Medical Revalidation
Please note that the informationon this pageis primarily targeted at non-trainee career grade doctors in secondary care who have substantive or honorary contracts with NHSGGC. Arrangements for trainees who have a training number, or are in foundation programmes, will be made through NHS Education for Scotland.This page contains guidance on the administration of patient questionnaires and multi-source feedback.
Responsible Officers
Dr Jennifer Armstrong, Medical Director is the Responsible Officerfornon-trainee career grade doctors
Dr Stewart Irvine, Medical Director for NHS Education for Scotland is the Responsible Officer for trainee doctors
Revalidation Schedule
All doctors will be required to revalidate every five years in order to maintain their licence to practice. In Scotland, doctors will be put forward for revalidation in accordance with the following schedule:
- Year beginning April 2013 (Tranche 1) - doctors with a GMC number containing 4 or 6 as the penultimate number;
- Year beginning April 2014 (Tranche 2) - doctors with a GMC number containing 0, 5, 7 or 8 as the penultimate number;
- Year beginning April 2015 (Tranche 3) - doctors with a GMC number containing 1, 2, 3 or 9 as the penultimate number.
The following letters have been sent out to medical staff to inform them of which tranche they are in, and what they need to do to ensure revalidation:
- Tranche 1
- Tranche 2
- Tranche 3
Secondary Care Newsletters and Awareness Raising
Appraisal & Revalidation Presentation
Revalidation Update Newsletter 2 - July 2012
Revalidation Update Newsletter 1 - April 2012
Primary Care Newsletters
Primary Care Revalidation Newsletter July 2012
Primary Care Revalidation Update April 2012
GP Letter May 2012
Patient Questionnaires
The GMC has indicated that doctors should obtain patient questionnaires where this is appropriate. There will be doctors such as those in laboratory specialties who do not see patients as a component of their everyday work. Other doctors may see very few patients during the course of a year. In these circumstances it will not be necessary for the doctor to obtain a patient questionnaire. This should be agreed with your appraiser and ratified by the Responsible Officer, in advance of your appraisal meeting.
Doctors will be asked to distribute 25 patient questionnaires, once during every 5 year cycle. In NHS GGC it is recommended that the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure Questionnairebe used.
Other patient questionnaires that fulfil the GMC requirements may be used with the agreement of the Responsible Officer. However, due to resource limitations it should be noted that NHSGGC will only be able to administer the CARE questionnaire and, therefore, if selecting an alternative, the doctor will be required to make their own administrative arrangements.
How to obtain your CARE questionnaire
Please request your CARE questionnaire by e-mailing the Medical Staffing Department (), at least 2 weeks before you wish to commence the exercise. You will then be e-mailed a copy of the questionnaire along with instructions for distribution.
Your questionnaire must be requested centrally to allow the Medical Staffing Department to administer the process, and produce the required response summaries prior to your appraisal meeting. Please note questionnaires that have been downloaded independently cannot be processed.
For further guidance on supporting information, including MSF please access the following link:
Guidance on theadministration of Patient Questionnaire and MSF
Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR)
We would ask all doctors to complete their appraisal online the Scottish Online Appraisal Resources (SOAR) system. To register with SOAR please access the following website:-
NES Appraiser Training
Click on the links below to access information on appraiser training:-
appraiser training dates
application form
equal opps form
covering letter
model appraiser job description
The completed electronic application and equal opps formsmust be sent to NES by email ().A copy of the forms should be forwarded to the Medical Staffing Team () to ensure a central record of applications are maintained. Please note your application must be authorised by your Medical Manager before submission to NES.
MSF Training
Click here to access Multi-source Feedback (MSF) training dates
Useful Information
Click on the links below to access information on:-
CEL 31(2012) Annual Appraisal Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Multi-source Feedback (MSF)
GMC Guidance on Revalidation on the first cycle 2012
GMC online
If you have a query ora specific question please email and a member of the Medical Staffing Team will get back to you