WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014 @ 6:00 p.m.
1.The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jerry Wusterbarth.
2.Roll Call: Beth Aubut, Sheri Groll, Todd Hearley, Jerry Wusterbarth
Absent: Oralee Martin
Others Present: Mayor V. Bostedt, John Bostedt (Park, Rec., and Forestry Director), Cordula Van Den Heuvel and daughter Amber, Donny Exferd, Bob LeBreck, Craig Schmidt and son Michael, and 8 other citizens
3.Approval of agenda was established by Hearley and seconded by Groll. (4 Ayes)
4.Aubut called approval of Park & Rec. meeting minutes from 4/23/14, 4/30/14 & 5/12/14. Hearley seconded. (4 Ayes)
5.Public Input: Carol Wittkopf and family members, originators of the Holtwood Michael Wittkopf Memorial Disk Golf issued several maintenance questions. The grounds are City owned, however, their family helps maintain as it was professionally designed and is league-respected. Carol relayed its history and future intentions. Major concerns were the poison ivy and weeds which need to be “green”-sprayed in the rough. Ideally the course should be cut once every 1-2 weeks and the rough every 3-4 weeks. Some area needs to be leveled and dead trees need attention. The problem became evident to all: lack of Park and Rec. full-time help and seasonal help from only June - August. The Mayor explained that the new responsibilities of our growing City recreational areas are over-whelming and it remains the only department without added full-time help. Director Bostedt reported that the brush-cutter is inadequate, out-dated and although fixed regularly needs to be replaced. We only have 2 tractors which are shared between the Park and Street crews. Both parties in attendance remain frustrated with the no-win situation at present. The Wittkopf offered to mark the stumps which Donny Exferd felt essential. It was suggested the Wittkopf family bring the issue to the Council. Lastly, the family wants to know if they can use City equipment: liabilities/legalities.
6.Correspondence: None.
Discussion/recommendation/action on the following:
7.Parks & Recreation
a.Oconto Bird City Nature Festival-- Cordula reported that all is going well. WPS had donated printing of 1,000 brochures. The Story Book opening was a success.Groll moved that we pay for Bay Impressions printing of $222.49 and to spend the remaining sum in a different way, due to lesser costs. Hearley seconded. (4 Ayes)
b.Update on BirdCity— Van Den Heuvel has given 2 Grants for expanding City trails which need completion by City staff. It was suggested that the next Eagle Scout project be a boardwalk on our trails. Daughter Amber presented 2 commendations for the recognition and appreciation of the Copper Culture Trail from the Blue Bird Restoration Association of WI and the Van Den Heuvel’s for providing habitat conserving Wisconsin Eastern Bluebirds. The P.R. continues.
c.Access at Breakwater Park for Ice Fishing— John Bostedt indicated that early June there will be an on-site meeting with Crystal from the DNR, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth and Director Bostedt. Once understanding the site it is expected to be approved. She will also view the entire area for familiarity.
d.Request for Bench at Multi-Modal Trail— Director Bostedt expressed the desire of Fess Griebler to create, donate and place a bench next to the trail. It will have to be cleared by the DOT as it is near their trail. Park and Rec. would be expected to maintain it. A bench drawing is requested.Hearley moved that the Multi-Modal Trail bench proceed with a Groll second. (4 Ayes)
8.DogPark – Lauren and Mark Resch— no action taken-
9.Eagle Scout Outdoor Movie Facility (Michael Schmidt) — Dale Steffenhagen will donate all materials in the name of Oconto Youth Football (to be recognized on the sign with the Oconto Boy Scouts).
10.Aageson Pool— Professionals have removed the 25% asbestos present. Stock and Stellmacher are backing off the project so a replacement firm will be found with a hopeful comparable quote: $6,400.00. We also are waiting for the start of the season to bring Kubiak Pools. Hearley motioned for Director Bostedt to find bids from new firms to replace Stock and Stellmacher. Groll seconded. (4 Ayes)
11.Holtwood Campground Update / Online Reservations— The Committee was introduced to Office Manager Barb and Campground Manager Rex Loendorf. It was mentioned that their employment is working out well already. Wood (that comes in/is taken or needed at off hours) continues to be an issue. There is a felled tree with which to deal. Hearley urged that we update the Holtwood bathrooms, showers, and laundry facilities under one pole building, and that the office too be updated. The area is in a flood plain so that must be considered for usage and storage. Hearley felt one pole building could accommodate all these needs: “Let’s upgrade this.” LeBreck noted that the last 2 years were at least in the black; why can’t we use that money for this upgrade? The Mayor indicated that in the meantime Daryl Anderson offered to help with these issues there. How much is in the account? Needed are pictures and a price. Ideally, Hearley suggested a couple rentable camping cabins in the future. Finally, Office Manager Barb requested a map be added to the website; John Bostedt already has the map in process.
12.City Park/City Park Campground / Lighting for Horseshoe/Volleyball areas—Wusterbarth suggested John speak with Jeremy about the pole/light taken down at the old Hardee’s location.Hearley approved of going forward with lighting the Horseshoe and Volleyball areas in a voluntary mode. Aubut seconded. (4 Ayes)
13.Holtwood Sporting Complex / Update on Summer Schedule—Director Bostedt reported that ball has started: some nights 2 fields, some nights 5. After Memorial Day full field usage is potential. Presently Parks is working on the new field; volunteers have been magnanimous and that includes County donation.
14.Parks Update :
a.City Docks – Beth Aubut says that it is well prepared for the Friday family event.
b.CityPark & Campground – Oralee MartinIt was noted that the grass is growing but it is scheduled; Dennis and Oralee Martin deserve appreciation for helping Troy clean up the rental out there.
c.Copper Culture – Todd Hearley indicated it is fine.
d.Bond Park – All admire it. John says that the other ½ of the park will be finished with the money coming: a 2-3 seat swing set and exercise stations with a brick arch (made of original bricks) will stand in memory of its namesake. All extra time spent on the transplanted trees last summer has proved successful.
e.FreedomPark – All Pat Hansen, Jim Lacourciere and the Women’s Club have generously planted Oconto downtown flowers and some parks.
f.Holtwood Park – Jerry Wusterbarth indicated that it looks great.
g.SharpPark – Sheri Groll/Oralee Martin / Pickle Ball Courts—It was agreed that Park and Rec. will hire the Street Department. Superintendent Wusterbarth estimates a cost of $150.00-$200.00. Pickle Ball leadership will be there with the plan and layout during the work, and offered to pay for the paint. Finally, bathroom doors will be opened.
15.Special Events Update
a.The Memorial Day Parade (Monday/May 26th @ 10:30 a.m.) will start at City Hall.
b.Flag Day will be held June 12th @ 6:00 p.m. at the Oconto County Courthouse.
c.Oconto’s Première Nature Festival will be June 21st from11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at CopperCulturePark.
d.Oconto Girl’s Softball Tournament – June 20th ,21st and 22nd
e.Cabela’s Fishing Tournament – June 20th ,21st and 22nd
f.Wisconsin Bass Tournament – June 27th, 28th and 29th-at no cost to the City-
g.Oconto Little League Tournament - June 27th, 28th and 29thJerry emphasized that all should come and see: fun and lots of good food! Every bit of the money here goes back into our City.
16.Park Inspection Report: Director Bostedt and staff assured the Board that they are doing the best that they can. The Board supports its Director. Exferd said that he is worried about the demands on the Campground Manager and about wood purchase times: it was suggested wood be available during office hours only. Campers who come in during closed hours take advantage of the system. How do we control it? At present it will have to be on the honor system with John and Donny adding a motion detector with light, and cameras. Do we need wagons? How do we assure they will be returned?
17. Next meeting date/time: Wednesday, June 18th @ 6 p.m.
Agenda items: Holtwood Campground Update/Online Reservations
Holtwood Facilities: bathrooms/showers/laundry
18. Hearley called for adjournment @ 8:25 p.m. and Aubut seconded.M/C
Minutes submitted by
Susan K. Seidl