Minutes of Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Date: Thursday 24 September 2015 – 7.30pm / Venue: The Cock Inn, Sibson.Attendance:Geoff Bingham, Suzie Caton, Keith Dixon (Finance Officer), Kate Gardiner (Communications Officer), Andrea Johnson (Chair), Anne Parkinson, Deborah Roberts, Clive Stretton (Secretary), Mick Toogood (Vice Chair). / Apologies:,
Marian Parkinson, John Ward and Rob Ward
Minutes taken by: CliveStretton
Declaration of Interest: None
Item / Raised by / Discussion & Decision
Attendance & Apologies / Chair / 9 present & 3 apologies
Minutes of Previous Meeting / Chair / Accepted & signed
Matters Arising.
Revised TOR Document / Chair / 13/08/15-01 Make amendments ready for signing at the next meeting.– Amended & signed
13/08/15- 02”Revised Sheepy NP TOR final at 13 June 2015” to be stored as evidence.- Completed
13/08/15-03 “Revised Sheepy NP TOR final at 13 June 2015” to be presented to the Parish Council for noting.– Presented to Parish Council Meeting 1st September 2015.
13/08/15-04 The Chair agreed to provide a copy of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting (when available) for inclusion in the evidence database.– Completed for Parish Council Meeting 4 August 2015.
13/08/15-05 Review project plan timings.- On going
13/08/15-06 Store documents, “Mkt Bosworth NDP Journey” “Our Neighbourhood Plan – The Story So Far” in evidence data base. Completed
13/08/15-07 Chair to locate copy of Survey previously considered by the Parish Council.Completed
13/08/15-08 Sub Group to revisit content of proposed press articles and present to next month’s meeting – See communications report.
13/08/15-09 Sub Group to investigate forthcoming stake holders and community events. -Ongoing
13/08/15-10 Rob Ward to contact RCC to invite one of its members to a meeting . Preferred date 3rd September 2015, but alternative dates 10th or 17th. – Meeting arranged 3rd September 2015
13/08/15-11Secretary to arrange a venue for meeting with RCC- 7.30pm The Cock Inn, Sibson. Elected Officers & Rob Ward invited to attend the meeting.
13/08/15-12 All members to complete skills matrix and supply address details. 24/09/15-01 Secretary to email members of the group who have yet to supply information.
HBBC Neighbourhood Planning Event 27 October 2015 / Chair / 24/09/15-02- Deborah Robbers & Clive Stretton agreed to attend the HBBC Neighbourhood Planning Event 27 October 2015.
Feedback from RCC meeting – 3rd September 2015 / Chair / Chair presented paper prepared by Rob Ward (20th September 2015) – “Provision of professional support services for Sheepy Neighbourhood plan”, setting out RCC services & costings.
24/09/15-03 – Secretary to circulate “Provision of professional support services for Sheepy Neighbourhood plan” to the group.
Finance Officer presented Finance Report (24/09/15). He had contacted three other Service providers, “Locality”, “RLA Planning” and “Kirkwells” requesting what support they can provide and costings.
24/09/15-04- Finance Officer to circulate Finance report to John Ward & Rob Ward
24/09/15-05-Finance Officer to send Kirkwells proposal to the Chair
Based on a “Value for money decision” the group agreed to engage the services of RCC.
24/09/15-06 – Chair to report to the Parish Council that we wish to engage the services ofRCC.
24/09/15-07 - Documentation tosupport 24/09/15-06.
Group agreed that the RCC Quotation required more detail.24/09/15-08 – Secretary to contact John Preston (RCC) requesting he attend a meeting to explain the quotation in greater detail. Suggested date Tuesday 13th October 2015 – 7.30pm. Venue to be arranged.
Feedback from Parish Council / Chair / See Report to Parish Council – Andrea Johnson -Chair – 1 September 2015 / .
Minor Amendment to TOR / Chair / Following the resignation of two members, the group did not meet the requirement of the TOR. As discussed at the initial meeting, the TOR would be regularly reviewed.
24/09/15-09 – Secretary to make the following amendment to TOR. Membership -The Steering Group will comprise no less than 10 community representatives from the Parish of Sheepy. Where possibleit shouldinclude (but not be limited to):
- At least one resident from each Ward within the Sheepy Parish[1]
- At least one Sheepy Parish Councillor.
Review of Project Plan / Chair / Deferred to 22 October 2015
Evidence Data Base / Chair / 24/09/15-11 -Deborah Roberts to design a spread sheet to record evidence.
Financial Report / Finance Officer / See -Feedback from RCC meeting – 3rd September 2015 above.
Finance Officer requests information on how the Parish Council and the Steering Group will conduct financial matters between each other.
24/09/15-12 – Secretary to contact Clerk to Parish Council requesting information regarding the process of financial matters between Parish Council and Steering Group
Travelling Expenses – Group agreed that any journey of over 25 miles, on Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group business, can claim expenses, in line with HMRC guidelines of 45p per mile up to the first 10,000 miles.
24/09/15-13 – Chair to seek Parish Councils approval of Steering Groups travel expenses.
Communications Report / Communications officer / Websites- Finance Officer had three quotations, “Expand Digital”, “WM Creative” and “Levells”. (See Communications Report September 2015). Based on these quotations, his recommendations were to appoint Expand Digital. The group agreed to proceed with Expand Digital.
24/09/15-14 – Communications Officer to confirm with Expand Digital that we wish to proceed.
24/09/15-15 – Finance Officer to inform WM Creative and Levells that we don’t wish to engage their services.
Discussion of page 4 Communications report. 24/09/15-16 – Chair to seek Parish Councils approval for displaying notices/posters on Lamp posts to advertise forthcoming Neighbourhood Plan events.
Discussion about Suggestion Boxes located across the Parish. Also as part of the open forum at the start of Parish Council meetings, Parishioners / Local Businesses/ Stakeholders have the opportunity to raise issues regarding the Neighbourhood Plan. 24/09/15-17 – Secretary to contact Clerk & Chair to Parish Council requesting that Parishioners may raise issues regarding the Neighbourhood Plan during the open forum.
The Gazette article was revised by the group. 24/09/15-18- Communications Officer to submit article by 26th September 2015
Finance Officer approved £40 for Gazette article.24/09/15-19 – Finance Officer to raise order for Gazette article if required.
Raid Log (Key Risks) / Chair / Chair to update at next meeting.
AOB / Chair / Communications report page 4 – Discussion about venues for possible first consultation event “Drink & Mince Pie” in early December. 24/09/15-20 – Secretary to investigate venues for “Drink & Mince Pie” events. Suggestions – Friday evenings – Sibson, Sheepy Upton. – Church, School etc.
Meeting Dates / Secretary / Next Meeting
(Possible meeting with RCC prior to meeting on Thursday 22nd October.)
Thursday 22ndOctober 2015 -7.30pm The Snug – The Cock Inn, Sibson.
Future Meetings
Thursday 19th November 2015
Thursday 17 December 2015
Thursday 21st January 2016
Thursday 18th February 2016
Thursday 24th March 2016
Ref No. / Open Actions / Responsible / Deadline
13/08/15-05 / Revise project plan
29/09 – Noted this was for October. / Andrea Johnson & John Ward / October
13/08/15-09 / Sub Group to investigate forthcoming stake holders and community events.
29/09- Activity on this has begun but was not yet complete. / Andrea Johnson, Suzie Caton & Clive Stretton / September
13/08/15-12 / All members to complete skills matrix and supply address details
24/09- Some members yet to complete. / All / September
24/09/05-01 / Secretary to email members of the group who have yet to supply information. / Clive Stretton / October
24/09/15-02 / Deborah Robbers & Clive Stretton agreed to attend the HBBC Neighbourhood Planning Event 27 October 2015. / Deborah Roberts & Clive Stretton / 27 October 2015
24/09/15-03 / Secretary to circulate “Provision of professional support services for Sheepy Neighbourhood plan” to the group. / Clive Stretton / October
24/09/15-04 / Finance Officer to circulate Finance report to John Ward & Rob Ward / Keith Dixon / October
24/09/15-05 / Finance Officer to send Kirkwells proposal to the Chair / Keith Dixon / October
24/09/15-06 / Chair to report to the Parish Council that we wish to engage the services of RCC. / Andrea Johnson / 6th October
24/09/15-07 / Documentation tosupport 24/09/15-06. / Andrea Johnson & Keith Dixon / 3rd November
24/09/15-08 / Secretary to contact John Preston (RCC) requesting he attend a meeting to explain the quotation in greater detail. Suggested date Tuesday 13th October 2015 – 7.30pm. Venue to be arranged. / Clive Stretton / 13 October 2015
24/09/15-09 / Secretary to make the following amendment to TOR. Membership -The Steering Group will comprise no less than 10 community representatives from the Parish of Sheepy. Where possibleit should include (but not be limited to):
- At least one resident from each Ward within the Sheepy Parish[2]
- At least one Sheepy Parish Councillor.
24/09/15-10 / Chair to present amended TOR to Parish Council for noting. / Andrea Johnson / 3 November 2015
24/09/15-11 / Deborah Roberts to design a spread sheet to record evidence. / Deborah Roberts / October 2015
24/09/15-12 / Secretary to contact Clerk to Parish Council requesting information regarding the process of financial matters between Parish Council and Steering Group / Clive Stretton / October 2015
24/09/15-13 / Chair to seek Parish Councils approval of Steering Groups travel expenses. / Andrea Johnson / October 2015
24/09/15-14 / Communications Officer to confirm with Expand Digital that we wish to proceed. / Kate Gardiner / October 2015
24/09/15-15 / Finance Officer to inform WM Creative and Levells that we don’t wish to engage their services. / Keith Dixon / October 2015
24/09/15-16 / Chair to seek Parish Councils approval for displaying notices/posters on Lamp posts to advertise forthcoming Neighbourhood Plan meetings and events. / Andrea Johnson / 6 October 2015
24/09/15-17 / Secretary to contact Clerk & Chair to Parish Council requesting that Parishioners may raise issues regarding the Neighbourhood Plan during the open forum. / Clive Stretton / October 2015
24/09/15-18 / Communications Officer to submit article by 26th September 2015 / Kate Gardiner / 26 September 2015
24/09/15-19 / Finance Officer to raise order for Gazette article. / Keith Dixon / October 2015
24/09/15-20 / Secretary to investigate venues for “Drink & Mince Pie” events. Suggestions – Friday evenings – Sibson, Sheepy Upton. – Church, School etc. / Clive Stretton / October 2015
Ref No. / Closed Actions / Responsible / Date
13/08/15-01 / Make amendments ready for signing at the next meeting. / Clive Stretton / 24 September
13/08/15-02 / ”Revised Sheepy NP TOR final at 13 June 2015” to be stored as evidence. / Deborah Roberts / 24 September
13/08/15-03 / “Revised Sheepy NP TOR final at 13 June 2015” to be presented to the Parish Council for noting. / Andrea Johnson / 1 September
13/08/15-04 / Store minutes of the Parish Council meeting 4 th August 2015 in the evidence database. / Deborah Roborts / 24 September
13/08/15-06 / Store documents, “Mkt Bosworth NDP Journey” & )“Our Neighbourhood Plan – The Story So Far” in evidence data base / Deborah Roberts / 24 September
13/08/15-07 / Chair to locate copy of Survey previously considered by the Parish Council. / Andrea Johnson / 24 September
13/08/15-08 / Sub Group to revisit content of proposed press articles and present to next month’s meeting / Kate Gardiner, Deborah Roberts
Geoff Bingham / September
13/08/15-10 / Contact RCC to invite one of its members to a meeting / Rob Ward / September
13/08/15-11 / Secretary to arrange a venue for meeting with RCC / Clive Stretton / September
Thursday 24 September 2015. Minutes of Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.
[1]Sheepy Parish comprises the Wards of Sheepy , Sibson, Wellsborough and Upton
[2]Sheepy Parish comprises the Wards of Sheepy , Sibson, Wellsborough and Upton