What is jin shin jyutsu?
Jin Shin Jyutsu ("JIT-su") is a Japanese Physio-Philosophy that translates to the Creator's compassionate art of human understanding, or simply the Creator's Art.
Among the energetic arts, Jin Shin Jyutsu is most related to acupressure. It focuses on 26 locks on the body, where energy becomes blocked due to daily stressors. The hands act as keys opening these locks to restore the free flow of energy within. It is compatible with all other medical modalities.
what happens during a treatment?
In a 1-hour session, the receiver relaxes on a massage table while the practitioner takes a pulse reading and uses 2-3 sequences to address the given project(s). These energy flow sequences open safety energy locks. The practitioner uses the lightest touch of hands to free the energy flow. After the treatment, the recipient is offered a self-help sequence to practice at home.
can i perform jin shin jyutsu on myself?
Yes, you can and that is the goal. Self-help healing is ideal so that you can be healed at any time in any place.
what conditions are treated?
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, we address projects. Problems are no fun. Projects are fun!
Each session plants the seeds of relaxation and carefree energy within. As a physio-philosophy, the projects cover the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions. Below are some examples. Please check the website for a complete project list.
project examples
ability to act decisively hair loss addictions unwanted hair ADHD harmonizes body, mind, spirit alertness heart disease allergies open heart asthma hip balance back ache, tension hormone balance birth defects life changes blood circulation lumps, bumps blood pressure lung congestion cancer & radiation menopause children & childhood disease menstrual cramps cholesterol metabolic function circulation migraines depression nearsightedness diabetes neck/shoulder tension drug side effects osteoporosis emotional balance, harmony phobias endocrine function pregnancy, fertility enthusiasm for life well-being
What others say
“Receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu practice from Dr. Rainbow Vogt has affected me deeply. My first session focused on my fingers and hands as she showed me ways to begin a self-practice. These poses I have used many times and have they have brought a sense of calm and rest to my body, both inside and out. In subsequent sessions Dr. Vogt applied energy through poses from head to foot. The effect of which calmed my impulses and urges, leaving me deeply connected to my body and energy flow. It is a privilege to experience her practice.” I think about it I feel more relaxed.”
"There were times when I was really stressed, and after the Jin Shin Jyutsu, I found it easier to focus.
I was very skeptical at first, but after a few treatments I found it extremely helpful in relieving stress so that now even when I think about it I feel more relaxed.”
“Rainbow's Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions were instrumental you might say, in helping me release tension built up from being a bicycle-touring musician, and helping me restore the harmony in myself. Rainbow, thank you thank you thank you. Truly - you are gifted in your art-form.”
“I definitely remember the first time you gave me Jin Shin Jyutsu. I was so amazed at how relaxed and peaceful it made me feel....especially since we were traveling around India at the time. I also thought that the little tips you taught me (holding my thumb when I worry, my middle finger for headaches, Mother Nature’s remedy....) really stuck with me and I still use them today. Your tips also make me pay more attention to certain ways I hold myself during the day which may be my body's own form of Jin Shin Jyutsu.”