Working Cow Horse Syllabus

ANS 297

Spring 2015

Instructor: Wade Black

Instructor Contact Information:

Office: V-T

Phone: (541) 881-8822, ext. 305

Office Hours: M W F 8:00-9:00 a.m., T TH 9:30-10:30


Class times: M- F 2:00 -3:30

Course Description:

Prepares a student to train a horse for all aspects of ranching, including cattle sorting, gate work, trailing and roping.


ANS 192

Course Topics:

Roping cattle

Doctoring cattle

Opening and closing gates- horseback

Loading cattle in a trailer

Roping horses

Trailing cattle

Getting the horse to pull

Getting the horse to hold

Course Outcome:

Demonstrate how to teach a horse to:

Sort cattle

Rope cattle

Allow rider to open and close gates

Trail cattle

Demonstrate how to teach horse to pull cattle on a rope

Teach horse to “hobble” or while rider is off saddle

Teach horse to let rider open and close gate while mounted

Grading and Course Requirements:

Grading in all horse training classes will be preparing you to train horses for the public. Principles learned in this class will benefit your horse training whether you plan to do it full time for the public, or train your own horses as a part time business or hobby. In order to be a successful horse trainer there are four qualities that are essential: Work ethic, integrity, quality standards, and client education/ interaction. Throughout the week I will teach the classes showing you how to perform different aspects of horse training. Every two weeks you will need to send a video to me as the client showing me what I have been paying you for. You will need to demonstrate what you have taught my horse and explain to me his progression on the score sheets (task completion, foundation & temperament). It is important that you understand when starting your equine business that there are 7.1 million people in the equine industry and 85-90% are inexperienced horse owners. To prepare you for your customer, I will be grading you on comprehension of vocabulary words and your ability to help me understand as an inexperience horse owner how to eliminate resistance when I take my horse home to do a job.

Score Sheets (Work Ethic) 100 Points

Attendance (Integrity) 100 Points

Practical Quizzes (Quality Standards) 100 Points

Quiz (Client Education) 100 Points

-Branding Videos

- Questions 100 Points

- Written Test (Client Education) 200 Points

700 Points

Attendance is essential to your success in this course. In order to be successful in any profession a person must have work ethic and integrity. Attendance is the perfect scale to judge your work ethic and integrity and reflects what type of employee you will be some day. If you have to miss a day (integrity), I will not deduct points on work ethic as long as you make it up outside of class.

Tardy and Cell Phone Policy

In concordance with Ray Hunt training methods “Make the wrong thing difficult and the right thing easy". If you are late to class or caught on your phones you will be required to do five pushups (increase by five times every time you are late) or sing a nursery rhyme in a foreign accent of your choice.

Instructor Goals:

My goal as your instructor is to give my students the knowledge, skills, work ethic and integrity it takes to be successful in the equine industry. In all my classes we will be focusing on taking the material taught from class to help you build your ownequinebusiness focused around your talents, passions and desires. I look forward to getting to know you each as individuals and helping you find the career path that best fits you.

Grading Scale:

A= 100-90%

B= 89-80%

C= 79-70%

D= 69-60%

F= Below 60%

Non-Discrimination Statement: It is the policy of Treasure Valley Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, marital status, religion, nation origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. Persons having any questions about equal opportunity and non-discrimination should contact Human Recourses Director located in the Student Services Center on the south side of the Four River Cultural Center Building. Telephone: (541) - 881-8222, ext. 226 or TDD (541) 881-2723

Special Needs Contact Statement: Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodation should contact the Disabilities Services Coordinator at Treasure Valley Community College, 650 College Blvd., Ontario, Or 97914. Telephone: (541) 881-8822, ext. 234 or TDD (541) 881-2723

Academic Honesty Statement: Students at Treasure Valley Community College are expected to practice academic honesty by not cheating, plagiarizing, or misrepresenting their coursework in any way. Students are ultimately responsible for understanding and avoiding academic dishonesty whether such incidences are intentional or unintentional. Violations may result in failure of an assignment or failure of a course. For questions related to academic honesty policies, please contact Student Services. Telephone: (541) 881-8822, ext. 200 or TDD (541) 881-2723

Working Cow Horse Training: Couse Outline

Week 1

Lesson: Course Syllabus, DemonstrationalVideos

RodeaSyleBranding 2

Bush Up On Foundation for Perfection: QuizHorsemanship Final.docx

Notes Foundation for Perfection: Horsemanship, Stockmanship, Human Relations

Foundation for Perfection + horsemanship, stockmanship, human relations + notes.docx

StockmanshipQuiz: Stockmanship Final.docx

2nd Month Score Sheets

- TFTCform.pdf

- Foundation for Perfection Checklist.pdf

2nd Month Task Completions

- Working Cow Horse + 2nd Month Task Completions.docx

Week 2

Focus: Test Horse for Class: Straight Lines and Curved Lines (Horizontal Direction), 4 Stages with Willing Submission

  1. Keep horse between your hands and feet riding a perfectly straight line, stop straight and back straight (stage two)
  2. Use stage three to keep your horse between your hands and feet
  3. When you stop say whoa, sit down, and wait for stage two
  1. Keep horse between your hands and feet riding a perfectly curve line around a barrel
  2. Start at a walk and demonstrate the six signs of horizontal direction with vertical direction waking around the barrel
  3. Get where you can have them ride perfecting between your hands and feet moving them out (stage three) or in (stage four) to the circle. (Off set your hands having your inside rein higher than your outside rein. The inside rein higher will help move your horse’s feet over and the outside rein lower will help keep vertical direction.)
  4. Once you have it perfect at a walk then jig, then trot, then lope
  5. As you increase speed make a bigger circle around the barrel just make sure you don’t lose horizontal and vertical direction.

Homework: Fill out score sheets

Read Ch. 4 in Cow Horse Confidence "Power of Position"

Take QuizChapter 4 Cow Horse Confidence Quiz.docx

Introduction to Ranch Roping: (Building a Loop)

Heal Loop: Swing, Delivery, Follow Through

Week 3


  1. Practice four stages roping dummy (play a game of pig on horses)

- Example: Position horse to take a head shot

  1. Ride past the dummy stage 1 and turn and face the dummy
  2. Stage two with willing submission
  3. Throw a loop with one to two coils in your hand (out of the calves flight zone)
  4. Stage one until you are parallel with the dummy and then do stage three side passing up the dummy and take loop off
  5. Stage four and ride away from the dummy

Homework: Fill out 2nd month score sheets

Cow Horse Confidence (CH. 7 "Theory and Reality: Cow Horses and Controlling Cattle")

Chapter 7 Questions Cow Horse Confidence CH. 7.docx

Chapter 4 and 7 questions due no later than Thursday 10/22

Cow Horse Confidence ch. 5.docx

Week 4

Thursday field trip 10/22

Next Tuesday 10/27: Grade Chapter 5 Question


Stopping exercises from book

  1. Demonstrate mechanical foundation slipping rope
  2. Put rope on a fence post and demonstrate the 4 stages with willing submission slipping rope.
  1. Rim fire prevention drill
  2. Put rope on a post and back up three to four coils like you just roped a calf
  3. Coil up and get short so you can give a good handle
  4. Do stage four slipping rope until the calf (log) is behind you
  5. Start pulling log giving a handle on the right side of your horse
  6. Pretend someone caught the calves right eye when they came in to heal it, running the calf behind your horse
  7. Keep your dallies and pick up your rope so it goes over your horses butt.
  8. Give a handle on the left side of your horse.
  9. Pretend your healer knows nothing about fight zone and balance point and continues to chase the calf by you on the left side of your horse (turn into the post)
  10. Pop your turns flip the rope over your head and around your horses head dally again and give a handle again on the right side of your horse.
  1. Weave in and out of barrels
  2. Demonstrate stage three with willing submission weaving in and out of barrels
  3. Do stage four at the end of the barrels (with willing submission)
  4. Go back through the barrels demonstrating stage four (with willing submission)

*Remember your reins show them where to go and your feet get them there. After doing stage 3 through the barrels your horse should be moving laterally off your feet. When you go back through doing stage four touch them with your reins then move them with your feet, when the reins get tied to the feet you should be neck reining through the barrels.

Homework: Fill out 2nd Month Score Sheets

Cow Horse Confidence (Ch. 5 "Stock Handling Maneuvers) Take Quiz

Week 5


Work on Midterm Video: Submit a clip showing horse performing week 2-4 task completion exercises

Client Education: Send me a summary of your score sheets showing your horses advancement in task completion, temperament and foundation.


Cow Horse Confidence (Ch. 4 "The Power of Position")

Take Quiz

Week 6


Working out of Rodear

  1. Demonstrate understanding of flight zone and balance point while working cattle
  2. Using horsemanship (four stages with willing submission) position your horse to turn a steer away from you (right and left) and into you (right and left)

Tip: Think about where the herd is and use it to your advantage

Big Picture: I am trying to give you skills that would be needed in working out of a rodear. If you have to trot you obviously are not reading flight zone and balance point and you would be scattering the herd and un-mothering cows and calves making it hard to mother up pairs to sort out. So stay in a walk and practice horsemanship and stockmanship.


Fill out Second Month Task Completions

Cow Horse Confidence (Ch. 6 "Cattle 101: Learning to Read and Control Cows")

Week 7

No lass Preg Check and Ranching Roping Short Course Week

Week 8


- Working out of Rodear

- Position horse to take a heal shot (horsemanship, stockmanship, roping).

- Heeling each other’s horse, pull dummy and donkeys


  1. Have someone ride next to you and parallel their tracks (right hand lane)
  2. Do stage three with vertical direction to the right to hold your horse out
  3. Have you partner make a sharp ninety degree turn (stage one or stage four)
  4. Do stage four with willing submission and parallel your partners tracks switching from the right hand lane to the left hand lane to influence the direction of the animal where you can get a good heal shot
  5. Pretend the calf starts to run up the rope. Keeping your horse riding between your hands and feet pull out and get ahead of the balance point slowing down the calf then fall back into position (try not to hit your partner in the head with your loop, stay wide)
  6. Then do stage three with vertical direction to put your horse back into position (your horses head on your partners left hip)
  7. Putt more weight in your outside stirrup and lead with your left shoulder to help push your horse in position. (Keep your horse between your hands and feet, don’t get ahead of your horse!)
  8. Push your reins forward once your horse is in position
  9. Throw rope and stop horse waiting for stage 2 with willing submission and vertical direction (when stage two gets through with willing submission the horses head will come down and break in the poll)


  1. Swing (loop should be horizontal, with the tip of your loop going over the top of the horse’s butt every swing)
  2. Delivery (break top strand over the hock)
  3. Follow through (put pinky in the dirt or have palm facing you)
  4. Stop horse straight (stage 2)
  5. Pull slack

As your right hand goes down to deliver your rope, your left hand

goes up to stop your horse.

  1. Drop your slack and let horse step out and then dally
  2. Step off and throw your hat in the air (just kidding)


Fill out 2nd Month Score Sheets

Cow Horse Confidence (Ch. 11 "Working Cattle In the Rodear)

Take Quiz

Week 9


Ranch Roping


Fill Out Second Month Task Completion Score Sheets

Cow Horse Confidence (CH. 12 Low-Stress Sorting and Branding Techniques)

Take Quiz

Week 10


Ranch Roping


Fill Out Score Sheets

Cow Horse Confidence (Ch. 15 Ranch Roping For Work and Fun)

Take Quiz

Week 11


Ranch Roping

Work on Final Video (Submit Ranch Roping Video)


Cow Horse Confidence (CH. 16 "Get Practical: Different Loops and When to Use them).

Week 12


-- Present Final Videos and Score Sheets