August 15, 2016
5:30 p.m.
ClarkfieldCity Hall
EDA Board Members Present: Scott Vold, Jennifer Schuler, Jamie Olerud, Adam Isaacs, Sue Fritz
Others Present: Becca Schrupp-City Administrator, Janel Timm and Peg Hegland- YMC, Gary Johnson-YMC Commissioner, Kevin Sharkey, Bob Schlenner, Ron Schlenner, Paul Wilson, Jana Suckow, Alisha Handeland, Berdette Schoep,
1.0 / Call Meeting to Order
2.0 / Public Comment
Kevin Sharkey discussed the café. He would like to get the restaurant up and running. The bank is having the cleaners come in. He gave the estimates to renovate the café. Those in the audience stated that there is a lot of community support for the EDA to take control of the café. The roof is still leaking a little bit in spots. He feels that it is there is drainage issues on the roof. There are a couple of ladies that want to run the café once it is up and running. They would like to be in there in the next 2-3 months. Kevin and Berdette have taken lead on this. The EDA received the agreement at the last meeting and just received the notes from the attorney. They will be discussing this today.
3.0 / Additions to the Agenda
4.0 / Old School Building
Janel Timm, Peg Hegland, and Gary Johnson were at the meeting representing Yellow Medicine County. The Old School was forfeited on August 2nd. Timm will have a group that will go in on August 26th to do a full inventory and take pictures. They will have rough map. Deputy Jenson will be putting new locks on the doors and boarding up the windows. There is still propane and crude oil in there. Timm sent a letter to the owner stating that he had 30 days to get his personal property out of the building. There was some discussion on what the thoughts were on what to do with the building. There was a gentleman that contact Schuler to see about the possibility of putting in a wood manufacturing business. He would only need a portion of the building. There is a possibility of setting up a TIF District. There is a good chance that all of the roofs are leaking. We need to think about figuring out funding sources. The County will be at the EDA’s next meeting on September 26th.
5.0 / Approve Minutes of the July 18th meeting
Motion by Isaacs to approve the minutes of the July 18th meeting. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
6.0 / Approve Bills and Financial Transactions
Motion by Isaacs to approve the bills and financial transactions. Seconded by Olerud. Motion passed unanimously.
7.0 / Café
The EDA went over the Restaurant Donation Agreement. Notes that they wanted to change:
- All of the City of Clarkfield’s need to be changed to the Clarkfield EDA
- In number 3, they want changed from 10 years to 5 years.
- Number 4 they would like taken out.
- Number 5 they would like Dave Gilbertson to clarify. In 5 c they would like to add taxes and insurance as something that the restaurant operator shall pay. They also are changing the $100.00 maintenance fee to $200.00
- In Number 6, they want it to read that the future maintenance of the building/restaurant resides with the City for as long as it is in the hands of the EDA.
- They would like to have a clause in there that states our $15,000.00 guarantee is forgiven.
- They want in the agreement that at no time they will put money into the mall association, atrium, or restrooms.
- In number 7 the EDA wants replacement language put in.
Motion by Isaacs to allocate $45,000.00 to the Clarkfield Café contingent upon the restaurant agreement being approved with the EDA terms. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
8.0 / Miller Building
No discussion was had.
9.0 / EDA Loans
- Bailey’s has paid up their back taxes and the first half of 2016. The County did not take the building back.
- Bailey’s is behind on her loan payment by 4 months. The last month she paid was in April.
- Thoughts on what to do with Sparkle Wash’s amount. There was discussion on if we could file a lien on a vehicle. Schrupp will talk to the attorney.
- While doing the audit, it was discovered that Clarkfield Outdoors overpaid their loan by $2,000.00. We will have to pay this back.
10.0 / Apartment Update
- Background/credit application and tenant check. The company is Twin City Tenant Check. They would do a 3 part check for $35.00 which includes an eviction check, credit check, and landlord/rental reference check. There is a $100.00 fee to start up with them and does require an inspection.
- Pet policy. Motion by Isaacs to adopt the pet policy with the grandfathering in of those who have more than one pet. Seconded by Olerud. Motion passed unanimously.
- New Renter application for Lindsey Koepp and Sabastian Lindley for apartment phase 1 apt 3.
- New Renter application for Gabriella Schmitt for phase 2 apartment 3.
- Sandy Ellingboe is behind by 3 months. She owes $1,875.00. Schrupp was instructed to send out an eviction process if she was not paid up by August 31st.
- Vanessa Trivino is behind $145.00 for July and $575.00 for August, for a total of $720.00.
11.0 / Ideas and Updates
- By-Laws: There were a few changes with the by-laws that the EDA would like to see changed.
12.0 / Adjourn Meeting
Motion by Vold to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm. Seconded by Isaacs. Motion passed unanimously.