AM 145
Spring 2015
Instructor: Mary Smith
Contact information; email: phone: 775-901-2772 general program email: Office hours: 5:00-5:45 Mon/wed room 324 (by appointment only)
Classroom: cedar 111 Monday/Wednesday 4:00-5:15 3 units
Course Description: Introduces ASL and focuses on the development of basic conversational skills, emphasizing receptive abilities.
Required text: abc book. A basic course in American sign language,
lentz, mikos, & smith; signing naturally level i: workbook and dvd
Recommended materials: asl dictionary, spiral notebook
Transferability of course within Nevada: courses with numbers 100-299: this course is designed to apply toward a wnc degree and/or transfer to other schools within the Nevada system of higher education, depending on the degree chosen and other courses completed. This course may also transfer to other schools outside of Nevada, for more information please contact your counselor.
Objectives: at the conclusion of this class a student should
o Produce and utilize signs (basic vocabulary) of American Sign Language.
o produce and utilize basic sentence structure including: object + subject + verb, sentences with identifying nouns, using "finish" directional verbs, and verbs with classifiers.
o produce and utilize language functions and grammar of standard American Sign Language including: confirming information, correcting information, negative markers, yes/no questions, WH-questions, personal pronouns, spatial referencing and numbering.
o Introductions, exchanging personal information, describing surroundings, telling where you live.
o Discuss family, activities and corresponding basic vocabulary
o Understand the importance of cultural traditions, diversity and ethics in the modern world.
o Have effective and efficient learning skills, including the location and evaluation of information
Grading: this class will be graded according to the following
1. Attendance 5 points/class
2. Participation 10 points/class
3. Assignments 10-50 points each (depending)
4. Term paper 150 points
5. Workbook 10 points/unit
6. Mid-term 150 points
7. Final 200 points
100-90%= A 89-80%=B 79-70%=C 69-60%=D 59% and below=F
Attendance: attendance is a huge part of the success of asl students (as it is with any class). However, with this class being a visual and hands-on language, the more you are here and participate the better you will become. If you are 15 min or later to class it is your responsibility to make sure that you are marked present. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late you will not receive participation points for the day You are allowed 3 absences. If you miss 5 classes you will be asked to withdraw from the class if you don’t you will receive an f for the semester.
Participation: you will be given 5 points each class for your participation. If you are not participating (including but not limited to, talking, not paying attention, not doing your class work, etc) you will lose points for the day. These points cannot be made up. If you are “lost” you must raise your hand and let me know, if not I will continue class. You will not be warned I will simply take the points away.
Assignments/activities: assignments (readings, quizzes, in-class activities, working in small groups, signing in front of the class, etc) will be given daily as a means for you to become more knowledgeable and comfortable with asl. These will be both receptive and expressive. These activities will vary daily and be worth between 5 and 50 points. This will also include weekly quizzes. If you are absent these points cannot be made up.
Workbook: at the conclusion of each unit, you will be asked to complete the interactive portion of the workbook, if your workbook, you will only receive half credit, and they will only be accepted one class period late.
Term paper: yes, will need to do one. The term paper can be done on any topic relating to the deaf culture or community as well as any other topics that approved. The paper must be in mla format. You will also have to do a short presentation in front of the class on your paper. The presentations also require one visual aid of your choice. The presentations will be scheduled for 2 days. You must be prepared and attend both classes. If not, 10% of your grade will be deducted. There is a way around having to write this paper!!! If you choose to go to tutoring and/or our deaf events and have at least 20 hours the paper will be waived.
Grading of research papers
No cover page -20pts
Not 3-5 pages -10-40pts
Not double-spaced -15pts
Not cited -100pts
No visual aid -40pts
Absent -20pts
Mid-term: the mid-term will cover everything done to date in this class, including assignments, readings, etc. This test will be broken down into receptive and expressive portions.
Final: your final will be set up the same way as your mid-term and it will be comprehensive.
Make-up assignments/tests: I understand that everyone has lives and that things come up. However, if you know that you are going to be gone please let me know in advance so we can make arrangements for you to stay up to date with the class, also so the class doesn’t have to slow down or back up. If you are gone it is your responsibility to get the information covered during your absence. I will not allow any make up exams! However, if your absence is school related you will have 1 class to make them up.
Plagiarism/cheating: you know it’s wrong, I know it’s wrong, so just don’t do it!
Phones: while in class please make sure that your phone is on silent and that you do not answer or text during class. If it is an emergency step out of the room and answer the call. If I catch you texting you will be asked to leave for the rest of the class and lose all points for the day. If it continues we will set a private meeting to discuss our options. Consider this your warning
Movies: I will be showing 2-3 movies throughout the semester. These movies may contain scenes and language that might be offensive to some. If you feel that you will be uncomfortable watching these movies please let me know and I will give you and alternate assignment.
Language: as with all natural languages, asl includes signs and phrases of sexual nature as well as curse words. It is encouraged that all students learn the signs, not for the purpose of using them, but so students are aware of how not to you signs unintentionally. Also, so the students will comprehend the signs if used while conversing. Again, if you are uncomfortable with these signs please let me know. The vast majority of these signs will be taught outside of official class times on a voluntary basis.
Course comment: linguistic research shows that asl is comparable in complexity and expressiveness to all other spoken languages. It is not a form of English; however asl does in fact have its own distinct grammar structure and differs from that of spoken languages in that it is a visual 3-d language.
Ferpa: the family education rights and privacy act. I cannot share any information about a student’s academic progress with anyone other than the student themselves, or the staff that must know. Ferpa also applies to those under 18 years of age; I cannot discuss anything with parents/guardians. Please don’t have anyone other than yourself contact me regarding your college experience.
If you have a disability that requires accommodations, please let me know and contact the wnc student disability support services at 775-445-3266
Golden rules:
Be courteous to all in the classroom. We all will become vulnerable in this class. Absolutely no criticism, yelling, arguing, swearing. We give only positive feedback. Listen to your classmates and their suggestions. You don’t have to agree with them, just understand their perspectives.
You should not have any items obstructing your view or instructors view. All purses, backpacks, laptops should be placed under your table.
There will be no side conversations, you are probably not aware of how disturbing it is to your classmates to be forced to listen to your chatter. You will not be given a warning, I will simply deduct from your participation score.
Please make sure your phones are not heard or seen. If you are continually looking at your phone I will take away participation points and set up a private meeting with you. The cardinal rule of asl is eye gaze!
I will have zero tolerance for these rules being broken!
Student code of behavior
You are responsible for your own learning: you will get out of this class what you put in.
Attend all classes: if you miss a class it is your responsibility to get the information that you missed. Once you fall behind in class it is very hard to catch up.
Participate: this is a very interactive class, you will learn from yourself as well as your classmates, never hesitate to ask question. Chances are you are not the only one with the same question.
Welcome to the most beautiful language in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instructor has the right to adjust syllabus as needed, students will be informed of all changes in a timely manner. Please sign and return the last page to me by the second week of class.
Student agreement with instructor
Course name______
I agree that I have read and understand the entire syllabus. I am aware that this syllabus explains how my grade will be determined and also it provides the instructors expectations of me. In addition, I understand that as a student at this college, I am expected to follow guidelines for academic integrity and civility as established in the policy of this institution (academic and student policy 3-4-5 on academic integrity in addition to principles of community as established by the president’s office). I am also expected to show reasonable community standards in any communication or contact with fellow students and instructor (even if not explicitly set forth in the course syllabus or in the intuitions code).
Print name:______