Dan Anderson C/O Metro Property Management,
10800 E. Bethany Drive, Suite 235, Aurora, CO 80014
Good communication between residents and the HOA is very important. As such, we are once again asking all owners and residents to submit current email addresses to the HOA so important information regarding the North End Townhome Condominium Association is available to everyone.
Most information regarding the HOA will be transmitted to you by email only. Using email saves the HOA time and money by utilizing the internet rather than paper and postage. If you do not have email, please contact us so we may send you a paper copy of any notices/newsletters.
All owners/residents who have not provided the HOA with either their email address or their lack of email will receive this newsletter one last time per postal mail.
As spring quickly approaches, landscape maintenance will soon begin. Maintenance of all fenced in areas are included in the contract with Metco Landscape, Inc., the same company with whom the HOA contracted for landscape maintenance last year.
Several residents have informed us they would like to do their own landscape maintenance within the fenced in areas. Other residents prefer Metco to take care of this.
If you would like to perform the landscape maintenance in your fenced in area, please contact Dan Anderson so he can give a list to Metro Landscape, Inc. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you want to have Metro maintain the enclosed area. Metco will maintain these areas on an every other week rotating schedule. Homes on the east side of Hecla Drive with be maintained one week followed by homes located on the west side of Hecla Drive during the alternating week.
Should you choose to perform the landscape maintenance in your fenced area, this includes only maintenance on the established landscape within that space. Any modifications to the landscape design/plantings must be submitted to the HOA for approval before any changes are made.
Lastly, if you have concerns with your landscaping, please let us know right away so we can take corrective measures.
2018 Painting Update
2018 is the third year of our six-year plan to repaint all the units in the North End Townhome Condominium complex. The units scheduled for repainting are; the town homes at 2226 Hecla and two duplexes at 2250 and 2190. No change in paint color is planned, with the work to be started in the spring. The exact dates have not been established yet with our painting contractor. All affected home owners will be notified in advance of the start of any work. As in past years the contractor will need to place a small storage container near the work site. This most likely will be in one of the parking spaces at the East end of the townhomes at 2226.
Fire Danger
As we get into the warmer months we should all be aware of the increased danger of wild fires. Given the dry winter we have had and the fact that a large portion of our community backs on open space, the danger of a rapidly spreading grass fire is high. Don’t be complacent about the danger, take care with any open fires, watch where you discard your cigarettes and heed all open burning restriction notices.
The garage doors on all our units are very heavy and over time the nuts and bolts holding the doors together can become loose. When this happens, the doors begin to wobble and become very noisy when they are raised and lowered. If the hardware is not periodically tightened, the doors may eventually become damaged.
Unfortunately, our garage doors are no longer being made. Having to replace the doors would be very costly and replacing them with doors that are different would affect the aesthetic of our buildings.
The HOA is asking all residents to tighten the bolts holding their garage doors every 3-6 months or as needed to keep the doors in good working order. If you are not able to perform this task, please contact Dan Anderson at and he will arrange for someone to come to your unit to complete the maintenance.
If you need to contact the North End Townhome HOA, you may contact Dan Anderson, Association Manager at Metro Property @ 303-309-6220 or . If a communication requires board action, the board members will be notified of your concern/comments in a timely manner. If the communication is general in nature, it will be communicated to the board at the next board meeting.
The North End Master HOA can be contacted through Cindy Henry at .
Dan AndersonPresident
Metro Property Management Robert (Bob) Kudola
10800 E. Bethany Drive, Suite 235
Aurora, CO 80014Vice President/Treasurer Sandra (Sandy) Neville
Phone: 303.309.6220
Fax: 303.309.6222Secretary
Tammy Fredrickson