12 NOVEMBER 2003
Traffic Panel
For Information
- Requests for minor traffic measures, particularly if they involve Traffic Orders or have other implications on traffic flow, are generally considered by the Traffic Panel. The Traffic Panel consists of Council officers and representatives of the Police, emergency services, and the Bus Company. The panel seeks advice from Councillors, the refuse collection service and emergency services prior to their meeting and then makes recommendations on the requests. This process allows requests to be considered on a consistent basis across the borough and satisfies the requirement that the Police and emergency services are consulted at an early stage in the preparation of any orders.
- The Traffic Panel’s consideration of the issues and their recommendation is recorded in the minutes, which are circulated to all council members after the meeting. If no objections are raised to any of the items then the Panel’s recommendations are approved under delegated powers and this is reported to the next meeting of the relevant committee.
- The Traffic Panel met on 9 September 2003 and discussed the following items concerning this committee:
i)Lower Blandford Road
ii)Portmore Close
The Traffic panel minutes are attached below.
Head of Transportation Services
Background PapersNone
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
Steve Dean(01202) 262071
Location: / Lower Blandford RoadWard: / Broadstone
Approval & Funding: / Bearwood and Merley and Broadstone Area Committee
Request by: / A local resident.
Nature of Request: / Waiting restrictions to prevent parking in the advisory cycle lanes.
Background: / Yellow lines have recently been imposed to clarify enforcement of the adjacent mandatory lane.
Members Comments: / No
Emergency Services Refuse Collection Comment: / No specific comments.
Traffic Panel Comments: / The yellow lines in the mandatory lane were introduced to clarify the enforcement situation and did not alter the actual restriction that applied. Vehicles can currently park in the advisory lane and clearly this defeats the purpose of the lane.
The Panel recommended extending the double yellow lines all the way up to Wallace Road.
Recommendation: / Impose double yellow lines as shown on Drawing HT 002/353
Estimated Cost: / £1,000
Priority: / Safety
Likely Objectors: / Local residents may object.
Location: / Portmore Close
Ward: / Broadstone
Approval & Funding: / Bearwood and Merley and Broadstone Area Committee
Request by: / Local resident
Nature of Request: / Measures to prevent parking in the close.
Background: / Portmore Close is not yet adopted.
Members Comments: / Cllr. Newell has submitted the request.
Emergency Services Refuse Collection Comment: / No specific comments made but they would generally support measures that protect their access.
Traffic Panel Comments: / This is a regular request at locations where walkers can gain access to public open spaces. It would not be appropriate to introduce restrictions as they would be very remote from any other enforcement patrols and parking would merely be displaced to wherever the restrictions end.
Recommendation: / No action.
Estimated Cost: / £1,000
Priority: / Amenity (residential)
Likely Objectors: / Not all residents would support restrictions, particularly if parking is displaced towards them.