Name: Saad Numan Abdul Rahman Al-Saadi
or Noaman
Date of Birth: 30/11/1946
Religion: Muslim
Martial statues: Married
No. of children: (3) Three
Specialization:Geology : Enginery Geology
Position: University Staff Member
Scientific Degree: Professor
Work Address:Dept. of Earth Science, college of science university of Baghdad
Work Phone:
Mobile: 07702981397
- First, Scientific Certification:
Date / College / University / Degree science
June 1967 / Science / Baghdad / B.Sc.
Feb. 1972 / Science / Baghdad / M.Sc.
June 1981 / Science / Bristol university U. K. / Ph.D.
Any other
From -To / Workplace / Career / No.
25/5/1972 – Sep. 1975 / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science, University Of Baghdad / Demonstrator – Assistant lecturer / 1
5/3/1982 – 28/4/1991
28/4/1991 – Sep. 1991 / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science University Of Salahaddin, Arbil / Lecturer – (Ph. D)
Assistant Professor / 2
Sept. 1991 – Sep. 1992 / Dept. Of Civil Engineering, University Of Anbar / Visiting Assistant Professor / 3
Sept. 1992 – 2/3/2006 / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science, University Of Baghdad / Assistant Professor / 4
Sept. 2006 – Sep. 2008 / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science, University Of Sulaimaniyah / Visiting Assistant Professor / 5
October 2008 – the present time (April 2011) / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science Baghdad University / Professor / 6
- Second, Career:
Note: the professorship promotion order was issued on 5/1/2009 and considered valid since 2/3/2006
- Third, University Teaching.
From -To / The (Institute / College) / University / No.
25/5/1972 – Sep. 1975 / College Of Science / Baghdad University / 1
5/3/1982 – Sep. 1991 / College Of Science
(After Reappointment After Ph. D) / Salahaddin University /Arbil / 2
Sept. 1991 – Sep. 1992 / Engineering College / Anbar University (Visitor) / 3
Sept. 1992 – Sep. 2006 / College Of Science / Baghdad University / 4
Sept. 2006 – Sep. 2008 / College Of Science / Sulaimaniya University / 5
10ct. 2008 – the present time (April 2011) / College Of Science / Baghdad University / 6
- Fourth, Courses Which You Teach:
Year / Subject / Department / No.
1972 – 1975 / Practical of Geology of Petroleum, Subsurface Geology, Environmental Geology, Geomorphology And General Geology / Dept. of Geology / College of Science, University of Baghdad / 1
1972 + 1975 / Summer Training Course in Field Geology / Dept. of Geology / College of Science, University of Baghdad / 2
1982 – 1991 / Structural Geology, Field Geology, Hydrogeology,and Engineering Geology / Dept. of Geology / College of Science, University of Salahaddin, Arbil / 3
1991 – 1992 / Engineering Geology / Dept. of Civil Engineering, Anbar University, Ramadi / 4
1992 – 2006
1992 – 2006
1993 – 1994 / Structural Geology
Field Geology
Geotectonics / Dept. of Geology, College of Science Baghdad University / 5
2006 – 2008 / Structural Geology / Dept. Of Geology, College Of Science University Of Sulaimaniya / 6
2008 – 2011 / Structural Geology + Field Geology + Summer Training Course in Field Geology / Dept. of Geology, College of Science, Baghdad University / 7
Higher Degree Courses
1988 – 1991 / M. Sc Courses In Rock Slope. Stability, Advanced Structural Geology, And Geotectonics / Dept. of Geology, College of Science, Salahaddin University – Arbil / 8
1992 – 2006
2008 – 2011 / M. Sc Course In Rock Slope Stability + Engineering Geological Surveying / Dept. of Geology / Baghdad Univ. / 9
Periods between
1992 – 2011 / Ph. D Course In Rock Slope Engineering / Geotechnical Engineering / Geotechnical Maps / Geomorphological Surveying / Dept. of Geology / Baghdad Univ. / 10
2007 – 2008 / M. Sc Courses In Slope Stability, Engineer Geological Survey and Rock Mechanics / Dept. of Sulaimaniya / College of Science, University of Sulaimaniya / 11
- Fifth, M.Sc. theseswhich were supervised by Dr. Saad Al-Saadi:
Year / Department / Thesis Title / Student Name / No.
1991 / Dept. of Geology University of Salahddin Erbil / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability In Haibat – Sultan Area. North – East Iraq / Gafour Amin Hama Sur / 1
1994 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability of Southern Hemrin Mountain (Sidoor Area) / Aomed Ahmed Tokmachy / 2
1994 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability NW of Hemrin Dam And Selected Areas North of Jordan / Munir Qasim Al-Momani / 3
1996 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Basement Rocks of Suggested Location of Rawa Hydro – Electric Power Station / Asia Abdul Rahman Al-Asade / 4
1998 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Selected Areas In Bahr Al-Najaf (Middle Iraq) / Jaafar H. Al-Zubaidi / 5
1999 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / The Effect of Salt Solis on the Roads Foundations in Al-Garma Area (Middle of Iraq) / Mustafa Hamoudi. Kh. Al-Sofi / 6
1999 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability of Al-Adhaim Dam Area / Khalid Walid Hadi Al-Bayati / 7
1999 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Study of Rock Slope Stability of Parts of A Peniusula In Al-Kadisiya Dam Lake, West of Iraq / Saad Abbas Al-Hamdani / 8
1999 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Evaluation of The Effect of Nitric Acid on Some Geotechnical Properties of Gypseous Soils in Al-Latifia Area (Middle of Iraq) / Sabah Abdul Sattar Al-Nuaimi / 9
2000 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Study of Rock Slope Stability at Hemrin Dam Area (Iraq) and Selected Sites at Yemen. / Adnan Abdul Aziz Barahim / 10
2001 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Effect of Salts on Stability of Dykes in Shari Saltern (Sodium Sulphate Plant Quarry)- North East – Samarra – Iraq / Khalid Ahmed. Al-Haddad / 11
2001 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Primary Geotechnical Maps of Soil of Selected Sites in Dyala Governorate / Hayder Abdul. WahhabAl-Ani / 12
2001 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability of the Tigris River Banks in Samara Region (Middle of Iraq) / Tha'ir Thamir. Al-Samarrai / 13
Year / Department / Thesis Title / Student Name / No.
2002 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Primary Geotechnical Maps of Soil for Babylon Governorate and the Nighbouring Areas / Hamid Hasan. A Al-Juburi / 14
2003 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Study of Rock Discontinuities for Engineering Purposesin the Proposed Ejbail Dam Site / Jaafer Hamza Aj-Juatheri / 15
2004 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Discontinuities in Al – Baghdadi Dam Site (West of Iraq) / Sati Abdul - SattarM. Aswad / 16
2004 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Geotechnical Evaluation of Soil for Al-Qadisiya Governorate / Iraq / Mohammed Hassan Al-Rashidi / 17
2005 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability for Shiranish – Kolosh, Gercus and Pilaspi Fns. Around Shaqlawa Area, NE of Iraq / Luay Dawood Yousif Al-Obaidi / 18
2006 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / A Study of Rock Slope Stability for Fatha and Injana Formations in the Area Around Mirawa Valley – Shaqlawa Area, Erbil / Governorate / Ammar Mahmood Shaker Bek / 19
2006 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Study of Swelling for Clay Soils in Hilla City / Muhsin Abid KhalafAl-Khaqani / 20
2008 / Dept. of Geology Baghdad University / Stabilization of Silt and Clay Soils for Selected Sites in Hilla City by Cement, Hydrated Line / Abdul Kareem HussainA. G. Al-Rubaie / 21
2008 / Dept. of Geology University of Salahddin Erbil / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability in Harir Area – Kurdistan Region – Iraq / Majaz Abdul – Rahman Milko Barzani / 22
2010 / Dept. of Geology Sulaymaniya Univ. / Engineering Geological Study of Rock Slope Stability along Dokan Khalakan Road, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq / Fahmi Osman, Mohammed Mamlesi / 23
2011 / Dept. of Geology, Baghdad Univerity / Slope Stability Study of Selected Sites from Tar Al-Sayyed Area (Karbala Governorate/ Middle of Iraq) / Al-Hussainy, R.M. / 24
Ph. D theses which were supervised by Prof. Dr. Saad N. Al-Saadi
Year / Department / Thesis Title / Student Name / No.1997 / Dept. of Geology College Of Science University of Baghdad / Engineering Geological Study of Middle Makhul Mountain Area / Mohammed Rashid Abbood Al-Jiboori / 1
1998 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / The Geotechnical Evaluation of Soil Subsidence at Baghdad and Their Treatments / Aqeel Shakir Al-Aadili / 2
1999 / Dept. of Geology College Of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Evaluation of Karst Bauxite Rocks North of Al-Hussainiyat – Western Desert / Iraq / Bashar Khidir Aziz Kasha / 3
2000 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Preparing Light Weight Aggregates from Local Materials for Manufacturing Light Weight Insulating Concrete / Mohammed Ahmed Al-Nuaimi / 4
2001 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geomorphological and Geotechnical Applications of Tawuq Chai and Khassa Chai Sub – Basin / Taameem Governorate / Raad Jalal Fathi / 5
2001 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Engineering Geological Study of Slope Stability of Selected Sites in Jordan / Munir Qasim Mohammed Al-Momani / 6
2002 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Assessment for Soil of Karbala City / Amir Atia Lefta Al-Khalidi / 7
2002 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Analysis of Failures in Saddam River Banks Northern Sector / Azhar Ali Ghalib Alkhateeb / 8
2004 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Black Claystone for Mining Purposes in Al-Hussainiyat Area, Wetern Desert / Iraq / Saad Abbas Hassoon Al-Hamdani / 9
2004 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Evaluation for the Rocks of Lazzaga Site SE Mosul Area. N. of Iraq / Asia Abdul Rahman Al-Asade / 10
2004 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Study of Gypseous Soil Chosen from Places in Taameem Governorate and Their Influence on Structures / Nadhmiya Najm Al-Din Majeed / 11
Year / Department / Thesis Title / Student Name / No.
2004 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Slope Stability Study of Hajja – Amran Road in Yemen and Derivation of Toppling Equations for Blocks Having Triangular Cross – Section / Adnan Abdul Aziz Mohammed Baraheem / 12
2005 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical and Mining Evaluations of Raw Materials for Cement Industry and Their Environmental Effects In Al-Taameem Governorate / Aomed Ahmed Tokmachy / 13
2005 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Some Geotechnical Properties of Soil of Middle Altun – Kupri Basin and Their Relationship with Ground Water Exploitation / Abdul Wahab Ahmed Ali / 14
2005 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / The Effect of Leaching on Some Prosperities of Gypseous Soils, Sammarra Area / Iraq / Khalid Ahmed Abdullah Al-Hadad / 15
2005 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Study of Some Geotechnical Properties of Railway Project Soil along (Musaiyib – Kerbala – Shinafia) and the Influence of Leaching Process on Them. / Khalid Waleed Al-Bayati / 16
2006 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Study of Selected Soils Between Hilla and Kut Cities (Middle of Iraq) / Jaffar Hussain Ali Al-Zubaidi / 17
2007 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / A Study of Some Geotechnical Properties of Soil in Parts of Al-Karkh Area in Baghdad City and Its Relationships to Subsidence of Soil / Hamid Hassan Abdullah / 18
2008 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Baghdad / Effect of Depth Factor and Clay Minerals on Improved Soil by Stone Columns / Israa Abdul Aemma Manthoor / 19
2009 / Dept. of Geology College of Science University of Sulaimaniya / Rock Mass Engineering of the Proposed Basara Dam Site, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq / Ghafour Amin Hama Sur / 20
2010 / Dept. of Earth Science College of Science University of Baghdad / Geotechnical Assessment of Marl Deposits in Sulaimaniya Governorate for Portland Cement Industry / Tha'ir Thamir Al-Samarrai / 21
2012 / Dept. of Earth Sciences College of Science University of Bghdad / A Geomorphological Study of Dune Fields and Their Environmental Effect at Al-Muthanna Governorate, Iraq. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Baghdad, 164 P. / Abdul Ameer, E.A. / 22
- Sixth, Conferences which you participated:
Type of Participation / Place / Year / Conferences Title / No.
( بحث / بوستر حضور)
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 1988 / International Symposium of The Geology of Desert Environment / 1
Two Papers
1st In Engineery Geology
2nd In Structural Geology / Baghdad – Iraq / 1992 / 10thIraqi Geological Congress / Iraqi Geologists Union / 2
One Paper / Si. Louis, MO, USA / 1993 / Third International Conference on "Case Histories" in Geotechnical Engineering / 3
One Paper / Amman–Jordan / 1997 / Second Jordanian Mining Conference / Jordanian Engineers Union / 4
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 1998 / The 13thIraqi Geological Congress / Iraqi Geologists Union / 5
Five Papers All Published In Cong. Proceedings / Vancouver – Canada / 1998 / Eighth International Congress / International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment / 6
One Paper / Amman–Jordan / 1998 / The Sixth Jordanian Geological Conference / Jordanian Geologists Association / 7
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 2000 / The First National Symposium On Scientific And Technical Support For Archeological Studies / 8
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 2000 / The 14thIraqi Geological Congress / Iraqi Geologists Union / 9
One Paper / Amman–Jordan / 2001 / The Seventh Jordanian Geological Conference "Geology and Investment". Jordanian Geologists Association and University of Jordan / 10
One Paper / Amman–Jordan / 2001 / 3rdJordanian Civil Engineering Conference / Jordan Engineers Association / 11
Type of Participation / Place / Year / Conferences Title / No.
( بحث / بوستر حضور)
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 2002 / The 15thIraqi Geological Congress / Iraqi Geologists Union / 12
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 2002 / Third Scientific Conference of The Iraqi Scientific Society for Water Resources (ISSWR) / 13
One Paper / Tikrit University
Tikrit – Iraq / 2002 / A Symposium on Desertification Phenomenon Causes and Treatments / 14
One Paper / Amman–Jordan / 2004 / The Eighth International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association / Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation / 15
One Paper / Baghdad – Iraq / 2004 / Symposium on the Environmental Reality in Iraq / Iraqi Geologists Union / 16
One Paper / Alexandria university – Egypt / 2004 / The 6th International Conference on Geochemistry (ICG) / 17
One Paper / Al – Ain, United Arab Emirates / 2006 / The 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East / UAE University / 18
- Seventh, Scientific Activities:
Outside the College / Within the College
Giving Lectures about (Slope Stability in Iraq) in The Civil Engineering Dept. of The University of Science and Technology / Irbid, Jordan in Reply to the University Invitation / Giving Lecture About Desertification Within the Cultural Program, Geology Dept. in Baghdad University (1992 – 1993) / 1
Giving Lecture in the Iraqi Academy About Desertification in 1995 / Giving Lecture in the Training Course of Applied Geology about Slope Stability in the Dept. of Geology / Baghdad University 1994 – 1995 / 2
Participation in the Contest of The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (2000), With 5 Papers Published in International Congress In Canada and Increasing College of Science Scores of Researches / 3
Giving Ph. D Courses in Sulaimaniya University 2005 – 2006 / 4
Supervising M. Sc. Student in Salahaddin University / Arbil 2005 – 2008 / 5
Participation in Scientific Workshop in Frieberg University – Germany Des. 2009 / 6
Giving M. Sc. Lectures in Sulaimaniya University (Spring 2010) / 7
- Eighth, Research Projects in The Felid of Specialization to The Environment and Society or the Development ofEducation:
No. / Research Title / Place of Publication / Year
1 / Geology Subject for Civil Engineering and Construction Departments in the Iraqi Universities and Institutes / Fourth Geological Teaching Conference in Mosul – Iraq (Symposium Proceedings) / 1986
2 / Toppling Mechanisms in Sub Horizontal – Layer Slopes of Tar Al-Najaf Area, Middle Iraq / Proceeding of 8th International IAEG Congress / 1998
3 / Studying Ground Water and Its Effect on Soil Subsidence in Baghdad City – Iraq / Proceedings of The 3rdJordanian Civil EngineeringConference Amman – Jordan / 2001
4 / The Environments Significance of Rock Slope Instability in Parts of Peuinsula Slopes in Al-Qadsiya Lake – West of Iraq / Dirasat Journal / The Jordan University – Amman – Jordan Lectured in 7th Jordanian GeologicalCongress 2001 / 2005
- Ninth, Membership:
- Tenth, Awards and Certificates of Appreciation:
Year / Donor / Name of Awards and Certificates / No.
1999 / Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research / Letter of Thanks with Financial Present for Participatingby Five Papers in the International Congress in Canada 1998 / 1
1999 / The President of Baghdad University / Letter of Thanks and Appreciation for Participating by Five Scientific Papers in International Congress in Canada (1998) / 2
2002 / University of Tikrit (The President of the University) / Letter of Thanks for Participating in the Symposium on Desertification in Tikrit University / 3
2009 / Dean Ship of The College of Science, Baghdad University / Appreciation Certificate in the Scientific Conference of the College of Science University of Baghdad / 4
2009 / Minister of Higher Education Scientific Research / Letter of Congratulations for Promotion to Professorship / 5
2009 / President of Earth Science Dept. College of Science, Baghdad University / Appreciation Certificate (Written on Crystal) for Pioneer Scientists in the Dept. of Earth Sciences in the College of Science – Baghdad University / 6
- Eleventh, Scientific literature:
Year of The Publication / Scientific Literature Title / No.
- Twelfth, languages:
*Note: -Make a copy on CD.