Bacup & Rawtenstall

Grammar School

Parent Teacher Association

Registered Charity Number 1167128

Parent Teacher Association Meeting

Thursday 25th January 2018


Attending (9): Kaye Turner, Deborah Evans (Chair), Alison Kemp, Maria Shaw, Emma Gauntlett, Andy Parton, Imran Mohammed, Ben Hughes, Tina Dwyfor-Jones

1. Apologies (3): Anna Nuttall, David Stubbs, Sarah Mills

2. Minutes of last meeting held on 16th November 2017

Minutes can be found on the BRGS website (Parents & Students/Parent Teacher Association)

The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.

3. Matters arising

  1. PTA approved £1980 to be spent on tents after discussion between PTA Treasurer and Mrs Chapman regarding storage of tents in school.
  2. PTA approved a further £250 to be assigned to the Sixth Form leadership challenge further to dialogue between PTA Treasurer and Mr Morriss.
  3. PTA agreed in principle to a bid forthcoming from Mr Chambers to support the Year 7 Activity Day.
  4. £421.05 was received from the Quiz Night which after minor expenses resulted in a £362.87 profit. A significant number of Year 7 parents attended and reports have been positive regarding the evening. Miss Gauntlett is to put on INSIGHT how much the Quiz Night made along with an invitation to the Comedy Night on the 16th March at Marl Pits starting at 8.30 pm. This will be circulated when the Comedy Night poster has been revised.

4. Treasurer’s Report:-


£6,402.49 in the bank

£147.29 cash in hand


£11,613.04 in the bank

£147.29 cash in hand

5. 200 Club:-

Balance is £3,415.98

December = lost 5 and gained 1 member

January = lost 4 and gained 1 member

Total of 187 members

We can still advertise as there are place available.

Draws were made for January with the winning number 49 being awarded £237.50 and the winning number 192 being awarded £233.75.

Imran will put together a digital flier to advertise the 200 Club for school to post on INSIGHT, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Kaye will clarify who is eligible to be in the 200 Club and whether there should be a parental link requirement. Kaye will also investigate how many people can be part of the 200 Club and whether there is a limit on participation.

6. Parents’ Evenings: refreshment arrangements

Thank you to those who have volunteered already this year. Alison reported that we are fine for the next two parents’ evenings with regards to volunteers.

7. Future Fundraising Events

Comedy Night

Andy reported that the venue and acts have been booked and paid for. Andy is now liaising with the caterers. A pdf of the poster is to be emailed to Deborah and will be amended to ensure that the process of purchasing tickets is accessible and straightforward.

PTA members will bring in possible raffle prizes for the Comedy Night to the next meeting.

PTA members were tasked with selling tickets for the Comedy Night as 66 need to be sold in order to break even.

8. School Report

  1. Year 11 trial results day on the 27th January. Discussed the significant amount of planning which goes into the reflection process post-results.
  2. Reflected on Year 9 Parents’ Evening and the Next Steps Evening for Year 9 prior to Christmas.
  3. Discussion regarding what parents see as selling points of the Sixth Form at BRGS.
  4. Work to developed BRGS values statements has progressed and will be shared with parents in the near future.

9. Any other business

  1. Imran suggested the use of roller banners at school events to advertise BRGS PTA and will investigate prices.
  2. Alison suggested using the TV screens in the hall to advertise future PTA events too.
  3. Query regarding BRGS Entrance Exam date. Emma advised all admissions information is on the school website.
  4. Grand raffle is to be discussed at the next meeting on the 8th March.

BRGS PTA Secretary ()
