Additional Readings
Chapter 1
- Information Management: The new buzzwords: Information lifecycle management, Steve Duplessie, Nancy Marrone, and Steve Kenniston, SNW Online, March 31, 2003,
- Ethics: Honestly?!, Patricia Wallington, CIO, March 15, 2003,
- Telecommuting: Feds Lag in Adopting Telecommuting Programs, Patrick Thibodeau, Computerworld, February 24, 2003,
Chapter 2
Knowledge Management/Organizational Needs: Changing Culture is Key to Effective Knowledge Sharing, Erica Rugullies,, April 2, 2003,
Chapter 3
- Input Devices: Pictures Only a Computer Could Love, Peter Weiss, Science News Online, March 29, 2003,
- Storage Devices: Holographic Storage on the Horizon, Evan Koblentz, eWeek, April 3, 2002,
- Robotics/Artificial Intelligence: First American Open in Robot Soccer, Carnegie Mellon University, Newswise, April 1, 2003,
- Artificial Intelligence/Input Devices: Queen's Researchers Invent Computers That 'Pay Attention' To Users; Reduce Interruptions From E-mail, Cell Phones, Digital Appliances, Science Daily, April 2, 2003,
Chapter 4
- Managing the Data Resource: Security (New Topic): Database security breaches on the rise, Scott C. Nevins, Computerworld (from SNW Online), March 31, 2003,
- Data Warehousing: Data Scrubbing by the Numbers, Tommy Peterson, Computerworld, February 10, 2003,
Chapter 5
- Wi-Fi: Intel heats up support for 'hot spots', Sandeep Junnarkar, CNET, March 11, 2003,
- Telecommunication Infrastructure: Spectrum for All, Lawrence Lessig, CIO Insight, March 14, 2003,
Chapter 6
- Web Services: The Impact of Web Services on Business Intelligence KMA Insights, March, 2003,
- XML: An Introduction to XML Basics, Steve Holtzner, InformIT, March 14, 2003,
- Benefits of Doing Business Electronically: Metrics: Retooling Retail, Jon Surmacz,, April 2, 2003,
Chapter 7
- Auto-ID Systems: Retailers take stock of “smart shelves,” Alorie Gilbert, CNET, January 8, 2003,
- Electronic Procurement: NavSea's ROI ship comes in, Matt Hamblen, Computerworld, March 24, 2003,
Chapter 8
- Knowledge Management: Premier 100: Managing knowledge at Wachovia, Kathleen Melymuka, Computerworld, February 26, 2003,
Chapter 9
- Web Development: The Web development cycle: Part 1, Ben Shepherd, Computerworld (from DevArticles), March 14, 2003,
Chapter 10
- Architecture, Standards, Managing Security: Fannie Mae Rebuilds Apps, Stan Gibson, eWeek, March 24, 2003,
- Staffing/CTO: So you want to be a CTO, Kathleen Melymuka, Computerworld, March 24, 2003,
- Legal and Social Issues: How to Manage Your E-Mail to Avoid Liability, Gartner, Inc., ZDNet, April 1, 2003,
- Outsourcing/Help Desk: Fannie Mae's help desk outsourcing experience, Richard Matlus, Tech Republic (from Gartner), April 8, 2003, (requires free registration)
- Disaster Planning: The growing role of online server data backup and recovery, Bud Stoddard, SNW Online, April 7, 2003,