Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories Unit
Monday, Nov. 11Veterans Day
(in class) – Assign groups and stories
(HW) Read your short story the first time and answerthe Study Guide questions to discuss with your group / Tuesday, Nov. 12
(in class) - Discuss the story with your group and complete a Group Study Guide questions sheet
(HW) Study
“The Raven” Vocabulary / Wed., Nov. 13
(in class) –
“The Raven” Vocabulary test
Learn suspense, mood, and tone
(HW) - Read your short story the second time and complete the Multiple Choice questions and Vocabulary sheets / Thurs., Nov. 14
(in class) –
Review Multiple Choice questions and Vocabulary
Assign presentation parts and begin work
(HW) – Study for
Individual assessments on short story comprehension and vocabulary / Friday, Nov. 15
(in class) - Individual assessments on short story comprehension and vocabulary
(HW) - Gather your information to begin your slides Monday
Monday, Nov. 18
(in the Computer Lab) - Work on your PPT slides / Tuesday, Nov. 19
(in class) – Jr. Scholastic – due M 11/25
(HW) - Complete PPT slides for merging / Wed., Nov. 20
(in the Computer Lab) - Merge your PPT slides / Thurs., Nov. 21
Presentations in the classroom / Friday, Nov. 22
Most Suspenseful Poe Story Tournament
As you read and discuss your short story with your group, each person will need to:
- Record yourown notes, definitions, and literary devices that Poe uses on one loose leaf page FRONT AND BACK. This paper will be collected from each student at his/her presentation time.It is worthpoints.
- Write a paragraph defining mood and tone andprovide textual evidence of mood and tone in the story. This paper will be collected from each student at his/her presentation time.It is worth points.
- Answer the Study Guide questions to discuss with your group
- Answer the Multiple Choice questions and Vocabulary sheets to discuss with your group
- Individual assessments on your story and the vocabulary
As a group, you will:
- Discuss and complete a Group Study Guide questions sheet
- Create a slide show depicting:
- A title slide with story title and author, and visuals representing your story
- The setting of your story with textual evidence to support
- The theme of your story (remember subject and predicate) with textual evidence to support
- A plot diagram of your story’s development with each part labeled
- Explanation of the mood, tone, and suspensefulness of the story with examples and definitions of the vocabulary used in the story to create those
Each group will give their presentation on their story for the rest of the class
Standards being assessed: Reading Literature, Speaking/Listening