Course Title / ART 13132D Art Design
CIP Code
Contact Person(s) / Michael Orf; Dusty Mitchell
Effective date of proposal / July 1, 2011
Proposal Summary / The division of arts and humanities is proposing to offer 2D Design beginning in the fall of 2011. The course would be included in the AS in Entrepreneurship program. The course could also be taken as a general education elective since it is an art class.
Need for the proposal / After discussion with the craft school, the AS in entrepreneurship program is adjusting the hours in the program by adjusting current class hours and adding this class. The craft school, after much discussion, decided to add this course to introduce students to two-dimensional art and broaden their exposure to different forms of art. Also, this course is required for most art degrees.
Curriculum outline / Attached is a syllabus.
Faculty needed for proposal / N/A
Description of resources / N/A
Costs associated with the activity / Some supplies may be needed but this speech/theater budget will be adjusted as needed.
Source of funding (if needed)
Similar activities in colleges within a 50 mile range / University of Central Arkansas
Curriculum Committee
Faculty Council / Curriculum Committee Chairperson Signature:
______Date: ______
Faculty Council Chairperson Signature:
______Date: ______
Administrative Council / Date: ______
Chairperson Signature: ______
Board of Trustees / Date
ADHE Submission / Date:
ADHE Letter of Notification / Date:
Assessment Methods
Implementation Date / Date:
(Add to Curriculum Committee Calendar)
Report back to Curriculum Committee / Date:
(Based on assessment measurements including course evaluation of instructions following the first offering of the curriculum.) (Add to Curriculum Committee Calendar)
Recommended Revisions / Date:

ART 1313__2D Design
Course Syllabus
Section: ?
2011 Fall Semester

Instructor: / Mitchell, Dustin L
Home Phone: / 870-213-8090
Office Phone:
College Fax: / (870) 368-2091
Email: /
Office Hours:
Times: / ?
Classroom: / Mt. View MV?
I. Prerequisites:
II. Course Description:
This class is an introduction to basic 2D design principles. 3 credits.
III. Rationale:
Students pursuing an education in the arts need a foundation of knowledge on which to build their individual artistic identities. This course (within the four foundation courses in offered in our program) has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to experiment with two-dimensional design elements such as line, shape, texture, value, and color. Strategies for conveying the illusion of space and motion in two-dimensions will be studied and applied. Principles of visual patterns such as unity, emphasis, scale, proportion, balance and rhythm will be addressed in projects and in lectures. The basic theory and design principles covered in this course will provide a bank of knowledge that can students can use to pursue any creative education/career goals.
IV. Outcomes/Learning Objectives:
Following successful completion of this course, students will:
1.) Establish an art vocabulary with which to create, describe, and interpret a wide range of artworks.
2.) Demonstrate knowledge of basic art elements and identify the fundamentals of composition used in an artwork.
3.) Be knowledgeable of the spectrum of media related to 2D design, and the ways in which those media are used.
4.) Identify and Evaluate the role of the design elements in historically relevant works of art, and within our current culture.
V. Textbooks/Required Materials:
Textbook / Author / ISBN / Price
VI. Methods of Instruction:
1.) Textbook discussion.
2.) Video/Poweroint presentations.
3.) In-Class activities (videos, visiting artists, discussions, etc.)
4. Hands-On project activities
VII. Evaluation Procedures:
Grades will be determined by the amount of points earned out of 500. The percentage of points earned will translate into a letter grade using the grading scale below. 500 possible points (not counting bonus points) can be earned through attendance/participation, activities, quizzes and exams.
VIII. Grading Scale:
A - Excellent 100-90% (500-450 pts)
B - Above average 89-80% (449-400 pts)
C - Average 79-70% (399-350 pts)
D - Conditional 69-60% (349-300 pts)
F - Failing 59-50% (299-250 pts)
I - Incomplete
W ? Withdrew
IX. Academic Integrity:
If an occurrence of cheating is detected, that student(s) grade will be adjusted accordingly, ranging from a grade penalty on the test or assignment involved - to an "F" in the course. When a penalty for cheating is invoked, the instructor is required to submit to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, immediately following the occurrence, a statement of circumstances, the name of the student(s) involved, and the penalty imposed. A student involved has the right to appeal the action through the Academic Grievance Procedure.
X. Make-Up Policy:
Make-up work will only be accepted in emergency situations. Make-up quizzes and tests will be given the 1st day the absent student(s) return to class and WILL NOT BE THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL VERSION. All make-up quizzes/tests will be almost 100% writing. In-class activities that are missed CANNOT BE MADE-UP. Any class time missed due to making-up a quiz or test will be considered as time absent from class, and will be reflected on the participation grade for that day. The only way to make-up lost points for in-class activities is through bonus points on quizzes and tests.
XI. Attendance Policy:
Regular class attendance and punctuality are required for all classes. If a student must miss due to illness, emergency, or college business, it is the student's responsibility to find out what class work they missed. According to the student handbook, after a student misses the equivalent of two weeks of class sessions, the instructor has the prerogative of assigning a grade "F" for the course.
XI. Special Needs:
Any student with special needs that may require any adaptation or modification of classroom work is responsible for informing the faculty of those needs and possible modifications/adaptations.
XI. Important Dates:

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