Model Automated eXchange


Table of Contents


1.1Specification Definition

1.2Intended Audiences


2Project Needs

3Functional Requirements

3.1Max functional scope

3.2Transform format

3.3Modeling tool interface

3.4Transport format interface

3.5Database interface

4MAX process

4.1Process flow

Table of Figures

Figure 1: MAX functional scope

Figure 2: Transform format

Figure 3: Modeling tool interface

Figure 4: Transport format interface

Figure 5: Database interface

Figure 6: MAX process flow


Many HL7 Work Groups use a UML modeling tool to produce Domain Analysis Models and Detailed Clinical Models. There is a common need of the Work Groups to import data into and export data from the model tool repository. Enabling model content import/export capabilities would enhance the productivity of the modellers. The intent of this project is to provide the maximum capability, flexibility and extensibility of all the options for model data access. XMI is the prevailing means of exchanging model element data today. However the use of XMI presents challenges and complications when exchanging data at a level of granularity below a model or model package and when importing data from multiple sources into a single target model.

1.1Specification Definition

This specification documents the conceptual requirements required to design an automated model exchange system

1.2Intended Audiences

The intended audiences of stakeholders for this specification include:

  • Subject matter experts:
  • Toolsmiths:


This specification references or complies with the following documents:

  • Project Charter

2Project Needs

  • Not vendor dependent
  • Share workload
  • Roundtrip data
  • Remove cut and paste
  • Share data with public resources
  • caDSR
  • Traceability

3Functional Requirements

The section of the SRS specifies the functional requirements of the system in terms of use cases and their associated use case paths.

3.1Max functional scope

The following use case diagrams summarize the functional scope for MAX:

Figure 1: MAX functional scope

Use Cases

  • Transform format
  • Modeling tool interface
  • Transport format interface
  • Database interface

3.2Transform format

Figure 2: Transform format

Use Cases

  • Transform format
  • In order to transfer data from one system to another, the data must be placed into a single standard data format. This format should contain a set of UML attributes as well as the ability to add custom attributes.
  • Translate from MAX profile
  • Translate to MAX profile

3.3Modeling tool interface

Figure 3: Modeling tool interface

Use Cases

  • Modeling tool interface
  • Each modeling tool that will interface with MAX will need to have a mechanism to handle the input and output of data for that system. The modeling tool interface will be responsible for translating the information from the vender proprietary format into the MAX profile.Translate from MAX profile
  • Read from modeling tool
  • Write to modeling tool
  • Enterprise Architect interface
  • Rational Interface
  • Visio Interface

3.4Transport format interface

Figure 4: Transport format interface

Use Cases

  • Transport format interface
  • MAX will be able to output data to multiple transport formats (CSV, XML, delimited text), Each transport format that is identified to interface with MAX will need to have a mechanism to handle the input and output of data for that format. The modeling tool interface will be responsible for translating the information from the transport format into the MAX profile.
  • Read from transport format
  • Write to transport format.
  • CSV interface
  • XML interface
  • MIF interface

3.5Database interface

Figure 5: Database interface

Use Cases

  • Database interface
  • Each database that MAX will interface with will need to have a mechanism to handle the input and output of data for that database. The database interface will be responsible for translating the information from the database format into the MAX profile.
  • Write to database
  • Read from database
  • caDSR interface

4MAX process

Figure 6: MAX process flow

4.1Process flow

  • Declare desired subset - The user will identify the set of model attributes that they are interested in as well as the desired format for the end result.
  • Export model - The entire model content will be exposed in a manner that is accessible to MAX.
  • Extract desired subset for export - MAX will filter out the model attributes that were identified by the user.
  • Format elements to user desired format - The model elements will be formatted in the manner requested by the user.

MAX Requirements 09/13/2011 / v.0.1 / Page 1