13.4 Power of the Church Notes
The Power of the Church (Hierarchy)
Major Problems in the Church
· Two great powers struggled to control feudal Europe:
o Church ( )
o State ( )
· Feudalism did what to society?
· The Church did what for the people?
· The Church developed its own power in feudal society: ]
o Important Religious Ceremonies:
o Rules for Religious Practices:
· Harsh Punishments under Church Laws:
o Banishment from the Church:
o Restrictions on Religious Services:
· Church leaders and kings both wanted to be able to appoint new members to the church hierarchy. This was called:
o A religious treaty was designed to compromise on church appointments. It was called:
· Three Major Problems with the Catholic Church by 900 CE:
o Violating Church policies by getting married
o Violating church policies by selling favors (like appointments & forgiveness)
o Violating the Papacy through Lay Investiture
Issues with Lay Investiture
· In 1075, Pope Gregory VII began reforms to eliminate the medieval practice of Lay Investiture (Kings appointing Bishops)
o Issued a decree called the
o A series of Canon Laws that declared the following:
§ Papal Authority was over Authority
§ Popes could the Holy Roman Emperor
§ Lay Investiture was a of God & the Church
· Henry IV (HRE) opposed and threatened Pope Gregory’s decree in a nasty letter
· Pope Gregory VII responded to Henry IV by him and declaring his power as HRE void
· Henry IV asked for help from German Bishops (who were unwilling to oppose the Pope)
· Long story short…. Henry IV apologized and Pope Gregory VII granted him
Timeline of Events: