Classroom Based 19+ / £3,000 / £450 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
Birchensale Middle School / N/a / 10018676 / Classroom Based 19+ / £2,000 / £300 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
The Nationwide Community Learning Patnership Limited / Community Learning Network / 10041347 / Classroom Based 19+ / £36,515 / £5,477 / 01/08/2015 / 31/07/2016
Total / £116820 / £17523
Total SFA Allocation
Adult Skills Budget 167,300
Community Learning 533,059
Total 700,359
Amount Paid to Subcontractors 116,820
Amount retained for Management 17,523
Total Allocated to Subcontracting 134,343
4 / ACL Supply-Chain (fees and charges) Policy updated 16/6/15CRB