GRW Newsletter
Goochland Republican Women September, 2010
Goochland Republican Women will hold their September Meeting
Thursday evening, September 9, at 7:00 pm
Thelma Drake
Appointed by Gov. McDonnell to serve as Director of Rail and Public Transportation for Va.; United States Congresswoman (2005-2008); Virginia House of Delegates (1996-2004), Realtor
Manakin Fire Station
180 River Road West
Manakin Sabot, Va.23103
Support Literacy by bringing gently used adult and children’s booksto our meeting on Sept. 9. Books will be donated to the Woman’s Prison.Becki Stokes, Chairperson, MamieEisenhower/Barbara Bush Literacy, .
Alison Ervin, President,, ;
Joan Wilkins, 1st Vice President Programs, ;
Linda Smith, 2nd Vice President Membership, ; Lucinda Slabaugh, Corresponding Secretary,
Nancy Plageman, Recording Secretary, ;
Patricia Turner, Treasurer,;
Rita Brighton, Past President, .
Dear Members,
The BIGGEST news for GRW is our brand new WEBSITE! Kathy Crockett has spent many hours on this, from finding the best and most economical sources to setting it all up for us. Kathy saves us over $600 by doing the work herself. Your Board and Leadership Team are in awe of this great accomplishment. I can’t wait until you see it.
The website should be up and running by the September meeting. The web address is
The VFRW ANNUAL CONVENTION will be held at the Short Pump Hilton Hotel from April 8-10, 2011. Sandy Pettingill of the Huguenot RW and I will be co-chairing this event. There will be many fun volunteer opportunities available. More information will be forthcoming.
During our September meeting a NOMINATING COMMITTEE will be selected to prepare the GRW slate of officers for 2011. The slate will be presented at the October Meeting. Think about how you would like to be involved in the management of GRW. Much help is needed.
Although GRW has been on SUMMER BREAK that has not stopped your board. Joan Wilkins, 1st VP Programs has finalized our 2010 program schedule and it is an exciting one.
I met with Patricia Turner, Treasurer, and was amazed at the amount of ongoing work she does for us and in such an organized way!There are many reports that need to be sent be sent to the VFRW and she does them meticulously. Linda Smith, 2nd VP Membership has sent out many notes along with GRW applications to potential members. Please feel free to let her know if you would like her to make contact with someone you know.
Many thanks to Nancy Plageman and her son Charles (Charles Plageman 804-752-2200) for donating the marvelous banner. (see photo)to GRW.
Yours in GRW
Alison Ervin
President, GRW
Save the Date
September 9, 20107:00 pm Manakin Fire Station GRW Meeting with Thelma Drake
September 10, 2010, Commonwealth Gala, $50.00.Contact
September 28, 12:30 pm Enzo’s Restaurant, Goochland Republican Committee
October 1,10:00 am Park at Manakin Fire Station to Carpool to Massey Cancer
Centerfor Tour and 11:30 Box Lunch at Thalhiemer Pavillion returning
Approx. 2:30 pm
October 2,3:00 – 6:00 pm Congressman Eric Cantor’s 7th District Round Up FREE
Innsbrook Snag-a-Job Pavillion
October 8, Annual Friends of Bill Janis Oyster available soon
October 16, Join with GRC 1:00 pm at Orapax, 3831 River Road W, to meet Eric
October 26, 12:30 pm Enzo’s Restaurant GRC Meeting
November 2, 2010 Election Day
November 7, 7:00 pm GRW Meeting with Ross MacKenzie
November 19-20 Republican Party of Virginia Advance – Tyson’s Hilton
GRW September 2010