of Ipswich and


of Oxford,

who retained or adopted the name Grow and are so

indexed, except that Samuel Groo, son of John Groo,

(family 370),and his descendants are indexed as Gro

[Description of the Volume]





Abbie Elizabeth, 147

Abbie L., 162

Abby, 110

Abby Gladys, 167

Abel Palmer, 92

Abial, 68, 119

Abigail, 16, 30, 33, 40, 41, 49, 50, 59, 64, 178, 183, 206

Abisha, 45, 174

Abram, 112

Achsa S., 136

Ada, 235

Ada Amanda, 123

Ada Dorinda, 156

Adaline, 67, 183

Adaliza, 69

Addie, 131

Addie M., 136

Addison, 66

Adelaide, 155

Adelaide A., 60

Adeline, 221

Adeline Esther, 164

Adelle, 148

Adelphia L., 153

Aeson (see Ason), 179

Agnes, 123, 135, 159, 161

Agnes Evelyn, 140, 166

Agnes Jane, 147

A. H., 69

Alba, 65

Alba Alexander, 128

Albanus E., 67

Albanus Esubius, 118

Albert Daniel, 151

Albert Edward, 150

Albert Glendon, 145

Albert R., 131

Albert Ralph, 114

Albert Samuel, 144

Albert T., 105

Albert Victor, 114

Alberta Elmina, 164

Albertus J., 128

Albion Elmer, 165

Alden, 106

Alford, 181

Alfred Bennett, 96

Alfred C., 158

Alfreda Bell, 129

Alice, 67, 165, 231

Alice Amelia, 124

Alice C., 131

Alice Evangeline, 165

Alice Lillian, 163

Alice Mariette, 217

Alice Maude, 137, 163

Alice McKinley, 162

Alice R., 223

Alice Walbridge, 155

Allen, 196

Allen Kinne, 217

Alline, 89

Alma, 156

Alma Acenath, 195, 216

Alma Adaline, 223

Alma Isabel, 200

Amanda, 216, 218, 219

Amelia D., 219

Almerin, 72

Almira, 180

Almira L., 146

Alonzo Dustin, 69

Alonzo W., 104

Alpha Cornelia, 148

Alroy Walker, 135

Alroy Walter, 162

Alstyne John, 162

Alva, 60

Amanda F., 117

Amanda M., 123

Amanda Melvira, 75

Ambrose, 43, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 104, 174

Ambrose E., 104

Ambrose F., 117

Amelia, 74

Amelia A., 129

Amelia Frances, 144

Amira Elizabeth, 222

Amos Rice, 192

Amy, 43, 72

Amy S., 124

Andrew Simeon, 130

Angie, 124

Angie E., 123

Angie S., 163

Ann, 214

Ann Celia, 204

Ann Elmyra, 42

Ann M., 214

Anna, 16, 32, 44, 45, 53, 60, 95, 138

Anna C., 134, 154

Anna Elizabeth, 89

Anna M., 117, 154

Anna May, 142

Annah Sophia, 109

Anne, 31, 32, 46, 89

Annie E., 105, 137

Annie Susan, 153

Antoinette, 231

Appleton, 203

Arabella, 50

Archie Rufus, 163

Ardelle S., 234

Armanda, 110

Artemus, 68

Artemus B., 114

Artemus Holbrook, 65

Artemus Louden, 112

Arthur C., 223

Arthur Earle, 166

Arthur Frederick, 164

Arthur Leon, 137

Arthur R., 154

Arvilla, 43

Asa, 30, 65, 173, 183

Asa Kinne, 217

Ason (see Aeson), 195, 199

Augusta, 109

Aurora, 60, 181

Austin Hobart. 134

A. Victor DeWitt, 169

Barnes, 164

Beatrice Adelle, 234

Beatrice Bertha, 155

Belina, 233

Belle, 110

Belle Carrie, 164

Belle Mary, 214

Benjamin, 200

Benjamin Franklin, 104, 143

Benjamin Sanger, 62

Bernard Lyle, 166

Bernice, 158, 161

Bert, 219

Bertha A., 162

Bertha M., 219

Bessie, 161, 235

Bessie Lauretta, 160

Bessie May 235

Bessie Nellie, 168

Betsey, 25, 30, 45, 47, 56, 58, 77, 84, 174, 175, 180, 181, 184, 200, 201, 203, 205

Betsey Ann, 200

Betsey Jane, 114

Birdie; see Laura M.

Blanch (Blanche), 144, 160

Blanch Anna, 166

Bradford Ellsworth, 149

Briggs Stanley, 161

Brit, 116

Burness Bryant. 164

Burritt Singleton, 121

Cade Wilbur, 163

Caleb Nichols, 203

Calista, 181

Calista Serepta, 221

Calla May, 149

Calvin Sabin, 105

Candace, 44

Carlos, 214

Carlos Constantine, 68

Carlos Moody, 69

Carolin L., 141

Caroline, 125, 182, 201, 203

Caroline Emily, 166

Caroline Frances, 110

Caroline Frances Fay, 123

Caroline H., 96

Caroline L., 192

Caroline Maria, 184

Caroline R., 182

Caroline Windsor, 125

Carrie, 147

Carrie B.. 159

Carrie Ella, 141

Carrie Lydia. 125

Carrie M., 118

Carrie Violette, 158

Carroll Cleon, 165

Carroll Frank, 131

Casadona Alline, 89, 96

Cassie, 214

Cassius D., 156

Cassius M., 160

Catherine, 40, 199, 200

Catherine Elizabeth, 151

Catherine P. C., 126

Cecil, 160

Celia, 61, 131

Celia Ann, 205

Charity, 90

Charity B., 64

Charles, 69, 70, 112, 123, 218

Charles A., 114, 223

Charles Albert, 145

Charles Alden, 144

Charles Arthur, 147, 150

Charles Beam, 140

Charles Benson, 202

Charles Corliss, 153

Charles Currier, 107

Charles Dean, 232

Charles F., 111, 152, 207

Charles Ives, 116

Charles M., 184, 222

Charles Melville, 166

Charles Milan, 202

Charles Minor, 202

Charles Palmer, 130

Charles Porter, 108

Charles R., 109

Charles Rufus, 147

Charles S., 104, 216

Charles Summer, 138

Charles W., 216, 231

Charlotte, 113, 120, 150, 181, 220

Charlotte Addie, 120

Charlotte E., 114

Charlotte J., 124

Charlotte M., 109, 115, 233

Charlotte Sarah, 234

Chauncey Preble, 112

Chester, 131

Chester Appleton, 235

Chloe, 52, 55, 67, 181

Chrissy, 158

Christiana, 76, 127

Christopher, 180

Clara, 67, 114, 164, 166

Clara A., 161

Clara Belle, 214

Clara Damaris, 69, 121

Clara Eliza, 146

Clara Kate, 235

Clara Kellar, 162

Clara L., 149

Clara Mildred, 134

Clara Viola, 144

Clare, 158

Clarence O., 220

Clarence Story, 223

Clarissa, 69, 197, 218

Clarissa C., 111

Clarissa Jane, 108

Clarissa Parsons, 68

Claude, 219

Clause Henry, 222

Clifford, 133

Comfort A., 122

Content, 203

Converse, 109

Cora, 167

Corintha Belinda, 136

Cornelia, 199, 200

Curtis B., 233

Cynthia, 67

Cyrena, 66

Dale. 164

Dalinda, 32. 72. 81

Damaris, 42. 69

Dana C., 222

Dana Esmond, 234

Danforth. 181, 200, 202

Daniel, 33, 218

Daniel Dryer, 116

Daniel Putnam, 122

Darius, 180

Darwin Cornwall, 147

Darwin Daniel, 147

David, 21, 33, 34, 36, 56, 74, 178, 180, 200

David D., 213

David Richardson, 125

Dean Bartley, 232

Deborah, 21, 22, 41, 172, 178, 182

Delia B., 160

Dellie M., 156

Derinda, 88

Dessa, 219

DeVillo, 199

DeWitt A., 160

DeWitt W., 131

Diana, 178, 203, 218

Dicena, 179

Dilla, 87

Donald, 147, 219

Donald Elsworth, 144

Don Alonzo, 62

Dora B., 219

Dora S., 132

Dorcas, 33, 34

Dorithy, 151

Dorothy Baxter, 153

Dorothy E., 234

Dorothy Elizabeth, 153

Drusilla (Dilly), 36, 39, 59

Dudley McDaniel, 143

Dustin, 75, 76

Dustin Marshall, 127

Earl Welcome, 218

Eaton, 40

Ebenezer. 25, 27, 28, 40

Edah Maria, 165

Eddy A., 219

Edgar, 144

Edgar D., 155

Edgar L., 108

Edgar Torrence, 233

Edgar W. F., 221

Edith, 160

Edith Blanch, 144

Edna Grace, 150

Edna May, 167

Edward, 32, 33, 34, 49, 135, 145, 172, 175, 181, 220, 222

Edward Eugene, 166

Edward Everett, 155

Edward Hall, 163

Edward N., 94

Edward P., 71

Edward V., 160

Edwin, 94, 95, 156, 219

Edwin Agustus, 139

Edwin H.. 196

Edwin Pruthoven, 56, 57, 98

Edwin W., 132

Effie May, 148

Eleanor, 112

Eleanor Charlotte, 220, 222

Electa Annette, 114

Electa Dustin, 122

Electa H., 118

Electa Jane, 146

Elias, 67

Elias Wells, 67

Elijah, 27, 28, 67, 88, 90

Elioner, 27, 28

Elisha, 53, 85, 88, 90, 92

Elisha H., 84

Elisha Palmer. 130, 131

Eliza. 16, 17, 28, 70, 109, 128.

Eliza Ann, 122, 135

Eliza Ella, 150

Eliza J., 128

Eiza Jane, 114, 217

Eliza Nancy, 121

Elizabeth, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 45, 56, 57, 67, 77, 95, 105, 106, 130, 137, 151, 153,

157, 173, 178, 191, 95, 396, 219, 234

Elizabeth A., 96, 134

Elizabeth Ann, 155, 168

Elizabeth C., 234

Elizabeth G., 57, 103

Elizabeth Hyslop, 84

Elizabeth J., 114

Elizabeth Jane, 71, 230

Elizabeth Louisa, 106

Ella, 118, 130, 218

Ella A., 233

Ella C., 109

Ella Charlotte, 224

Ella M., 92

Ella May, 157

Ella Orion, 118

Ella Zimena, 140

Ellen, 110, 132, 206

Ellen M., 184

Elmer, 96

Elmer Franklin, 202

Elmyra, 107, 143

Elmyra W., 142

Elsie C., 214

Elva, 214

Elvira Maria, 140

Elvira Sanger, 62, 108

Elwin Hammond, 151

Elzor, 202

Emaline H. M., 64

Emeline, 68, 203

Emeline Christina, 20

Emeline Frances, 62

Emily, 104, 192

Emily E., 219

Emily K., 105

Emily Kelsey, 137

Emma, 64, 131, 145, 164, 166

Emma DeEtta, 135

Emma Ethana, 138

Emma J., 92

Emma Jane, 164, 165

Emma R., 97

Enos Fulton, 148

Erepta, 66, 67, 118

Ermina, 68

Ernest Tudson, 154

Ernest Prentiss, 141

Ernest T., 221

Essie May, 202

Estella M., 233

Esther, 39, 60, 159

Ethel Carrie, 147

Ethlinda, 196, 200

Ethlinda S., 114

Etta,165, 202

Eugene Julius, 135

Eugene Pangborn, 137

Eugenie, 124

Eula, 219

Eunice, 24, 25, 50, 199

Eunice L., 232

Euphemia, 179

Eva, 126, 140

Eva Adeline, 219

Eva L., 159

Eva Meta. 131

Evaline M.. 126

Evangeline Ellevine, 96

Eveline, 104

Evelyn, 231

Evelyn Charlotte, 220

Evelyn Hazel, 146

Evelyn R., 220

Experience, 30, 35, 36

Ezekiel Story, 205

Fannie, 104

Fannie Ethlinda, 114

Fannie Hills, 202

Fanny, 77,106

Fanny Augusta, 62

Fanny Roxylana, 139

Fay, 158

Fay Ann, 139

Fidelia, 152

Flora, 104

Flora A., 153

Florence, 111, 154

Florence A., 137

Florence C., 168

Florence Irene, 163

Florence Lothrop, 134

Florence May, 158

Florence Myra C., 224

Flossie, 133, 154

Floyd, 219

Floyd A., 234

Forest Edward, 155

Forest Edwin, 133

Foster, 184

Frances. 149

Frances A., 137

Frances Adelle, 134

Frances Amanda, 104

Frances Amelia, 108

Frances Bradford, 149

Frances D., 157

Frances E.. 142

Frances Eliza, 151

Frances Lewis, 121

Frances Marion, 153

Frances Maude, 144

Frances W., 104

Francia, 111

Francis, 20

Francis Abel. 130

Francis Marion, 153

Francis Wayland, 149

Frank Arthur, 147

Frank Burgess, 234

Frank H., 131

Frank Herbert, 145

Frank L., 118

Frank Morton, 168

Frank R., 155

Frank W., 128

Fred A., 118, 133

Fred C., 136

Frederick Carroll, 150

Frederick Edwin, 221

Frederick F.. 98

Frederick Holt, 134

Frederick Plummer, 57, 98

Frederick Samuel, 153

Fredie, 95

Freeman, 181, 200

Galusha Alonzo, 57, 98

Galusha Benton, 134

Geneva, 233

George, 39, 60, 61, 64, 71, 175, 199

George Albert, 149

George B., 195

George Bartley, 216

George Brimson, 133

George Ellsworth, 108

George Everett, 153

George F., 104, 151

George James, 152

George L., 222, 231

George Osgood, 205

George Palmer, 160

George Samuel, 153

George W., 200

George Washington, 120, 149

George Williams, 164

Gerald Frederick, 153

Gerry, 71

Gertrude, 124, 166

Gertrude E., 111

Gertrude L., 153

Girden, 43

Golda B., 154

Grace, 153, 160

Grace Ella, 233

Grace Greenwood, 235

Grace I., 221

Grace Lillian, 152, 167

Grace May, 131

Grant D., 192

Graves A., 66

Guelda, 145

Gussie, 202

Guy Elwin, 162

Hale, 68, 69

Hallie, 219

Hannah, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28 30, 31, 33, 46, 51, 53, 66 67, 69, 173, 175,

179 201, 202

Hannah Anna, 142

Hannah Harmon, 51

Hannah R., 69

Harland Wayne, 161

Harmenus Kosamund, 68

Harold, 144, 152, 156

Harold Bartley, 231

Harold DeWitt, 169

Harold Jennings, 154

Harold Webber, 126

Harriet, 67, 92, 112, 113, 114, 117, 218

Harriet Atwood, 121

Harriet F., 107

Harriet J., 95

Hariet M.. 69

Harriet Zimena, 140

Harris Dana, 235

Harry , 130, 156

Harry Allen, 151

Harry Clinton, 124

Harry Dennison, 151

Harry Lawrence. 167

Harry Lute, 128

Harry Reniff, 147

Harry Rice, 214

Harvey, 205

Harvey Glen, 133

Harvey Prindle Peet, 202

Hattie, 109, 147, 168

Hattie A., 140

Hattie E., 111

Hattie L., 118

Hazel, 160

Helas; see Hilas.

Helen, 92, 110, 143, 147, 153, 158, 159, 163, 199, 214

Helen A.. 98, 105

Helen Achsa, 163

Helen Dorothy, 169

Helen Jean, 134

Helen M., 98

Helen Maria, 110

Helen Maude, 217

Helen Persis, 133

Helen Winifred, 134

Henry, 77, 180, 184, 219

Henry A., 64

Mrs. Henry Delano, 91

Henry Eugene, 137

Henry Loring, 216

Henry Norman, 61

Henry Prentiss, 138

Henry R, 203

Herbert E., 133

Herman L., 202

Hester Elizabeth, 126

Heziah, 104

Hight; see Hilas.

Hilas (Hylas, Helas or Hight), 70

Hiram, 181

HiramA., 179

Hiram Albert, 149

Hiram H., 195

Hobart B., 134

Homer, 21 9

Homer Wallace, 162

Hope, 48

Howard Edward, 150

Howard M., 133

Hubbard Sumner, 111

Huldah, 67, 113, 213

Hylas; see Hilas

Ida, 111, 126

Ida C., 156

Ida Lucinda, 132

Ida May, 95

Ina L., 158

Iniz Ardelle, 232

Ira, 116, 180, 191

Irene, 150

Iris, 116

Irving Kasson, 129

Isaac, 26, 27, 28, 71, 181

Isabella Winslow, 184

Jacob, 170, 172, 179, 180.

Jacob Clark, 142.

Jacob Meade, 199

James, 19, 26, 31, 32, 45, 77, 81, 174, 218

James Clifton, 147

James G. Blaine, 164

James H., 234

James Harold, 133

James Isaac, 205

James M. 105

James Madison, 109

James Mortimer, 104

James Reed, 61

James S., 234

Jane, 23, 65, 77, 112, 178, 192, 213

Jane A., 139

Jane Ann, 114

Jane Frances, 138.

Jane Maria, 114

Jane W., 168

Janette S., 157

Jasper Murdock, 114.

Jay Albert, 128

Jay D., 104

Jeanette, 191

Jedediah, 59

Jemima, 43, 71, 81.

Jennie, 116.

Jennie A., 71

Jennie L., 231

Jennie M., 104, 231

Jennison, 75

Jenny, 110.

Jerome H., 222

Jerusha, 56, 61, 65, 105, 108, 199.

Jerusha Wales, 97

Jesse, 131

Jesse Avery, 155

Jesse Putnam, 69

Jesse Raymond, 144

Jessie, 131

Jessie A., 232, 234

Jessie Bell, 138

Jessie Cordelia, 126

Jessie F., 118

Jessie S., 132

Joanna, 19, 20, 33, 175

John, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 33, 36, 41, 42, 49, 61, 65, 70, 84, 170,

171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 180, 200, 218

John Alonzo, 91, 113, 145

John B., 60, 111

John Benson, 202

John Dennison, 118

John Dresser, 231, 232

John Frederick Chapin, 147

John G., 69.

John H., 71

John Hale, 123

John Irving, 158

John Lorenzo, 144

John Marshall, 60, 106, 137

John P., 95

John S., 50

John Stone, 49, 50

John Thomas, 149