ITE 105 StrengthsQuest Chapter 6 Page 1
Strengths Quest (43 points)Chapter 6 Considering Strengths when Planning Your Education
ITE 105 Strengths Quest Chapter 6
Name ______
Questions to Help Your Educational Planning
To help you make wise educational decisions, we have listed several questions for your thoughtful reflections.
Instructions: Hold down the shift key before you hit the Enter key immediately after each question for your answer so that you do NOT renumber the questions.
1. Self Assessment of Talents (4 points)
a) Which of your Signature Themes describes you best?
b) Which of your Signature Themes hold the talents you use most frequently?
c) In which of your Signature Themes are your talents most highly refined?
d) Which talents do you want to maximize the most in college?
2. Motivations, Dreams, and Desires About College (6 points)
a) What are you hoping will happen while you are in college?
b) What do you want to be able to do as a result of going to college?
c) Image that you have graduated from college and you feel great. What would make you feel so great about your experience?
d) Which of your talents do you believe will be most instrumental in helping you fulfill your dreams and desires for college?
e) Which of your talents do you plan to develop through classes and extracurricular activities?
f) What images come to your mind when you think about fully maximizing your talents through strengths development?
3. Self-Assessment of Intellectual Interest and Curiosities (3 points)
a) What do you seem to learn with the greatest ease?
b) What have your teachers complimented you about?
c) What do you have a burning desire to know and understand?
4. Vocational, Career and 4 year Degree Aspirations (5 points)
a) To date, what experiences have been your most fulfilling?
b) Which careers seem most interesting and attractive to you?
c) In what career would you be able to best use your greatest talents?
d) Give your general career interests and vocation, what types of university 4 year degree will you need?
e) Which courses and college opportunities can help you best prepare for your vocation, career, and complete a BS degree at a university?
5. Time and Energy Demands (4 points)
a) What are your family responsibilities, and how much time will they require each week?
b) How many hours per week must you work to meet your financial responsibilities?
c) To achieve highly in each of your classes, how much time will be required each week? How many credit hours are your currently taking?
d) Which of your most natural talents can you count on to make your efforts time- and energy-efficient?
6. Self-Assessment of Academic Abilities (7 points)
a) In what areas do you have the greatest academic abilities?
b) On what types of tests do you score higher?
c) What has been your favorite type of assignment?
d) What subjects do you most enjoy studying?
e) How have your greatest talents helped you succeed in the past?
f) What academic tasks employ your most powerful talents?
g) In which academic tasks would you like to discover how to better apply your greatest talents?
7. Degree Structure and Requirements (14 points)
a) What courses must you take to graduate? (Attach a completed track sheet – 10 points)
b) Where do you have flexibility in fulfilling your graduation requirements?
c) What are the 4 year university entrance requirements for the programs you are considering? What university are you considering?
d) What classes will best prepare you to enter the career or university you are considering?
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