Communication Department Meeting


Attendance: AMR, Baus, Disrude, Fishburn, Frederick, French, Hixson, Ibrahim, Jones, Kates, Kranenburg, Ksobiech, Lowell, Lucas, Mead, Ridgeman, Robinson, Spiegelhoff, TerKeurst, Terracina-Hartman, Um, Vogl-Bauer, Wachanga, Welch, Wildermuth.

Guests: Sarah Altermatt and Karen Fischer

Meeting was called to order at 3:41 pm in Heide Hall Room 113.

September 19, 2013 agenda approved unanimously on a Spiegelhoff/Lowell motion.

August 29, 2013 minutes approved on a Lucas/French motion.

Website Update: Altermatt gave a presentation on how faculty can update their profiles on the new college website. Instructions will also be sent via email.

Center for Students with Disabilities: Fischer discussed the new procedure for notetakers.

Old Business:

Assessment Updates:

Advertising – Kranenburg reported that they have two learning outcomes that they will be measuring this semester.

Broadcast/Print/Web – Kates reported that they are continuing to gather data.

Corporate and Health Communication – Baus said they are beginning to collect data on one of their objectives.

MAGD – TerKeurst reported that they are working on writing evaluations.

Public Relations – Frederick reported that they are reviewing what they need to gather this semester and getting Knabe up to speed.

Goal Updates:

Hixson reported that TerKeurst is in charge of the goals as one of duties as Assistant Chair.

  1. Move forward on Assessment. Vogl-Bauer and Herriott are heading up this goal. Vogl-Bauer encouraged teams to look at goals and objectives.
  2. Strategic Plan for Undergraduate Research. Frederick and Welch are heading up this goal. Welch said they have invited a representative from Undergraduate Research to come and speak.
  3. Connect with student org offices to enhance students and faculty of opportunity efforts. Currently no volunteers for this committee.
  4. Connect w/alumni and community organizations. Baus and Hixson are heading up this goal.

Committee Reports:

Frederick reminded faculty to send in their library requests.

French reported that she is on the general education committee and that this committee is being revamped. She said if they have any thoughts to please let her know.

New Business:

Curriculum Changes

  1. Electronic Media curriculum presentation by Mead and Lucas. Mead reviewed the three tier option, core classes and the addition and deletion of courses. Mead said the new curriculum will help improve communication skills both orally and in writing. Lucas added that they looked at what is going on in the electronic media field and at their goals from assessment and how they can be addressed in the new curriculum. Vogl-Bauer commented that she thought it would be good to have a memo attached expanding on why the curriculum is changing, four year plans and how FTE will be affected with the addition of courses. Discussion followed regarding prerequisites, other possible course additions to the major, internship credits and independent studies for undergraduate research only. Final read will be at the October meeting.
  2. Pre-requisite changes: Hixson presented curriculum changes to help reduce the “shadow” student issues we are having in the department. Courses have been selected in each major in which students will not be able to enroll unless they have officially declared their major.

MAGD Majors:MAGD 270 or 271

Broadcast/Print/Web: 237 or 486

Advertising: Journlsm 364

Public Relations: Comm 302 or 402

Corporate Health: Comm 373 or 389

Fishburn asked if we needed to do consultation with other departments because 270 and 271 also fall under Art and Computer Science.

  1. Submajors (emphases) to 36 credits: Hixson reported that the Provost has mandated that majors be no more than 36 credits so updates were done to all the submajors in the department as presented.

Search & Screen: Hixson announced that two positions have been approved.

1)Organizational Communication Generalist: (Penington replacement) Wachanga will chair this committee and other search members are: French, Knabe, Ksobiech and Welch.

2)New Media/MAGD: (Spencer’s replacement) This position will now be tenured track. TerKeurst will chair this committee and other search members are: Brady, Fishburn, Kranenburg and Um.

University Overload Policy: Hixson reported that there is a new policy in which you cannot earn more than 33% of your base salary, but there are exceptions, such as Winterim does not count but summer does.

Birthdays and Other Announcements:

September 25 is Undergraduate Research Day and please encourage your students to attend.

Hixson said the new schedule grid has been signed off on and will be effective Fall 2014.

Birthdays were observed.

Ridgeman reminded faculty to turn in their social dues.

Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm by a Lucas/Spiegelhoff motion.